阀门制度负责- 中国减压阀- 中国减压阀- 和讯博客
阀门制度负责 [转贴 2010-04-13 15:56:27]   

Of all the many comments I've read on the Iranian election this weekend, the most poignant ? and at the same time, the most misleading ? is the idea that the desire for democratic change expressed by those who were opposed to the reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a genie that can't be put back in the bottle. I suppose that if you subscribe to what used to be called the Whig version of history, where things get better and better all the time, you might believe that everywhere, one day, humankind will reach a blissful state of liberal democracy. But we should not kid ourselves: regimes that are prepared to crack the heads of those who wish them ill ? which that in Iran plainly is ? are quite capable of stuffing the genie of change into the bottle for decades. Hungarians had to wait 43 years from the uprising of 1956 to see real improvement in their political conditions; it took Czechs and Slovaks 21 years from the Prague spring of 1968. That same year saw the deaths of hundreds of protesters in Mexico City's Tlatelolco Square; it was 32 years before Mexico saw an orderly transfer of power from the old regime to a new democracy Read more: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1904594,00.html#ixzz0dDoCJrty

NEW JERSEY DAILY BRIEFING;Valve Caused Pipes to Burst;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海赛泰泵阀有限公司还生产 及DFD 液气电磁阀,通用电磁阀,200P减压阀,电动三偏心调节蝶阀,消防电磁阀,欢迎您的选购。)

译文: 阀门制度负责
在所有的许多评论,我读过关于伊朗选举本xx,最尖锐的 - 并在同一时间,最误导 - 观点是,对于那些谁反对总统的连任表示,民主变革的愿望艾哈迈迪内贾德是一个不能放在瓶子里面妖怪。 我想,如果你订阅过去被称为历史上,在情况好转辉格版本,更好地所有的时间,你可能认为,无处不在,有{yt},人类将进入一个自由民主的幸福状态。但我们不应该自欺欺人:即准备打击那些谁希望他们生病的负责人制度 - 这是伊朗显然是 - 是有相当的塞进了几十年的变化瓶妖怪的能力。匈牙利不得不等待,从1956年起义43年看到他们的政治条件的真正改善,在从1968年的布拉格之春捷克和斯洛伐克21岁。同年,看到了在墨西哥城的特拉特洛广场数百名示威者死亡,这是32年前,墨西哥看到了旧政权有条不紊地将权力移交给一个新的民主


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