王家岭矿难井下水位降1米争取今日下井救人- 自吸磁力泵的日志- 网易博客

王家岭矿难井下水位降1米 争取今日下井救人

2010-04-02 09:37:21 阅读5 评论0 字号:

原文:Underground water level drop Wangjialing mine for today to go down to save 1 m Underground water level drop Wangjialing mine for today to go down to save 1 m According to reports, now there are 13 pumps underground accidents at work, the drainage rate of 1485 cubic meters / hour, not to realize the target of 2,000 cubic meters / hour goal. Technical personnel, last night to install the 450 cubic meters / hour pumps because of the delays in pipeline to work, to some extent slow the drainage rate. Currently, debugging is a large water pump installed, plus is being installed, will be successively with two 450 cubic meters / hour pumps into the drainage work. 1 am, the State Administration for Work Safety Luo Lin Ti out for flooding accident occurred at 110 hours, which is April 2, when daylight saving to achieve go down. Currently, rescue workers have been analyzing the situation may be encountered in well to save. Liu Dezheng spokesman said: "The rescue workers had fully equipped standby, the conditions are ripe, it can quickly go down to save people." 原文来自:http://www.google.com.hk/

Underground water level drop Wangjialing mine for today to go down to save 1 m ;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海埃非凯阀门有限公司还生产 及电动调速蝶阀,气动通风蝶阀,美标波纹管闸阀,c,平行式双闸板闸阀,欢迎您的选购。)

译文:王家岭矿难井下水位降1米 争取今日下井救人
王家岭矿难井下水位降1米 争取今日下井救人 据介绍,现在事故井下有13台水泵在工作,排水速度1485立方米/小时,没有实现计划的2000立方米/小时目标。技术人员介绍,昨晚安装的450立方米/小时大型水泵因为管道问题迟迟不能投入工作,一定程度延缓了排水速度。目前,正在调试已安装的大型水泵,加上正在安装的,将陆续有两台450立方米/小时的大型水泵投入排水工作。 1日上午,国家安监总局局长骆琳提出,争取在透水事故发生110小时,也就是4月2日白天的时候实现下井救人。目前,救援人员已在分析下井救人可能遇到的情况。新闻发言人刘德政说:“救援人员已整装待命,条件成熟后,可迅速下井救人。”

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