美国和中国的聚酯薄膜的其他国家作出的初步反倾销案« oursolo.net


The United States and other countries on China’s polyester film to make the preliminary anti-dumping case

November 9, the United States International Trade Commission preliminary decision, there is a reasonable indication that the United States within the industry was accused of being less than the fair value of the price sold in the U.S., China, Brazil, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and other countries the substance of polyester film products damage. In view of the United States International Trade Commission made affirmative determination, the U.S. Ministry of Commerce will continue to be involved in the case of these countries exports to the U.S. polyester film products anti-dumping investigation, the preliminary anti-dumping will be held March 6, 2008 made after. (07-11-20)

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