岳阳纸业:集团收购了双重打击的资产惊变« oursolo.net






Yueyang Paper: Group acquired the assets of a double hit惊变

Yueyang Paper on the general meeting of shareholders equity registration expiration date of the last moment, from Hunan SASAC one letter paper terminated the scheduled November 22 meeting of shareholders of the General Assembly also declared the company through the purchase Lettings Group acts of blocked assets. Lettings motion was negatived at the same time, the company also appeared in the leadership change, the controlling shareholder of Hunan Yueyang Paper Group Co., paper泰格林Chairman Wang was dismissed from the group chairman, party secretary of office, no longer nominate its Chairman of the Board candidates to succeed him is the group vice吴佳林. Yueyang Paper

accordance September 18 notice, the company originally planned to shareholders through share placements to the original way to raise funds, including the acquisition of the controlling shareholder泰格林Paper Group Hunan Chun held {bfb} stake in Thai companies, including Part of the assets. It is reported that Hunan Chun-tai is building an annual output of 400,000 tons bleached sulphate pulp and 140,000 hectares (about 210 million mu) of raw materials forest bases matching item (Huaihua items), after the acquisition, Yueyang Paper will continue to build the above-mentioned capital increase项目. At that time, many analysts to raise funds for the purchase Lettings Group is very optimistic about the behavior of assets.

in the November 17 news allotment program and personnel changes were not the news, many industry analysts study the expression of views on the matter. Guosen Securities analyst Li new in an interview with our reporter said: “I once in the November 6 Yueyang Paper go research. At that time, the leadership said a lot about the company’s future development strategy of information. Although the leadership has not leave the position, but the company’s future development trajectories are not the continuation of the original train of thought will be a big problem. At the same time, new leadership has yet to arrive, so they can not express their development. forest and paper industry subjectivity is very strong, but because of personnel changes, any of Yueyang Paper prediction based on performance does not exist, so we can but feel there is no clue. “

not only puzzled analysts, even Yueyang Paper is very familiar with the informed people of allotment program was not very surprised. Although owned Assets Supervision and Administration of Hunan Province Yueyang Paper for the allotment of the approved programs are “suspended”, but the informed sources told reporters: “It now appears that through the placement of shares to raise funds to purchase the assets of the way the Group is certainly a dead end.” For Group leadership changes, the reporter through the inspection company has to disclose information that Xiangheng the end of the year has been 63 years old, has reached the state-owned holding units provided in the normal retirement age. As for whether the personnel changes have other reasons, the company said did not know.

in to the Yueyang Paper did not specify a reason for the “suspension” after the decision, Hunan SASAC relevant person in charge told reporters: “Yueyang Paper allotment program was not a matter to the Property Department, But the property does not have authorized me to answer questions on these aspects. “They immediately tried to contact the property rights owned Assets Supervision and Administration of Hunan Province, but the registration of Hunan SASAC phone has been in a busy state.

analysts have told reporters, “At first, the disclosure of Yueyang Paper Lettings program, many people noticed the Yueyang Paper Group of the assets purchase price is relatively low, which is a listed company to reduce costs is very good . However, the program was not worried that the SASAC is perhaps the loss of state assets related to. “The analysts said:” Prior to this, various aspects of Hunan Province, have expressed strong support to the company’s development, but the next step will not continue to group assets into listed companies, into the asset prices are to be seen. “(07-11-21)

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