浙江白酒专项整治成效« oursolo.net


Zhejiang Baijiu special rectification results have been achieved

To safeguard people’s health and safety special rectification, the Zhejiang Province, quality and technology supervision system with liquor for the improvement of food safety campaign focused on the first shock wave action. For urban and rural areas combined with the existence of the Department of Liquor small workshop “small, loose, dirty, poor” characteristics, quality supervision departments in Zhejiang Province “seizing the key points, grams difficult to find a breakthrough point” to combat tactics, production and operation of liquor businesses carpet of the investigation, has achieved results.

Up to now, the quality supervision system, a total of 9760 views of law enforcement officers dispatched to check the production of small workshops Liquor 485 times for investigation and 364 cases, the archive of undocumented seizure production more than 40 tons of liquor, wine, more than 60 tons of raw materials , the confiscation of 160 sets of production tools, to ban the production license 364 small workshops. Through special training and effectively investigated and dealt with from the source of the offense and timely elimination of the quality and safety problems, the confiscation of a batch of white wine production tools, banned a number of liquor license the production of enterprises, destroyed a number of the production of black liquor dens, forming a powerful law enforcement momentum achieved good training results, to the illegal enterprises of the deterrent effect and a great deterrent. (07-11-21)

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