小黑雨再度降临!iPad 也不是对手!Geohot 威呀!
璺? 闂寸殑绔為€愶紝浼间箮鍙堟槸锛塉B 鍚庯紙杩欐 JB 鐨勬垚鍔燂紝Geohot 鍒欐槸褰掑姛浜? 杩欎綅鏈嬪弸锛夛紝鍦ㄤ笂闈㈢敤 N64 浠跨湡鍣ㄧ帺娓告垙鐨勭敾闈紝鑰?JB 鐨勬墜娉曪紝杩樻槸鑰佹嫑锛?a href="http://iphonejtag.blogspot.com/2010/04/i-make-it-ra1n-on-themipads.html">涓€濡?Geohot 鐨勭綉蹇楁爣棰?/a>锛屽氨鏄偅涓秴濞佺殑灏忛粦闆紒

涓嶈繃鐩墠 Geohot 杩樻病鏈夊紑鏀? 璁╁ぇ瀹朵笅杞斤紝浣嗗簲璇ヤ篃涓嶇敤绛夊お涔呮墠鏄紝璺宠浆鍚庢湁 N64 浠跨湡鍣ㄧず鑼冨奖鐗囷紝浠ュ強鍑犲紶 JB 鐩稿叧鎴浘锛屽悇浣嶅彲浠ュ厛鍙傝€冨弬鑰冦€?embed height="470" width="600" src="http://blip.tv/play/AYHU3QAC" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true">

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