川酒“蓝海”市场, « oursolo.net






博览会“论坛xx的”仅抛出一个相关的主题进行:2006年,四川白酒业的生产效率,但仍保留其作为{dy}个位置,但市场份额则下跌1.8%。 “这是提高国内市场竞争的重要信号。”全国食品工业协会省委副总裁说陈吉福。














与国际市场不同口味四川是一个不争的事实。 “走出去”是必然意味着放弃传统?



还有一个更吸引人的可能性。 “今天,四川浓香型在国内处于{lx1}地位酒,是在上个世纪八十年代传去的人在世界规定。”陈吉福说。的含义,在中国购买洛杉矶高房价的今天,谁又能保证,中国白酒将不会转移与中国成为世界的饮酒习惯?黄建勇

提到的现象,加强了这种可能性:在欧洲,青少年是“旧酒”黑啤目前已成功普及。 “人们不喝酒无法改变的习惯。”



Sichuan liquor “blue ocean” market where

In the domestic market increasingly saturated, competition has intensified, the output efficiency of the first Sichuan liquor while making an effort to attract foreign investment, while efforts to go out to seek new markets, but has always been lingering doubts about where to go -

Bar Lane deafening rock and roll, a group of young people raised glasses, the cup was filled with a beverage 45 degrees水井坊liquor, “Cheers!” This scene may sound odd, but the shares are水井坊Jianyong Huang, general manager of the future envisaged.

held on the 11th in the Second China International Wine Expo, Sichuan liquor international, fashion has become a hot topic.

a reality more clearly

domestic liquor market of excess production capacity咋办

with Wuliangye,水井坊, Luzhou and other well-known brands in the same market competition, saddle shape of a gold luxurious bottle especially pulling eye. Was born in 1999’s “Genghis Khan” series of wine, although very “young”, has laid down a challenge to the Inner Mongolia famous “Loop” aspirations. Field sales staff proud to say: “Light ‘Genghis Khan’ words, at least as many tens of millions of value.”

With the value of 28,000 yuan to one side of the水井坊”Century Collection” luxury liquor compared to young Inner Mongolia brand is not shabby. Fierce competition in the domestic liquor can be seen.

Exposition “forum famous” dished out by just a related topic: In 2006, Sichuan liquor industry output efficiency although still retaining its position as the first, but market share fell by 1.8%. “This is increasing competition in the domestic market a significant signal.” Provincial vice president of the National Food Industry Association said陈吉福.

Anhui, Jiangsu, Jiangxi Province, the rapid development of regional brands, the market share of wine in Sichuan are the direct cause of decline. However, in place of wine behind the rise of the domestic liquor market overcapacity reality more clear, the causes are more complex.

LI Wei-min, deputy director of the bureau pointed out that national liquor in 2004 the overall recovery of well-known enterprises, the brand of liquor market has entered a new round of active phase, together with the openness of the Chinese market to expand, the domestic liquor merchandise diversification has been the advent of the era.

Over the years, apart from high-end brands, “Wuliangye”, “National Pits”, “水井坊” plus a “wine-feng Gu, Wang”, “blue classic” such as the Challenger. At the same time, because of changes in consumption habits, Liquor Liquor is beyond the scope of competitors, with wine, beer, wine, fruit wine and rice wine “fight.”

陈吉福put the number of very convincing: the national liquor production in 2006 grew 18.20%, January to August this year also grew 22.53%, and after 3 consecutive years of negative growth in the formation of huge contrasts.

“It must be noted that the main force to promote the growth of tax revenue are adjusted, the permit system and other policy factors, rather than market demand.” His view is: “across the country has a surplus of white wine production, sales difficult have substantial growth, China has entered a liquor brand marketing long-term. “

a child go心里没底Road

with outside partners and how

surface on the domestic market increasingly saturated, “go out of the country” has become the inevitable choice of Sichuan liquor. In cooperation with foreign liquor industry opened the first new wine brewing水井坊again. Huang Jian-yong said: “the company is developing an innovative product, with China-based liquor, adjusting the processes and formulations, and actively to the international market to move closer to consumer demand.”

2006 end of the year, Quanxing Group and Diageo Highlands Holdings Limited cooperation in the completion of share transfer, an important intention is to play水井坊mainstream products in the international market. At present, the 45-degree水井坊in large-scale listing of the Southeast Asian market.水井坊the first three quarters of this year than in 2006 net profit growth of 125 percent over the same period, it seems proof of this Article Road away yes.

vice president of the provincial Trade Promotion HE Ke Wang talked about this issue from another perspective: “In the face of large-scale wine giants to enter China, we can not be closed to the domestic market, countermeasures can only be a walk Door competition abroad. “

the difficulties of this route lies in the fact that cereal-based solid-state fermentation liquor Western country not to master, the introduction of outside partners may allow foreign investors access to China’s liquor manufacturing technology, the formation of the impact of liquor-making industry. In fact, the famous country liquor are restricted foreign investment industries. But not with outside partners, the internationalization of the road do not know walk night.

Nevertheless, international cooperation has become one of Sichuan Liquor trend. Following Quanxing cooperation with Diageo, Hennessy and Wenjun Liquor joint venture, the Fair came with the Swedish Wine Jiannanchun giant V @ S to establish a joint venture sales company news. Industry sources, Wuliangye,郎酒, Luzhou have active contacts with foreign capital.

one reason only reasoning

who ensure that China will become the world’s best white wine drinking liquor

Sichuan different tastes with the international market is an indisputable fact. “Go Abroad” is necessarily meant the abandonment of tradition?

Sichuan liquor陈吉福out at the moment the situation in the outside: Russia mainly low-grade liquor to drink, Sichuan wine exports to Russia are usually around 38 degrees; European supermarkets have a small amount of liquor in China, the majority of drinking Wuliangye are overseas Chinese.

Sichuan liquor companies have specialized in the development of self-adjust — 39 degrees and 58 degrees of the liquor into the international market. “Although the major consumer group is also the overseas Chinese, but the real goal is to allow foreigners to drink liquor in China.”

There is a more attractive possibility. “Today Sichuan Luzhou-flavor liquor in the domestic leading position, are in the eighties of the last century Chuan people go when the world is laid down.”陈吉福said. The implication, in the Chinese to buy high housing prices in Los Angeles today, who can guarantee that Chinese Liquor will not transfer with the Chinese become the world’s drinking habits? Huang Jianyong

a phenomenon referred to strengthen such a possibility: in Europe, was “old wine”黑啤now among young people has been successfully universal. “People are not drinking habits can not be changed.”

To achieve this distant goal, Sichuan liquor to be playing the “history card” at the same time, more play “culture” card, “modern” licensing of traditional liquor into the flavor of the times. Liquor companies have on the province to identify the target: to enter the domestic market, night market, the fashion line with its international route of complement each other.

“With China’s growing international influence of Chinese culture at the global level to accelerate the dissemination, Sichuan liquor in the international market prospects are broad.”陈吉福think: “We want to show the momentum of wine into China going out. “(07-11-21)

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