七年级下Unit 7 教材知识疑难解析及设计建议


六年级下 Unit 7 教学疑难解析

撰稿人:哈41中学 辛百晶      指导校对:哈41中学 周姜红


Words and Expressions

1. land  陆地

n.  on land 在陆地上 eg. What’s the biggest animal on land ?

     by land 由陆路    eg. They like to traval by land.

 * v.  (飞机)降落;(人)上岸

   eg. The spaceship landed in the sea this morning.

2. dinosaur  cn. 恐龙

3. whale    cn  鲸 eg. The whale is the largest of all animals.

4. giraffe    cn 长颈鹿

5. man  n

 (1) cn--- men(pl)  成年男子 eg. There’re many men in the park.

* (2) 人类  eg. Only man knows how to cook.

6. ton cn  吨

7. kg=kilogram cn  千克(公斤)

8. weigh v.

  (1) 称……的重量  eg. The man weighs the fish by hand.

  (2) 重……,有……重量 eg.  How much does the book weigh?

                            Dinosaurs weigh more than elephants.

weigh the most  最重   weigh more than elephants比大象重

  weight  n. 重量 eg. What’s the weight of the book?

   *     lose weight xx ,失重 put on weigh/gain weigh 增重

9. a lot  大量的

  eg. That’s a lot.

     I know a lot about him.

10. king  n. 国王 the king of the animal

11. neck n  颈,脖子

   a long neck      

 * neck and neck 齐头并进,肩并肩

12. shake  v

 (1)摇动  eg. Shake the bottle before drinking.

 (2)颤动  eg. When I walk, the land shakes.

shake hands握手

13. dangerous  adj 危险的

  eg. Playing football on the street is very dangerous.

  danger  n. 危险*  in danger 处于危境  eg. They are in danger now.

14. step on  踩……上

   eg. Don't step on my foot.

15. mistake

   n. 错误;误解 make a mistake 犯错误 eg. He made many mistakes in his paper.

    * by mistake      eg. I took her book by mistake.

  * v. 弄错;误解eg. I mistake his meaning.

     mistake A for B

16. lizard  cn. 蜥蜴

17. Argentina  n 阿根廷        Argentine 阿根廷人

18. careful

   adj 仔细的,认真的,精心的  be careful   eg. He is a careful boy.


   carefully adv 仔细地 eg.  He does everything carefully.


   care n. 关心 take care of =look after=care for

       v. 介意,在乎 He doesn’t care about his clothes.

19. America   n 美洲,美国 eg. He is from America

   American  adj 美国的eg. He is an American boy.

cn. 美国人(pl.) Americans 

20. sad   adj 悲伤的 eg. The dog’s death made me sad.

   sadly  adv. 悲伤地 eg. She cries sadly.

21. toe  cn. 脚趾

22. as……as  和……一样(中间加形容词、副词原级)

   eg. (1) He is as tall as his father.

      (2) He runs as fast as his father.

23. building  n. 楼房,建筑物 a school building

   builder   n. 建筑者

   build    v.  建筑 eg. These builders build a lot of buildings.

24. might  modal v. 也许 eg  He might come late.

25. size n 大小,号码 eg. What size is it?  It’s Size 6.

26. T-rex=Tyrannosaurus Rex  霸王龙

27. ox  n 公牛(pl.)oxen  母牛cow

28. lock

   n. 锁 eg. Please open the lock with the key.

   v. 上锁 eg. Please lock the door.

29. pork  un 猪肉 (fish鱼肉  chicken鸡肉  mutton羊肉  beef牛肉)

30. dock  n 码头 eg. The ship is in dock now.

31. so

   adv. 达到这种程度,很 eg. This apple is so big.

   conj.  因此 eg. I get up late, so I’m late for school.



1. Wang Dandan is watching a television show. 王丹丹正在看一个电视节目。


e.g. I like watching football games.

2. How much does it weigh ? 它有多重?

回答时要说明的是it的重量,如:100 tons, 6 tons.

3. Whales can weigh over 100 tons! 鲸鱼可重达100多吨!

over=more than

e.g. There’re more than 30 students in the room. = There’re over 30 students in the room.

4. That’s a lot! 那么多!

a lot 此处相当于一个表示程度的副词短语,意为“许多、大量”,后面不再加任何内容。

e.g. Thanks a lot! 多谢了。

a lot of + 可数名词复数或不可数名词,意思是“许多,大量”,等于lots of

e.g. I have a lot of books. 我有许多书。

There is a lot of meat in the shopping basket.  在菜篮子里有许多肉。

Lesson 2

5. That is the same as 100 cars. 那相当于100辆小汽车。

the same as … “像……一样,与……相同”,as 后面可加名词、代词等,same


e.g. That’s the same as a dinosaur. 那与恐龙一样。

He has made the same mistakes as last time. 他犯了与上次相同的错误。

6.Some people say I am the king of the animals.


7.I weigh over 100 tons.

=I am over 100 tons in weight.

=My weight is over 100 tons.

8.When I walk ,the land shakes .


9.I am bigger than any other dinosaur.

=.I am bigger than the other dinosaurs.

=.I am the biggest of all the dinosaurs.

10. He is much smaller than I am.

有表示程度的副词a little, a bit, a lot, much, even, still, far, rather, any等修饰时,用形容词比较级。

Lesson 3

11. How much does it cost? = What’s the price of it?=How much is it?此句型用来问价格。

  句型:1.sth.  cost  sb.  money

Eg: A new computer costs a lot of money.

2.sb. spend money/ time on sth./(in)doing

Eg: She spends much money on clothes.

        She spends much money in buying clothes.

    3.sb. pay money for. sth.

     Eg: I pay 10 yuan for the pen.

12.It has as heavy as a whale.

  句型:1. as adj./adv.原形as…

         2.as much [u] as…

         3.as many [pl.] as…

13. They’re dangerous to man.

句型:1.be dangerous to sb. 

2. be dangerous to do sth.(做某事很危险,to为不定式符号)


I am=I’m          he is =he’s/he has    she is = she’s     it is = it’s      they are= they’re    we are= we’re     you are= you’re   that is = that’s    who is=who’s      what is=what’s      can not=can’t   must not =mustn’t    

need not =needn’t  do not = don’t       does not = doesn’t  did not=didn’t    will not=won’t      shall not= shan’t    have not= haven’t  has not =hasn’t 

you had better do= you’d better do

Lesson 4

15.Why do you think so ?

so 在这里指代上文提到过的内容。

e.g. He hopes he’ll win and I hope so, too.

16. What is your animal like ?


What + be+sb. /sth. + like ?

e.g. ① What’s your father like ? He is tall and fat. 你的爸爸怎么样?他又高又胖。

② What’s the weather like today ? It’s sunny and warm. 今天天气怎么样?晴朗而且温暖。






七年级下Unit 7教学疑难解析及设计建议

撰写人:114中杨波             指导校对:114中韩冰



1.else adj.别的,其他的


①much,little,,all (everything),a lot, a great deal 等,

e.g.1.Not much else is known.其他的不太很清楚。

2. He taught us to put interests of the people before all else.  她教导我们把人民的利益放在最重要的位置。

②以-one,-body,-thing,-place,-where 结尾的词.

e.g.1.Ask somebody else to help you.请别人帮帮你吧。

2.You can’t get it anywhere else.你在任何别的地方都找不到它。

③who, what, where等疑问词,如:

e.g.1.where else did you go?屋子里还有谁?

2. But what else can we do?我们还能做什么?

※(2)else 可以有所有格形式(else)

e.g.1.He was wearing someone else’s coat.他穿着别人外套

2.lt couldn’t be anybody else’s. 那不能是别人的。


e.g.1.Run or else you’ll be late.快跑,不要就迟到了。

2.Let’s go, or else we’ll miss the train.咱们走吧,否则就赶不上火车了。


e.g. Give me the money., or else 把钱给我,不然的话,哼!

【注】else 通常不放在which之后,

e.g. which else do you like?(X)

else adv.此外其他

e.g. We went to the museum and nowhere else.我们去了博物馆,没到其他地方去。

2.pay v. pay-pays-paying-paid-paid    付钱 支付,缴纳

 money for sth. 花钱(付款)买某物

       sb. 付款给某人

 pay   for sth.为某物付款

       for sb.为某人付款

       sb. for sth.因(做)某事为某人付款

e.g. 1.He paid twenty yuan for the dictionary.    他花20元买这本字典。

     2.He has already paid the doctor.他已经酬谢了医生。

     3.Have you paid for the dress?这件连衣裙的钱你付了吗?

     4.Shall I pay for you?我替你付款好吗?

     5.The boss paid me for the work.老板因我的工作给了我酬金。

词组:pay a bill支付账单;pay taxes纳税;pay up付清全部欠款

3.restroom  公共卫生间  

e.g. There is a restroom near our school.我们学校附近有一个公共卫生间。

4.paper (un.)

a piece of paper 一张纸

newspaper 报纸 (cn.)    an evening paper 一份晚报  

papers 文件(尤指身份国籍等证明材料)

e.g. The policeman will ask to see your papers.xx要看你的身份证。

papers xx  

e.g. She spent all right doing the math papers.她花费了整晚做数学卷。

5.somewhere adv. & pron.某处,在某处

            to do

 somewhere  + adj.

            + else

e.g. 1.We need to find somewhere to live.我们需要找个住处。

     2.Can we go somewhere warm?我们能不能去个暖和的地方?

     3.I’m going somewhere else this evening.今晚我去另一个地方。

6. sea 海洋 n.

 near the sea 海边附近     travel by sea 海上旅行    a house by the sea 海边的房子

at sea在海上  在海里 

e.g. They were lost at sea 他们在海上迷失了方向

7.noice n. 布告,通知,留

          sb./sth. 注意到某人、某物

          that…   注意到……

notice    sb./sth. doing 注意到某人、某物正在做某事

          sb./sth. do注意到某人、某物做了某事


e.g. 1.Sorry, I didn’t notice you.对不起,我没看见你。

     2.Did you notice anything peculiar?你注意到有什么异常的事吗?

     3.Did you notice him leaving the party 你注意到他早早就离开聚会了吗?

     4.I noticed him come in.我注意到他进来了。

     5.I noticed (that) he left early.我注意到他走的很早。

     6.I noticed  how she did it.我看见她怎么做了。

8.while conj. 在……的时候

(1) while 引导时间状语从句,意为“当……时候”,“和……同时”,这时主从句谓语动作同时发生,从句谓语通常是延续性动词。

e.g.1. Marry watched TV while she ate supper.玛丽边吃饭边看电视。

    2. He fell asleep while he was doing his hometown.他做着做着功课就睡着了。

※(2)while 表示对比和转折,意为“然而”,此时,while一般位于句中。

e.g.1. Some people waste food while others haven’t enough.有些人浪费粮食然而有些人吃不饱。

    2.You like sports while I prefer music.你喜欢运动而我喜欢音乐。


e.g.1. While I agree with your reasons, I can’t allow it. 尽管我同意你的理由,但我不能允许这样做。

    2.While he loves his students, he is very strict with them.尽管他爱他的学生,可他对学生们很严格。

(4) while 表示条件,意为“只要”,意思和用法相当于as long as, while可位于句首也可放于句中。

e.g.1.You don’t have to worry while we are here.只要我们在,你就不必着急。

    2.There will be life while three is water and air.只要有空气和水,就有生命。

9.something pron.某事,某物

             to do

something    +adj.


e.g.1.There is something wrong with the TV.电视机出故障了。

    2.Please give me something to eat, I’m hungry.请给我一些吃的东西,我饿了。

10.part n.部分,零部件

e.g.1.The story is told in three parts.这个故事分三个部分。

    2.We’ve done the difficult part of the job.我们已经将工作中困难的部分做完了。

词组:take part in…参加,参与……

e.g. We will take part in the game.

11.hang v. hang-hangs-hanging-hung-hung悬挂

e.g. 1.Hang your coat on the hook.把外套挂在钩子上。

2.The dog’s tongue was hanging out.这条狗把舌头伸在外面。

12.Thai n. 泰国人,泰语           Thailand  n.泰国

e.g. Thais speak Thai in Thailand.泰国人在泰国说泰语。

13.sign n.标记,符号,记号

e.g. mathematical signs 数学符号

e.g. traffic sign 交通标志

v. 签字  e.g. Sign (your name)here, please. 请在这签字。


1.Are you ready to order? 你准备好了吗?

ready  adj.准备好的

 (1)be ready to do/be ready for 为……做好准备,强调状态,

 e.g. 1. Are you read for the exam?这次考试你准备好了么?

2.He is always ready to help his friends . 他总是乐意帮助朋友。

(2)get ready to do/get ready for 为……做好准备,强调动作,

 e.g. 1.How to get ready for a job interview?怎样为面试工作做好准备?

      2.Let’s get ready to have our English party .让我们准备开我们的英语晚会吧。


e.g. How is always ready enough to help us.他总是很愿意帮助我们。

order n . 顺序,V.点餐 order sb. Sth. =order sth. for sb. 为某人点某物

e.g.  He ordered me a beer and a sandwich = He ordered a beer and a sandwich for me . 他给我要了一杯啤酒和一个三明治 。

2. Here are your menus . 这是菜单。

(1) menu n. 菜单

e.g. What’s on the menu tonight ? 今晚的菜单上有什么菜?

(2)这句话是倒装句, 当主语是名词时,用全倒装;当主语是代词时,用半倒装。

e.g. 1 Here you are . 给你

2 Here is your ticket?这是你的票

3. Can I have some more soup ? 我能多要些汤吗?

(1)Can I have some more …?表请求 , 提出要求“我想多要一些……”在这个句子中习惯用some 不用any。

 (2) 句中 more 是形容词,意为“另外的、额外的”置于数词或 any 、some 、no、a few、a little、many 、much 、等后面。

e.g.  1 We need a few more chairs.-我们还需要几把椅子。

2 You should eat some more vegetables 你应该多吃一些蔬菜。

3 I have no more money with me 我没带更多的钱。

4 I’ll take three more.我再要三个。

(3)more 也是many 、much 的比较级,意为“更多的”。

e.g. I have spent more time in reading than watching TV.我看书花费的时间比看电视多。

4.Who is the woman in the white dress? 穿白衣服的女人是谁?


The woman in white is a nurse.那位穿白衣服的女人是护士。

He is in black.他穿着黑衣服。

5.I need to wash my hands.我需要洗洗手。


need v. 需要,必要 need   to do sth. 需要做某事

                          doing sth.= to be done需要(被)做某事

Do you need any help?你需要帮助吗?

What do you need to take on holiday?你需要带着什么东西去度假?

Your shirt is dirty, it needs washing/ to be washed.你的衬衣脏了,需要洗洗。

model v.

e.g. You needn’t finish the work today.你今天不必完成工作。

     Need I do the work right now? Yes, you must. /No, you needn’t.我需要马上做这个工作吗? 是的,你必须做。/不,你不需要。

6.My family visited a small town by the over the weekend.我们全家在xx参观了一个海边的小镇。

over prep. 在……期间

e.g. Over the next few days, they got to know the town well.在随后得几天里,他们就熟悉了这个小镇。

     We’ll be away over the New Year.新年期间我们不在家。

7.As I was reading the menu, the man who owned the restaurant came to our table.当我看菜单时,餐厅的主人来到我们桌旁。

(1)包含有定语从句,先行词是the man ,关系代词who 指人。

(2)由 引导的时间状语从句表示“当……时候”表示一段时间,此句中的“as ”也可换成when 和while。

e.g.When/While/As she was a child, she lived in Harbin.当她小时候,她住在哈尔滨市。

8.But while we were eating, the man seemed a little excited or nervous.但是我们吃饭时,那个男人看起来有点兴奋或紧张。

                           +(to be)+ adj./n./prep.

(1) seem v.看起来,seem    + to do sth.

                           + adj.+to sb.

e.g. They seemed (to be)interested in the picture.他们看起来对这幅画感兴趣。

     They seemed at home.他们看起来似乎在家。

     Your grandma seemed to know how to do it.你奶奶似乎知道了怎样做。

She seemed angry to me.她好像跟我生气了。

(2)a little 修饰形容词和副词的比较级。

a little heavier有点重     a little hotter有点热

9.I want to hang there English words on the restroom doors.我想要把这些英文单词挂在公共卫生间的门上。

          过去式和过去分词为 hanged  表示“吊死、绞死”

hang v.

          过去式和过去分词为 hung 表示“悬挂”

e.g. The old man hanged himself at last.这个老人{zh1}上吊xx了。

     The map of the world is hung on the wall.世界地图被挂在墙上。

10.While I was running to school, I dropped my books.当我跑向学校的时候,我掉了我的书。

drop v.掉,掉下drop-drops-dropping-dropped-dropped

e.g.1.I dropped my watch and it broke.我把手表掉在地上摔坏了。

2.While he was playing, the man asked him a question.当他在付钱时,那个男人向他问了一个问题。

while引导时间状语从句,强调主句的动作和从句动作在某一时间内同时发生,意为“在……期间”,“在……过程中”, While引导的时间状语从句只能表示一段时间(同延续性动词连用)。

e.g. While she was watching TV, she heard the bell rang.当她看电视时,她听见铃响了。


e.g. While I was reading, my mom was cooking.当我在读书时,我的妈妈在做饭。

11. What would you like to drink? 你想要喝点什么?

“Would you like…?”是委婉向对方提出要求、邀请或询问,意思是“你想要…吗?”,这个表达方式比“Do you want…?”句型委婉有礼貌。“Would you like…?”句型用于邀请对方做某事时,句中要用动词不定式作宾语。



over prep.“在……之上、越过”(有盖在上面一带的意思);

through prep.“穿过”(从一段到另一端);

across prep.“横过”(从一边到另一边)

e.g. ①There is a bridge over the river.河上有一座桥。

②The horse jumped over the wall.马跳跃过墙。

③He walked through the forest alone.他独自穿过森林。

④The man went through the back door into the garden.这个人穿过后门进入花园。⑤Children mustn’t walk across the street alone. It’s dangerous.小孩子千万不要独自过马路,很危险。

⑥Can you swim across the river?你能横渡这条河吗?


(1)cost 需多少钱,值多少钱;是以物或事作为主语,不能用作被动形式。

e.g. This dress cost me thirty dollars.这件女裙值三十美元。


e.g. I paid ten yuan for the book.我买书花了十元钱。


spend on sth.    spend …(in) doing sth.

e.g. He spends a lot of money on books.他花费许多钱在书籍上面。

     She spent three hours(in)doing her homework.她看电视花费了三个小时。



1、  while 引导的时间状语从句

   while表示在从句中动作发生时间,主句的动作在某一点上发生或持续。从句的动词通常是延续性动词或系动词。此时while 可用when 或as 替换。

e.g. The landlady suspected that someone must have broken into the house while (when, as)she was watching TV show.女房东怀疑在他看电视时曾有人闯入屋里。

Supplies were limited while(when, as)the war was on.战争期间供应品紧缺

While(When, As) he stood there, he saw two men enter the bar.他站在那儿时,看见两个男人进了酒吧。

1)  引导时间状语从句,从句中的谓语动词应用延续性动词或表示状态的词。

While the discussion was still going on, George came in.当讨论还在进行时,乔治走了进来。

Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。

注意:while ,when ,as 表示“当……的时候”的区别:while 强调同时性或某时间段内一种情况发生时另一种情况出现,与延续性动词连用;when 可与延续性动词或非延续性动词连用,在强调“当时”,“这时”之意时;as 强调同时性,指“一边……一边……”,一件事发生,另一件事情立刻发生。

--I’m gong to the post office.我要去邮局。

--While you’re there, can you get me some stamps?你到那时,能帮我取些邮票吗?


1)when ,while 都有“当……时候”的意思。when 既可表示某一点时间,也可以表示一段时间。在when引导的时间状语从句中,其谓语动词可以是延续性的,也可以是非延续性的,可与主句的谓语动词同时发生,也可在其后发生。

e.g. I was just reading a book when she came into my room.她走进我房间时,我正在看书。

Were you writing when the teacher came in?老师进来的时候,你在写信吗?

When he was a child he was always trying out new ideas.他小时候就常常实验一些新的设想。

2)while 只能表示某一段时间,不能表示某一点时间。在 while 引导的时间状语从句中,其谓语动词只能是延续性的,而且也只能与主句中的谓语动词用时发生或存在。

While Jim was mending his bike, Lin Tao came to see him.正当吉姆修车时,林涛来看他。

You can’t do your homework while you’re watching TV.你不能一边看电视一边做家庭作业。

3)另外,when 和while 的区别还在于:while 引导的时间状语从句多用于进行时态,而when引导的时间状语从句多用一般时态。

While they were talking, the bell rang.正在他们谈话的时候,上课铃响了。

I was doing my homework when my mother came back home yesterday evening.昨天晚上妈妈回家的时候,我正在做家庭作业。

3、as引导时间状语从句,as为“当……时候”解,它表示的是一个时间点,和when一样,相当于at a point of time.

   as“当……时”,强调at the same time ,不指主句和从句的动作先后,尤指动作和事件同时发生,此时可以用when 互换;as还可以说明两种正在发展或变化的情况,不能同   when互换。

e.g. As/When you leave, don’t forget to take the bag.走的时候,别忘了拿包。

e.g. As he gets older, he gets more open.他越老越开朗了。







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