ShadowProtect Server/SBS Edition 3.5.2 | 自由自在

ShadowProtect Server能为整个系统创建一个准确的在线备份,包括操作系统,应用程序,配置设置和重要数据而无需停机。ShadowProtect提供了简便的浏览来恢复或更新文件和文件夹到现有备份镜像文件。将备份文件保存到任何磁盘设备包括USB,Firewire,附加的存储设备如NAS和SAN以及网络路径。


Here are some key features of "ShadowProtect Server Edition":
· Bare metal recovery of Windows servers in minutes.
· Restore or migrate backup images to and from physical systems and virtual
· environments (P2V, V2P and V2V).
· Hardware independent restore of backup images to different systems (P2P).
· Full support for online backup of applications such as Exchange and SQL.
· Schedule automatic full and incremental backups.
· Image management to minimize storage consumption and simplify archiving.
· Bootable recovery CD provides automatic hardware detection and network support.
· A simple view to quickly recover files and folders or update backup images.
· Compress and encrypt backup images for efficiency and security.
· ShadowProtect console to simplify backup management across your enterprise.
· Recover your servers remotely.
· Save backup images to USB, Firewire, NAS, SAN or any network location.



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