
一、单螺杆泵的优点: 单螺杆泵由于型线简单、型面精度要求不高,可采用无屑加工的高效工艺,所以价格低,在其结构及适应性等方面也有诸多优点,在非润滑介质、含固体介质和腐蚀性介质的输送方面独树一帜。目前,国内生产单螺杆泵的企业远多于生产双、三螺杆泵企业。单螺杆泵中单头单螺杆泵(即1/2型面)占绝大多数,而国际上已逐步推广先进的双头单螺杆泵(即2/3型面)。本文分析了它们的优缺点并探讨其工艺途径和横截面型线(各公式推导过程从略),为新型线的推广和应用提供参考。 二、单螺杆泵几种型线的分析及工艺探讨: ( 一)、单螺杆泵几种型线的分析: 1、 型线种类: 1)、 常规型线(1/2型面横截面型线如图l例所示,简称A型,是最古老的型线,由法国工程师Myan0首先提出。转子截形为圆。其直径D=2 a,偏心距e,节距t,单头。定子截形是两半径为a,圆心相距4e的长圆。其参数:节距T=2t,双头。转子运动轨迹是转子截面重心以e为半径在2 e为半径的圆内滚动r即所谓卡丹诺圆问鄹的行星运动。转子头数与定子头数之比为12。 2)、新型线(2/3型面) 是近几年国内外提出的新型线。 B型转子截形为半径a,圆心相距4 e的长圆,其直径D=2 a,偏心距e,节距t,双头。C型转子截形是类椭圆,其直径D=2a,偏心距e,{zd0}半径b=a+2e,节距t,双头。 定子截形的形成。如前述卡丹诺圆运动,滚动半径为1.5 e,以e为半径的圆上一点运动轨迹谓之骨线。转子运动时,其对称轴线4 9问线段与骨线共轭,运动过程中转子外廓的展成线即为定子型线。虽运动轨迹相同,由于转子截形不同,所展成的定子型线差异甚大,B型为三瓣花形C型为类三角形。其节距丁=1.5 t,三头。转子头数与定子头数之比为23。 2、型线方程: A B型转子型线方程相同i C型转子型线方程为类椭圆。 新型线定予方程与骨线相关。滚圆上的A1点,当圆心转过由角时运动至赴点,其骨线方程为式(I)。B型定子廓形是以a为半径的骨线等距线(侣线)与以a为半径的圆弧组成。侣线方程为式(2)。纯圆弧段是圆心不在原点的圆方程为式(3)。X0和Y0为骨线尖点坐标。C型定子型线方程与B型类似,故略。 3、各型面优缺点 1)、A型 优点:转子和定子型线简单,生产历史长,加工经验丰富,有高效、经济的工艺方法。如转子采用连续冲压工艺制造空心螺杆厂,不仅高效、省材,而且可提高泵的效率和寿命。通常,定 子多采用模具加工的橡胶制品。然而在高压情况,因橡胶受压变形,使介质回流,泵效率急剧下降,有的高压泵效率仅l.0%左右。解决此问题,刚性套是一个有效途径。因A型定子型线简单,使其刚性套的制造较容易 缺点:由于转子和定子接触面的相对运动并非纯滚动,尤其在定子两直线段滑动速率较大,易磨损。 2:2/3型 同参数情况下,2/3型较A型流量大,因而同流量时体积较小。例如..e=0.2cm,D亍1.75cm,理论流量Q(m/r): A型:Q=1.36 T B型 Q=1.612T C型 Q=1.6041T 同参数情况下,B型理论流量较A型大2πe2值,C型流量略小于B型。 转子是双头,因而其重心偏移率是A型的一半。从而可允许较高的转速,且噪声较小。每转的腔室由2x3代替1x2,使泵脉动降低较多。腔室的增加也使滑动速率较大的区问瞬时速度比A型低,由此可减少磨损,提高寿命。此外,新型面密封性强,可提高容积效率。 在新型线中,由于B型定子型线是由非连续方程曲线展成,廓形存在6个硬过渡点(,骨线侣线与尖点圆弧过度处),显然对运转寿命有所影响。然而C型定子廓形是由连续方程曲线展成,故无此现象。 综合分析,目前我国宜推广C型泵。据悉,C型在一些国家已商品化,如德国阿尔维勒AG公司推出的AED系列等泵。 (二)、工艺探讨. 1、A型转子工艺较成熟,可采用成形车、靠模车、旋风铣、连续冲压等方法。连续冲压成型目前是A型转子{zj0}生产方式之一。 2、国外采用多轴腔机床加工2/3型转子,成本较高。国内已有单位引进其加工机床,如WEIN-GARTNER公司的VARID型五轴数控铣床,可加工很多种类螺杆的精密型面以及单螺杆泵的转子、模芯和刚性套。但单螺杆泵结构特点厂多为硬转子、软定动是属于型面复杂并非精密(相对双、三螺杆泵而言)的产品,因此如仅将其作为加工单螺杆泵的专用机床,则显然功能过剩。况且该型中等规格设备,价位约1000万元,也是值得考虑的问题。据作者经验分析,样机或小批生产用带靠模装置的普通机床即能完成,若大批生产,在现有A型转子加工机床上安装仿型铣头,作者已完成结构设训即可胜任。 3、 A型橡胶定子模芯加工可采用车、铣、磨等多种方法,各厂对此已有丰富经验。新型线模芯的工艺方法与A型类同。关键是要有正确的型线坐标信线性或非线性收缩的补偿匐。A型刚性套的加工用普通{wn}机床即可,2/3型刚性套加工则需极昂贵的设备。 三、CAD型线设计实例: 1、本文用类似三螺杆泵型线改进所用的轨迹法进行编程。该方法简单可靠,无需建立包络方程,该程序已用于双、三螺杆泵的型线设计。 2、 程序为模块化设计,将其以程序包纳入刀具设计软件后,不仅可计算单螺杆泵转子、定子的端、轴、法截面,还可计算转子、定子模芯的成形车、铣、滚、磨等刀具型线以及该刀具的铲磨砂轮工艺参数。程序还具有各类橡胶模芯收缩量的补偿功能,为单螺杆泵新旧型线的研究和生产提供了方便。

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First, the advantages of single screw pump: As a simple single screw profile, surface accuracy of less demanding, high-performance processing chip can be used without technology, so the price is low, in its structure and adaptability, there are many advantages in the non-Lubricant, containing solid medium and unique delivery aspects of corrosive media. At present, the domestic production of single screw pump production business far more than double, three screw pump business. Single screw pump in single cylinder single screw (or 1 / 2 surface) the majority, has been gradually extended the international advanced double-headed single-screw pump (ie 2 / 3 surface). This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of them and to explore ways and cross-section of technology-based line (the formula derivation omitted), for the promotion and application of new lines for reference. Second, single-screw pump some type of line analysis and process: (A), single screw type several lines of: 1, profile types: 1), conventional-type line (1 / 2 surface cross-section profile as shown in Figure l cases, referred to as A, is the oldest type line, first proposed by French engineers Myan0. Rotor section shape for the round. Its diameter D = 2 a, eccentricity e, pitch t, a single head. Stator truncate the two radius a, center of a circle round the long distance 4e. its parameters: pitch T = 2t, double-headed. rotor trajectory is the center of gravity to the rotor section e 2 e for the radius of the circle of radius r rolling round the so-called Ka Dannuo Planetary asked Zou. Rotor Head Head and the ratio of the stator 12. 2) New Line (2 / 3 surface) Made at home and abroad in recent years a new line. B-type rotor truncated radius a, center of the circle long distance 4 e circle, its diameter D = 2 a, eccentricity e, pitch t, double-headed. C-type rotor section shape is elliptic, the diameter D = 2a, eccentricity e, the maximum radius b = a +2 e, pitch t, double-headed. Stator truncated form. If the above Ka Dannuo round sports, rolling radius of 1.5 e, to e the radius of the circular trajectory that a point on the bone line. Rotor, its symmetry axis 49 Q line and the bone line conjugate, movement outside the profile of the development of rotor into line shall stator profile. Although the same trajectory, as the rotor section shape different from that developed into the stator type line varies greatly, B-type for the three flower-shaped C-type for the class of triangles. The pitch D = 1.5 t, 3. Head rotor and the stator during the first few of the ratio of 23. 2, profile equation: AB-type rotor profile equation is the same i C-type rotor profile equation is elliptic. New lines will be related equation and bone line. Spheronization on the A1, when the center of a circle when the movement turned to go from the corner point, the bone line equation for the type (I). B-type shaped profile of the stator radius bone is a line of equidistance line (companion line) and with a radius of the arc formed. Companion line of equation type (2). Arc segment is not purely centered on the origin circle equation type (3). X0 and Y0 coordinates for the bone line cusp. C-type stator profile equation and B-like, so slightly. 3 advantages and disadvantages of various types of surface 1), A-type Advantages: rotor and stator profile is simple, a long history of production, processing experience, there are efficient and economical process method. Such as the manufacture of rotor stamping process using a continuous hollow screw factory, not only efficient, cost saving, but also improve the efficiency and life of the pump. Typically, the stator to use more rubber mold products. However, in high pressure situations, because of rubber compressive deformation, return to medium, sharp decline in pump efficiency, and some high-pressure pump efficiency is only l. 0% or so. Resolve this problem, rigid set is an effective way. For A-type stator profile is simple, make it easier for the manufacture of rigid sets Disadvantages: As the rotor and stator relative motion of the contact surface is not pure rolling, in particular, the two line segments in the stator larger slip rate, easy to wear. 2:2 / 3 The same parameters, the 2 / 3 higher than A-type flow, therefore the smaller the same flow. For example. . e = 0.2cm, D right foot 1.75cm, theoretical flow rate Q (m / r): A-: Q = 1.36 T B-Q = 1.612T C-Q = 1.6041T Under the same parameters, B-type theory of flow values than the A-major 2πe2, C-type flow slightly less than B-type. Rotor is headed, and thus its center of gravity shift rate is half of A-type. Thereby allowing higher speed and lower noise. The chamber every turn by the 2x3 instead of 1x2, the pump pulse reduce more. Chamber slip rate increase also asked the instantaneous speed of a larger area than A-type lower, thus reducing wear and increased life expectancy. In addition, the new surface sealing, and it can improve the volumetric efficiency. In the new line, due to B-type stator profile is developing into a non-continuous function curve, profile there six hard transition points (bone line companion line with the sharp point arc over-Office), clearly have an impact on the operational life . However, the stator profile C-shaped curve by developing into a continuous equation, so no such phenomenon. Comprehensive analysis, our country should promote C-type pump. It is reported, C-type have been commercialized in some countries, such as Germany launched the AED Eerweile AG series pumps. (B), Process. 1, A-type rotor craft a more mature shape can be used cars, by model cars, cyclone mill, continuous stamping and other methods. Stamping Forming A rotor is now one of the best mode of production. 2, foreign multi-axis cavity machining with 2 / 3 type rotor, the higher the cost. China has been the introduction of its machine tool unit, such as WEIN-GARTNER's VARID five-axis CNC milling machine type can process many types of precision screw surface and the single-screw pump rotor, mold core and the rigid sleeve. However, structural features of plant single-screw pump rotor are mostly hard and soft surface will move are complex and are not precise (relative double, three screw pump in terms of) the product, so if only as a single-screw pump of the special processing machine, then obviously the function of the excess. Moreover, this type of medium size equipment, the price of about 10 million yuan, is also worthy of consideration. According to the experience of analysis, prototype or small batch production with Profiling Device general machine tools that can be completed, if the mass production of the existing A-type rotor machining tool to install profiling milling head, has completed the structure of competency based training can . 3, A Rubber Stator core processing can be used, milling, grinding and other methods, the plant has experienced this. New line of mold core method and A-similar process. The key is to have the correct coordinates of the letter-type line linear or nonlinear shrinkage compensation runners. A type of processing rigid set of common universal machine can be used, 2 / 3 processing Zexu very rigid sets of expensive equipment. Third, CAD-based design example Line: 1 In this paper, similar to the three screw-type line locus method used to improve programming. The method is simple and reliable, without building envelope equation, the program has been used in two-, three-screw pump profile designs. 2, procedures for the modular design, be included in the package design software tool, not only calculate the single-screw pump rotor, stator end, shaft, French section, can also calculate the rotor, stator mold core forming, milling , rolling, grinding tool and the tool profile grinding wheel parameters shovel. Program also has all kinds of rubber mold core contraction of compensation, both old and new line of single screw pump research and production provides a convenient.

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