9 after a traffic accident compensation for the disabled « China ...

2007 years 11 months, I Huangshi City, Hubei Province on the open road in rural countryside a 5-ton truck traveling east. in passing through a concrete bridge (the bridge is narrow, about more than just a car width), At this point opposite the opening to the illegal operation of a single round of无牌无证motorcycles, three-person rear seat ride, making a total of four. at the car, the other a motorcycle rear fender with my truck after the collision took place off into the bridge. (High Bridge, about 3 m) caused a serious three minor injuries; lightest motorcycle driver injury.
after treatment, minor injuries were discharged from hospital very soon, which injured a middle-aged women, broken ribs, is cured after treatment. Treatment costs about 3 million, after discharge, then seek compensation for the cost of the other side about 5 million, we did not agree. Now the other side has done to identify disabled for 9. To this end
to mention the other side are the people’s court proceedings, which seeks compensation in a variety of cost about 90,000 yuan.
I would like to ask, and so it goes, we should pay how much money the other side? How to divide responsibility for the accident?
(Special note: I have been driving the vehicle for the period, continue to be used by the maintenance of. I have a legal driver’s license)

1, you have a permit to drive the other end-of-life vehicles and driving without a license unlicensed vehicles, your point of responsibility
2, the other 3 people sitting overloading and collision on your rear, motorized side of responsibility
3, injured by illegal vehicle is responsible for
4, the narrow bridge on the speed of your what? Motorcycle hand, you, he shared
4, only the respondent. Judges will be an umpire,

upstairs said is right! You pay the court may be less than he wanted because he wanted to be there is evidence. You have to prepare their own material, first copy the other requirements of a judge and prove that the material filed, prepared in accordance with the other materials should be filed, in duplicate, a settlement judge themselves a first write after the accident, and then do not agree with statements each other What are the reasons for those requirements. Played a lawsuit can find friends advice, we can get more friends and experienced agents for your book in the respondent, at the same time as the defendant does not affect your speech. Impact on the amount of compensation to a concrete analysis of many factors.2008-03-20



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