Adobe已经对Apple阻扰其{zx1}的flash builder平台导出的iPhone应用在iPhone上的使用的行为向相关法律机构提出诉讼。

That`s what you get if you give little unpriviliged kids too much power.
Just imagine if a company like Microsoft would act like this megalomoniac a$$ho%6es.
I was really waiting for the new MacBook Pro with my credit card ready but now I`m honestly thinking about switching back to M$$ after 3 years.
It`s like finding out your new hot girlfriend listens to Nickelbag – what a dissapointment but at the same time maybe a refreshing eye opener.

Glad I can now save like 1500 bucks on my new PC and don`t have to spend them just to be cool – because Apple isn`t cool anymore.



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