国际化战略的中国企业,2007年蓝皮书报告« oursolo.net

早在2000年,中国提出了“走出去”战略的实施。多年来,我国继续推进管理体制,政策和措施,以促进一个更完整的制度改革。 “入世”5年来,我国企业国际化水平有了很大提高,由2.7亿美元的2006年一百七十六万三千点零零零万美元,平均每年增加60%,美元,非金融类对外直接投资在2002年。根据贸发会议的数据,2006年中国在世界上的18个外商投资,成为增长最快的新兴国家的外国直接投资。 2006年中国人均国内生产总值达到2000美元和“入世”为标志的过渡期结束,我国企业的国际业务将面临国际国内的新形势,而且也将进入一个新的发展阶段。







Internationalization strategy of Chinese enterprises, 2007 Blue Book Report

As early as 2000, China put forward the implementation of “going out” strategy. Over the years, our country continue to push forward the reform of the management system, policies and measures to promote a more complete system. “WTO” 5 years, the level of internationalization of Chinese enterprises have been greatly improved, non-financial foreign direct investment in 2002 from 2.7 billion U.S. dollars in 2006 to 17.63 billion U.S. dollars, an average annual increase of 60%. According to UNCTAD data, in 2006 China’s foreign investment in the world 18, becoming the fastest-growing foreign direct investment in emerging countries. In 2006 China’s per capita GDP reached 2000 U.S. dollars and the “WTO” To mark the end of the transition period, the international operations of Chinese enterprises will face new situations at home and abroad, but also will enter a new stage of development.

watch from the international comparison, corporate international operations are an evolving process of dynamic change, usually follow certain rules and procedures; watch practice from the countries, the level of industrialization and business development phase generally determines a country’s enterprises the process of transnational business and trends, the general per capita GNP reached 2500 U.S. dollars of foreign direct investment into the future rapid development stage. Enter a new century, global enterprises international operation shows a new trend in many new features, developed countries continue to occupy the leading position of transnational corporations, emerging economies, the level of international operations enterprises rapid development of the field of foreign investment and continuous innovation, multinational corporations in the world economy influence and power to further improve.

look from the outside, continuously push forward the economic globalization, a new round of restructuring of production factors and the international transfer of industry trends in the emergence of new global transnational business enterprises再掀new climax; Domestically, the party’s 17 Congress proposed in 2020 of quadrupling per capita GDP and overall goal of building a well-off society, China has entered the industrialization, information technology, urbanization, marketization and internationalization-depth development of a new phase, is facing unprecedented opportunities, but also will face long-term energy , resources, environment, technology and external demand factors, etc. At the same time, new topics and new contradictions will continue to occur; look from the outside world, our country will be dominated by the movement of goods to the goods and elements of a comprehensive all-round opening up two-way flow of change further from the opening up of policy-based system is open to change.

is in the background, a large 17 “to expand the breadth and depth of opening to the outside world, improve the level of an open economy,” the new requirements under the new situation of opening up the socialist market economy will become an intrinsic requirement . At the same time, the first time in 17 major report also sets out specific internationalization of Chinese enterprises in the strategic direction, that is, foreign investment and cooperation in innovation, to support enterprises in the R & D, production and marketing areas such as international operations, accelerating the development of China’s multinational corporations and international well-known brands. This is for the development of the internationalization of Chinese enterprises management strategy specified in the direction of China’s enterprises will further development of transnational business an important role in promoting production.

under the new situation of China’s enterprise internationalization strategy are: to adapt to the modernization of China’s industrialization process, in order to promote cross-border movement of factors of production on a global scale to better optimize the allocation of resources as the goal, the realization of “going out” and “bringing in” the coordinated development, significantly raise the level of international business, and create China’s further participation in economic globalization, new ways to create an open economy development. Basic choices are to adapt to international trends in transnational business to the scientific concept of development as guidance, in order to improve the level of an open economy as the goal, with enterprises as the mainstay to efficient intermediary services for public and assisted to upgrade the overall cross-border movement of factors of production level; to strengthen cooperation in overseas energy resources development; gradual push from manufacturing to R & D and marketing aspects of the extension extends from manufacturing to service industry, from greenfield investments and acquisitions to greenfield investment in a variety of simultaneous changes in the way; focus on mutually beneficial total win, foster the awareness of corporate social responsibility, and strive to build the new situation of economic globalization, China’s further participation in the new platform, the formation of economic globalization under the conditions of participation in international economic cooperation and competition of new advantages, to achieve fast economic development and promote good building a harmonious and make greater contributions to the world.

according to the requirements of the overall strategy to further perfect the policy system, deepen reform of the management system, and vigorously optimize the public services; play to China’s industries and enterprises of the comparative advantage to determine the enterprise internationalization of the major sectors oriented; adapt to cross-border investment new trends and innovative investment in China’s foreign cooperation; Supporting enterprises set up a sound management of the international intermediary service system; to strengthen the international market research, specifically the internationalization of Chinese enterprises in a market-oriented; enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises and international management capacity to explore the characteristics suited to China’s transnational business model. Various aspects of a concerted effort to promote the internationalization of Chinese enterprises to upgrade the operating level.

the future, in the spirit of the party’s 17 largest under the guidance of international operations of Chinese enterprises is bound to usher in a new opportunity, the level of overall improvement, and for China and the world economy and common development and make new contributions. (07-11-21)

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