十八个月宝宝皮肤« Mami Ask 妈妈问?





English:Ten months 宝宝 skin

was always itching

First see if there like moss, and if not, can also lead to dry skin itching, and only used fresh water to wash your 宝宝, bathing, and, water temperature not overheating, immediately washed, ru宝宝ed moisturizer and another, it is necessary to drink plenty of water Oh, 宝宝 dry skin as long as the situation improved, itching will go better Finally, I wish you an early resumption of a healthy 宝宝! !

Yejuhua泡水used to bathe your 宝宝, you can relieve itching. Or use 宝宝 Jinshui.

My son is one year old when many people are always itching to start, no matter what to smear him (宝宝 Jinshui, toilet water, lotion) are not only itchy, who gave him a scratch, but then I said that mother may have sensitive skin and his relatively dry skin is to minimize the use of or do not shower gel or soap or something like that, 宝宝, and then also have a soft chemical substances, since it is taking a bath every day, so daily washing with water, a few days once, but per bath (especially winter) range from dry on the paint on a layer of 宝宝 oil, so that some time was much better, is now five-year-old fast, and no longer as the itch. You can give it a try.

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