
橙盒科技芯片解密咨询电话:0755- 82221641,82173585


   The MC9S08RE are members of the low-cost, high-performance HCS08 Family of 8-bit microcontroller units (MCUs). All MCUs in this family use the enhanced HCS08 core and are available with a variety of modules, memory sizes, memory types, and package types.
  Standard Features of the HCS08 Family
  HCS08 CPU (central processor unit)
  HC08 instruction set with added BGND instruction
  Background debugging system (see also the Development Support section)
  Breakpoint capability to allow single breakpoint setting during in-circuit debugging (plus two more breakpoints in on-chip debug module)
  Debug module containing two comparators and nine trigger modes. Eight deep FIFO for storing change-of-flow addresses and event-only data. Debug module supports both tag and force breakpoints.
  Support for up to 32 interrupt/reset sources
  Power-saving modes: wait plus three stops
  System protection features:
  – Optional computer operating properly (COP) reset
  – Low-voltage detection with reset or interrupt
  – Illegal opcode detection with reset
  – Illegal address detection with reset (some devices don’t have illegal addresses)
 ,; 注:橙盒科技拥有一支专业的芯片解密技术工程师团队,长期针对业内各种典型单片机及IC芯片进行解密技术研究,目前,在FREESCALE单片机解密、CYPRESS芯片解密、PHILIPS单片机解密、SST芯片解密、STC解密以及其他众多系列单片机解密领域均已经取得全线突破,更多详情请与橙盒商务中心联系。

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