东莞市日兴抛光材料有限公司(美甲工厂) - GardenBanter.co.uk
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Muddymike wrote:

"Carol Hague" wrote in message
Muddymike wrote:

gibberish from idiot spammer snipped
Can anyone translate? :-)

Yes, it says "I am a spammer and a particularly stupid one at that"

And I foolishly thought it might be Klingon.

The two possibilities are not mutually exclusive - the average Klingon
is hardly a mental giant after all :-)

Now that explains something, my spillchucker wants to correct Klingon to

Hmmm. He always reminds me more of a Ferengi..... John Prescott, on the
other hand, is quite clearly one of those aliens-in-human-suits from
Doctor Who :-)
"Never trust a man wearing leather shorts and a plastic dressing gown"
- Spray, "The Dangerous Sports Club"

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