今天跟东北大姐Tina一起做了一次新西兰的本地菜吧,我是跟我hostmother学的,hostmother的自制菜谱上写的是:Sausages with Apple and Onions Sauce,因为吃的时候是把做好的菜浇在米饭上,像火山一样,所以他们把这类菜都叫做Volcano Food。
2-3 precooked sausages per person
1 small onion
1 apple per person
1 carrot
frozen beans
2T brown sugar
2T white vinegar
2T soy sauce
2T tomato sauce
cornflour(for thick sauce)
Peel and quarter onions. Fry slowly in a little oil.
Peel, core and quarter apple. Chop each quarter into 2 or 3 pieces. Add to fry pan.
When onions well coloured and apples lightly browned, remove from fry pan.
If all sausages are the same kind, fry in pan,otherwise grill sausages untill piping hot and brown.
Peel and cut other vegetables and stir-fry in pan.
When vegetables are cooked return onions and apples to fry pan. Add remaining ingredients and stir to make sauce.
Cut sausages diagonally into pieces and arrange on top of cooked brown or white rice or couscous. Spoon over vegetable and sause mixture.
过程还算顺利吧,Tina大姐对做饭不擅长,所以她的工作是和我聊天加观摩。她住的studio的公共厨房的菜刀实在太钝了,切胡萝卜的时候都是锯开的,切南瓜的时候是劈开的……她更是很有才的让我用切奶酪的钢丝线削胡萝卜皮- -老外的开罐器还是很好用的,它不是把罐头切开,而是封口时压上去的部分一点一点掀开,很轻松。