Musk is the medicine do « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

Musk is a herbal medicine do


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Overview: This product is forest musk deer Moschus berezovskii Flerov, musk deer Moschus sifanicusPrzewalski or the original male musk deer Moschus moschiferus Linnaeus mature body Sachet in the dry secretions. Wild musk deer in winter and to the second spring hunting, the hunting, the excised Sachet, dried, teaching that “Chaetomium Musk”; cut open the sachet, remove the capsule shell, Xi called “musk-jen.” House musk deer musk taken out directly from Sachet jen, dry or drier closed dry.

Alias: inch Xiang, Yuan-inch, when the siemens, stinky son, incense umbilical child.

medicinal Category: No Category

of flavor and Naturalization Sutra: Xin, Wen. Hearts, spleen.

Functions and indications: resuscitation Xingshen, promoting blood circulation, swelling pain. Shenhun for fever, stroke sputum Jue, qi violence leaves one unconscious of evil, amenorrhea, (sign) Zheng Jia, a difficult labor stillbirth, confidants sharp pain, carbuncle swollen M. scrofulaceum, sore throat or flutter pain, numb numb the pain.

Usage and Dosage: 0.03 ~ 0.1g, multiple-input Wansan use. Suitable for external use. Pregnant women, disabled.

Storage: sealed, and placing a cool dry place, shading, moisture and moth.

clinical application:

1. Angongniuhuang Pill ( “warm Diseases identified”) governing warm diseases, evil thermal inversion pericardium card. Fever irritability, Shenhun delirium, dry mouth, mamillata or purple-red, pulse. Governance is also a stroke coma, convulsions in children, those who are evil heat inside the closed. Bezoar 30g, turmeric 30g, rhino horn and 30g, Coptis 30g, Huang Qin 30g, Gardenia 30g, cinnabar 30g, realgar 30g, plum piece 7.5g, musk 7.5g, pearl 15g, gold foil to fine clothing for the pole, refining old honey for the pills, each pill a money, gold for clothing. Fang Xin Wen musk, perforating 12 classics, longer than resuscitation Xingshen for Chen medicine.

2. Su-Hop Pill ( “Peaceful Benevolent Dispensary Bureau”) governing cold closed card. Suddenly collapsed, trismus, unconsciousness; moss white, pulse delay; confidants soldier pain, rather then the syncope. Rule also stroke, in the gas and when the line of quotidian experience of the gas, are cold closed card. Styrax, borneol and 1 2, musk, benzoin, green wood, Cyperus rotundus, Santal Blanc, clove, incense, the 2 2, a two Xiang Lu Xun, Atractylodes, myrobalan, Cinnabar 2 each 2, Uzbekistan 2 2 rhino crumbs . The elderly, children may wear a pill, alcohol-based services can also be warm, and the Kong Xinfu. Fang musk fragrance resuscitation Xingshen for the goods, King and medicine.

3. treasure Dan ( “Peaceful Benevolent Dispensary Bureau”) governing heat stroke, stroke and disease Phlegm-heat temperature inside the closed pericardium card. Shenhun delirium, fever irritability, Tan Sheng rude, mamillata moss yellow dirt greasy, slippery pulse number, as well as seizures in children who belong to Phlegm-heat in closed. Health and Ukraine rhinoceros crumbs, cinnabar, realgar, raw hawksbill debris, each a two amber, musk, borneol and 1 copies, gold foil, silver foil of 50, the bezoar and a half two, benzoin one or two and a half. Every two years old son serving two pills, people that under the Ginseng. Fang musk heat resuscitation, King and medicine.



类别: 餐饮食品





概述:本品为鹿科动物林麝 Moschus berezovskii Flerov 、马麝Moschus sifanicusPrzewalski或原麝 Moschus moschiferus Linnaeus 成熟雄体香囊中的干燥分泌物。野麝多在冬季至次春猎取,猎获后,割取香囊,阴干,习称“毛壳麝香”;剖开香囊,除去囊壳,习称“麝香仁”。家麝直接从其香囊中取出麝香仁,阴干或用干燥器密闭干燥。












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