

2010-04-07 09:15:24 阅读3 评论0 字号:

原文:Million cubic meters of crude oil reserves in the library building opened
Million cubic meters of crude oil reserves in the library building opened According to Xinhua news, millions of cubic meters of commercial crude oil reserve library items, recently in Tianjin Binhai New Area to start construction of the South Industrial Park. The total investment of 980 million yuan, the land about 25 million square meters, construction covers: 10 100 thousand cubic meters of crude oil storage tanks, pumping stations, metering and matching between the instruments, electricity, water, heat, fire and office and other facilities. Project to be basically completed by 2010. The main pool of imported crude oil reserves, built and running, not only to stabilize the energy market supply and stabilize domestic oil prices abnormal fluctuations in supply and demand is important, the national oil reserve system, improve and complement. 原文来自:http://www.google.com.hk/

Million cubic meters of crude oil reserves in the library building opened ;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海丰企阀门有限公司还生产 及保温钛放料阀,V型调节钛球阀,刀型钛闸阀,旋启式钛止回阀,F9T43X电动盲板阀,欢迎您的选购。)

中石油百万立方米原油储备库开建 据新华网消息,中石油百万立方米商业原油储备库项目,日前在天津滨海新区南港工业区动工建设。   该项目总投资约9.8亿元,用地约25万平方米,建设内容包括:10座10万立方米原油储罐、泵房、计量间及配套的仪表、供电、供水、供热、消防及办公等配套设施。项目拟在2010年底基本建成。   该储备库主要储备进口原油,建成并运行后,不仅对稳定能源市场供应、平抑国内油价供求异常波动具有重要意义,也是国家油品储备体系的完善和补充。

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