VOGUE Robert - Pa Dingsen fame pressure you want to clean living ...

VOGUE Robert - Pa Dingsen fame pressure you want to clean living

2010-04-04 11:12:48 阅读8 评论0 字号:

Let Pa Dingsen fame feel very uneasy

Sohu Entertainment News a film "Twilight Town" (The Twilight) to actor Robert Pading Sen has become the moment's hottest actor in Hollywood, but The 23yearold actor from the United Kingdom at the moment of concern for life is not to adapt, but instead want to stay away from hustle and bustle.

then appeared in "Harry Potter" Robert Pa Dingsen overnight from obscurity to become a 该白炸女鸡, however, brought him fame and fortune is a desire for seclusion . As he appeared in any place, whether the public will become the focus of pursuit and interception by paparazzi, so Pa Dingsen now lay off on the hidden life. "In fact, I do not love this person has to go out, so now this life too much for me to have no relationship of."

Earlier media reports,, is in Vancouver, Canada filming "Twilight City: eclipse "Robert Pading Sen and Christian Stewart, in order to escape the containment of paparazzi had to be locked himself in the hotel room. According to informed sources, Pa Dingsen, and Christine, when not filming does not like to stay in a hotel, but all the time but he could not bear not to be troubled by paparazzi photographed. While a star is necessary to adapt to living life in the spotlight, but for these two young actors, they have been treated seems a little too far.

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