恒生银行2010管理培训生招聘-补招-春季招聘| 东南招聘| 工作人生- 东南 ...








Hang Seng employees are our most treasured resource. We are fully committed to developing your talent and ensuring that you have the skills, experience and support you need to succeed. We want you to be engaged, inspired and proud to be part of our team. This is why we foster a working environment that reflects our core beliefs of execution excellence, courtesy with passion, innovation, corporate governance, professionalism and corporate social responsibility in pursuit of excellent customer experience.

If you are pragmatic, progressive and creative, we have created Management Trainee Programmes that create a solid foundation for your banking career and ensure you develop the skills and experience you need to become an executive at Hang Seng. These programmes are challenging and there is a lot to learn, but they will also put you on the fast-track to the very top of the banking industry.

If you feel that you are ready to rise to the challenge and forge a high-flying career in banking, we invite you to find out more about our individual programmes and to apply

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