

2010-04-06 15:47:21 阅读4 评论0 字号:

Sunday, October 23, 2005 Q Dear Tom and Ray: I drive a 1995 Ford Probe with roughly 138,000 miles on it. My mechanic says the rattle-like noise I hear as I drive is the result of valve tap. He indicated that it would be too expensive to repair. Can you please explain to me what valve tap is, and what causes it? -- Michelle A RAY: If you're getting the noise only on acceleration, try putting premium gas in the car, and see if the noise goes away or improves a lot. If it does, you might ask your mechanic to check the stuff that can cause pinging -- like bad timing, a plugged EGR valve or carbon buildup on the pistons. All of those things are fairly easy to treat. TOM: If the noise is there whenever the car is running, and not just during acceleration, then it probably is valve tap, more commonly known as "valve lash." RAY: "Valve lash" is just another term for "slop," or "your engine is wearing out." ad_icon TOM: When your engine runs, there's something called a camshaft, which turns (some cars have more than one). The camshaft is what ultimately opens the engine's valves. RAY: When you have lash, it means that there's slop somewhere between the camshaft and the valve train. And that rat-a-tat-tat sound you're hearing is all those worn-out parts slapping together. TOM: If I had to take a wild guess, with almost 140,000 miles on the car I'd have to put my money on either a worn-out camshaft or worn-out hydraulic lifters. RAY: Camshafts and lifters are big money, Michelle. Your mechanic is probably worried that if you spend a ton of money on that stuff, the transmission might fall out the next day. And he could be right. He certainly knows the car's condition better than we do. TOM: So, if you want to just keep the car running as long as you can, we'd suggest two things. One is to drive gently. The more you do, the longer it's going to take for those parts to completely wear out. It could last another 10,000 or 20,000 miles like this. RAY: And the second suggestion is to explore the wonderful world of "last ditch" engine additives. For generations, people have used stuff like STP, Motor Medic, Lucas Oil Treatment and Newman's Own Salad Dressing to prolong the agony of a worn-out engine. So take a little shopping excursion to your local auto-parts store, Michelle, and try a few of them. Dear Tom and Ray: Why do I keep hearing that you should never allow two vehicles to touch while jump-starting one of the vehicles? I recently e-mailed a local radio-show host who does an auto-repair show, but even he admitted that he had heard this but had never checked it out. Do you know? -- Brian TOM: I would assume that's from the days when cars had exposed metal bumpers. RAY: Cars still have metal bumpers, but they're now encased in rubber or plastic. But if you had two cars with exposed metal bumpers, and the cars were touching, and you hooked up a jumper cable incorrectly, attaching the positive of one car to the negative of the other, then you could possibly cause an explosion. You'd be, in effect, shorting out the battery in the car that was attached to the positive terminal, and it could blow up on you. TOM: But it's largely irrelevant today, Brian. Unless you happen to have one of those few pickup trucks or SUVs that are still sold with chrome bumpers, and you're being jumped by another one, it's just not an issue.
原文来自: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10/24/AR2005102400714.html

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星期日,2005年10月23日 Q亲爱的汤姆和雷: 我开车有大约138,000英里,它的1995年福特探针。我的机械师说,拨浪鼓般的噪音,我听到我的驱动器是自来水阀门的结果。他表示,将过于昂贵,维修。能否请您解释,我体会到自来水阀门是什么原因呢? - 米歇尔 光线:如果你只获得加速度的噪音,可以尝试在汽车保险费气体,看看噪音消失或改善了许多。如果是,你可能会问你的机械师检查的东西可能导致侦测像58.17 - 一插入废气再循环阀或碳活塞的建设上。所有这些东西很容易xx。 汤姆:如果噪音是每当有车正在运行,而不仅仅在加速,那么它可能是自来水阀门,通常称为“阀门睫毛。” 射线:“阀门拉什”只是一个长远的“污水”或“您的引擎是穿了。” ad_icon 汤姆:当您的发动机运行时,有一种叫做凸轮轴,讲述(有些车有一个以上)。凸轮轴是最终打开发动机的阀门。 射线:当你有睫毛,这意味着有泥浆介于凸轮轴和气门。而且老鼠一达达声音您听到的所有的磨损零件的拍打在一起。 汤姆:如果我必须采取野生猜测,与近14万英里的赛车我必须把我的钱一破旧凸轮轴或磨损或出液压挺杆。 射线:凸轮轴和举重是大钱,米歇尔。您的机械可能是担心,如果你花这些东西大量的金钱,传输可能下降了第二天。他可能是正确的。他当然知道赛车的状况比我们好。 汤姆:那么,如果你想只保持汽车运行的,只要你可以,我们会建议两件事。一个是要推动温和的。越这样做,不再是要为这些单位采取xx磨损。它仍可维持1.0万或2.0万英里这样。 射线:第二项建议是探讨“{zh1}努力,美好的世界”发动机的添加剂。世世代代,人们用了污水处理厂,汽车梅迪奇,卢卡斯油处理和Newman 's Own沙拉东西修整,以延长痛苦一破旧的引擎。因此,需要一些购物游览当地的汽车零部件商店,米歇尔,并尝试其中几项。 亲爱的汤姆和雷: 为什么我不断听到有人说你不应该允许两辆车接触,而刚刚启动,其中一辆汽车?我最近通过电子邮件当地电台节目主持人谁做一汽车修理节目,但他也承认,他听到这个,但是从来没有检查出来。你知道吗? - 布莱恩 汤姆:我假设,从天的汽车时,已暴露的金属保险杠。 射线:汽车还有金属保险杠,但他们现在在橡胶或塑料包裹。但是,如果你曾与裸露的金属保险杠两辆汽车,而汽车是感人,你上钩了一个跨接电缆不正确,并附上了一辆车积极向其他,那么你可能会引起爆炸负。你会实际上,短路,在附加到正极汽车电池,它可以吹你。 汤姆:但它主要是风马牛不相及,布赖恩。除非你碰巧有少数皮卡,或仍与铬保险杠销售SUV车款,而你正由另一人跳,只是不是一个问题。


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