
阳春三月,行走在平川大地,处处涌动着抗旱保春耕的热潮:种田乡种田沟层层梯田上,区农业科技人员正在耐心地讲解示范,手把手教群众覆盖玉米全膜双垄沟播地膜,整个山梁一片银装素裹,田间劳作的农民兄弟说,这是给庄稼地穿上“保湿衣”、“放心袄”。 面对严重旱情,平川区认真贯彻落实中央1号文件精神,紧急动员,整合力量,积极做好抗旱春耕备耕生产宣传动员、水利设施检修改造、推广抗旱技术、调运储备农资、加大金融支农力度、开展农民技术培训、组织外出务工等工作,确保实现“抗旱、保粮、增收”的目标。 平川区及早成立了春耕抗旱生产工作领导小组,及时组织有关部门工作人员深入乡村,宣传动员农户及早落实春耕备耕所需的种子、化肥和农药等春耕物资。并且,该区安排专项抗旱资金30万元,乡村多方筹措资金,对全区存在问题的水利设施进行全面维修。自去冬今春以来已维修机井25眼、提灌工程设备8台(套),清淤干支渠197条、300余公里,检修泵站2 0座,渠道建筑物18座,修复过水涵管8处,疏通结冰管道3200米。 平川区积极调整种植结构,动员群众尽可能扩大地膜玉米、洋芋等高秋作物种植面积。充分发挥科技抗旱作用,农业科技人员深入农家,为农民群众抗旱生产“传经送宝”,推广玉米全膜双垄沟播技术5万亩,开展测土配方施肥补贴资金项目,计划实施面积达24万亩。计划完成各类农民培训3000余人次,实施农村劳动力转移阳光工程项目,培训农民500人。区农资部门调运储备化肥3700标吨,农膜4 0吨,农药5吨,中小农机具3100余件,在村社设立供应网点,送货下乡,送肥到户。金融部门现已协调落实各类支农xx近亿元,有力地保证了春耕生产顺利进行。

“ Drought to protect farming production to carry out maintenance pumping 20 ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Spring in March, walking in the plain earth, everywhere surging wave of the drought to protect farming: farming village ditch terraced farming, the area of agricultural scientists is to explain patiently model, Shoubashoujiao people covering the whole film double furrow sowing corn plastic film, the ridge one clad in silvery white, working in the fields of peasant brothers, this is a crop to put on "moisture clothing", "rest assured that jacket." The face of severe drought, Hirakawa District conscientiously implement the spirit of the Central Document No. 1, emergency mobilization, integration of forces, to fight drought and spring land preparation for the production of propaganda and mobilization, maintenance of water conservancy facilities, reconstruction, promotion of drought technology, transporting agricultural reserves, increase financial support agriculture, undertaking technical training for farmers, migrant workers and other organizations working to ensure the realization, "Drought, food security, increasing income," the goal. Hirakawa area early spring drought set up a leading group of production, timely organize relevant departments to work to go to the village, advocacy to mobilize farmers early spring land preparation for the implementation of the necessary seeds, fertilizers and pesticides and other spring material. Also, the area will get special drought funding 300,000 yuan, rural multi-party financing, the existing problems of the region's overall maintenance of water facilities. Maintenance of motor-pumped wells have been since last winter and spring 25, provide irrigation engineering equipment 8 pieces (sets), dredging trunk and branch canals, 197, 300 km, maintenance pump 20 seats, 18 channels of the building, repaired the water culvert 8 , clear ice 3,200 meters pipeline. Hirakawa District actively adjust planting structure, expand the film as much as possible to mobilize the masses of corn, potato and high autumn crop acreage. Give full play to the role of science and technology drought, agricultural science and technology personnel to go to farmers, peasants and drought for the production of "experience and advanced technology" to promote the film double furrow sowing Corn Technology 5 acres, to carry out soil testing and fertilizer subsidies to the project, plans to implement an area of 240 000 mu. Completed more than 3,000 people all kinds of farmer training, implementation of the rural labor sunshine projects, training of farmers 500. District agricultural department dispatching reserve standard fertilizer 3700 tons, plastic sheeting 40 tons, 5 tons of pesticides, more than 3,100 pieces of small farm machinery, the establishment of supply networks in the village, delivery to the countryside, home to send fertilizer. Coordinate the implementation of the financial sector has nearly 100 million yuan loans for various types of support for agriculture, a strong spring to ensure the production smoothly.

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