酸酸甜甜又一年......Sticky & Sweet Tour CD+DVD_天涯博客_有见识的人 ...


Come with me
In the evidence of its brilliance...
2010 Sticky & Sweet Tour CD+DVD

マドンナ、TOP10入り获得数20作でザ?ビートルズ抜き歴代単独1位 (转载)
■50代でのライブアルバムTOP10入りは女性初 米?xxのマドンナ(51)のライブアルバム『スティッキー?アンド?スウィート?ツアー CD+DVD』が31日に発売され、1周目で1.1万枚を売上げ、4/12付周间アルバムランキングの10位に初登场した。今回で20作品目のTOP10入りとなり、洋楽アーティストとしてザ?ビートルズの19作を抜く歴代単独1位となった。 (麦当娜凭借第二十张入主top 10的专辑,超越披头士的19张,成为洋乐{dy}人)
2007年,Confessions Tour DVD/CD 首周入围ORICON专辑榜TOP 10,
使MADONNA和披头士并列成为 日本 TOP 10 专辑最多的西洋艺人!

2007年,Confessions Tour DVD/CD
Top 40 Albums
(February 17-2007) 2-6-12-9-17-14-26-24-26-//-29-
42,000 =
TOTAL= 893,000 + ......
Top 100 Albums
“The Confessions Tour”
(February 9-2007) 2-2-3-4-10-19-33-42-47-74-84-
“The Confessions Tour”
Top 100 Albums (Sales Based : Bi-Weekly)
(January 31-2007) 5-2-5-9-12-
Top 40 DVDs
“The Confessions Tour” down to #15.
(February 12-2007) 1-1-1-2-1-2-2-3-5-15-
Top 10 DVDs
“The Confessions Tour” leaves the chart.
(February 7-2007) 1-2-2-2-4-4-3-4-8-5-//(April 18-2007)
“The Confessions Tour”
Top 50 Albums (Flanders)
(February 3-2007) 19-3-3-4-7-13-22-31-39-50-//(April 14-2007)
Top 50 Albums (Wallony)
(February 3-2007) 8-1-2-4-5-7-14-23-21-22-29-33-
Top 10 DVDs (Flanders)
(February 3-2007) 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-3-
Top 10 DVDs (Wallony)
(February 3-2007) 4-1-1-2-3-3-3-3-5-6-7-9-
Top 50 Albums
“The Confessions Tour”
(February 13-2007) 40-//-24-12-18-4-4-7-8-29-28-
Top 100 Albums
“The Confessions Tour”
(February 4-2007) 2-9-17-19-32-43-54-68-92-//(April 8-2007)
“The Confessions Tour”
Top 30 International Albums
(January 28-2007) 1-2-2-2-3-3-4-14-23-28-//(April 8-2007)
“The Confessions Tour”
Top 50 Albums
(February 7-2007) 1-1-1-5-5-6-12-15-21-31-34-
Top 20 DVDs
(February 7-2007) 1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-4-4-4-
“The Confessions Tour”
Top 100 Albums
(February 9-2007) 5-9-7-14-32-45-51-61-68-74-81-
Top 100 Albums
“The Confessions Tour”
(February 5-2007) 3-5-10-30-37-46-19-N-51-//-74-
Top 50 DVDs
“The Confessions Tour”
(February 5-2007) 3-1-1-1-1-1-1-N-3-4-
“The Confessions Tour”
Top 250 Comprehensive (Albums & Compilations)
(February 3-2007) 2-4-8-15-34-69-78-86-102-130-153-
Top 200 Albums
(February 3-2007) 2-3-8-13-28-52-59-63-76-92-107-
Top 40 DVDs
(February 3-2007) 1-1-1-2-4-7-14-12-14-16-12-
Top 100 Albums
“The Confessions Tour”
(February 2-2007) 2-8-8-14-21-42-50-56-74-85-89-
Top 20 DVDs (By Amazon.de)
“The Confessions Tour” .
(February 2-2007) 2-2-2-3-5-6-9-13-//-20-18-15-
“The Confessions Tour”
Top 50 Comprehensive (Local & International Albums)
(February 24-2007) 2-1-1-12-28-46-50-//-36-
Top 50 International Albums
(February 24-2007) 1-1-1-3-8-18-21-32-11-
Top 20 DVDs
(February 24-2007) 3-4-4-9-13-
“The Confessions Tour”
Top 40 Albums
(February 4-2007) 1-1-1-2-6-6-12-10-13-14-20-
Top 20 DVDs
(January 28-2007) 3-1-1-1-1-1-2-16-15-8-5-9-
“The Confessions Tour”
Top 300 Comprehensive (Local & International Albums)
Down to #54 with 2,969 copies sold
(March 19-2007) 10-17-29-39-54-
Top 20 Internatioanl Albums
(March 19-2007) 1-4-6-9-17-
“The Confessions Tour”
Top 10 Albums
(March 3-2007) 1-2-2-2-3-2-3-5-
“The Confessions Tour”
Top 30 Albums
(February 7-2007) 1-1-1-3-3-6-8-13-16-22-20-
Top 30 DVDs
(February 7-2007) 2-1-1-1-2-3-4-5-5-6-8-
Top 100 Albums
“The Confessions Tour” .
(February 4-2007) 1-6-9-10-15-25-38-49-61-81-//(April 15-2007)
Top 20 DVDs
“The Confessions Tour”
(February 4-2007) 1-1-1-1-2-2-3-3-5-7-9-

Top 20 DVDs
“The Confessions Tour”
(February 8-2007) 1-1-1-2-4-3-2-5-6-6-6-
Top 100 Albums
“The Confessions Tour” up to #52.
(February 7-2007) 2-3-5-9-13-26-35-42-52-67-52-
“The Confessions Tour”
Top 20 International Albums
(February 1-2007) 2-2-3-7-7-10-10-9-9-12-16-//(April 19-2007)
“The Confessions Tour”
Top 100 Albums
(February 3-2007) 2-3-5-9-17-29-33-36-51-68-63-
Top 30 DVDs
(February 3-2007) 1-1-1-1-4-7-7-7-8-5-4-
Top 20 DVDs
Down to #19.
(February 3-2007) 1-1-2-4-8-6-9-18-18-17-19-
The Confessions Tour ***CD+DVD version***
Italy 100K (1xP)
France 70K
UK 50K
Germany 50K
Spain 30K
Netherlands 35K (Gold)
Russia 25K
Belgium 25K (Gold)
Portugal 10K (Gold)
Czech Republic 6K (3xP)
Europe: 550K
USA 100K
Japan 60K
Mexico 50K (Gold)
Canada 30K
Brazil 30K
Hong Kong 20K (1xP)
+ other
Total: 1 M CD+DVD
+ at least 300K DVD version
2006年 I'm Going To Tell You A Secret - CD/DVD
Hot Latin Tracks for the 7/8/2006
1 Keane Under The Iron Sea - Island
2 Red Hot Chili Peppers Stadium Arcadium - Warner Bros
3 Shakira Oral Fixation Vol. 2 - Epic
4 Nelly Furtado Loose - Mosley/Geffen
5 Madonna I'm Going To Tell You A Secret - Warner Bros. ----MADONNA
6 The Dixie Chicks Taking The Long Way - Columbia
7 Gnarls Barkley St. Elsewhere - Downtown/Atlantic
8 - The Greatest Hits - Fatboy Slim Why Try Harder - Skint
9 Pink I'm Not Dead - LaFace/Zomba
10 Automatic Not Accepted Anywhere - B-Unique/Polydor
Source: Music & Media
Australia........................................DVD........#1........Platinum (15.000)
Belgium (F/W.)..CD........#5/#10......DVD.......#4/#2....Gold
Czech Republic...............................DVD........#1
Germany...........CD.........#8.......................................Gold (25.000)
Hong Kong.........CD.........#1
New Zealand..................................DVD.........#8
CD: 5 countries #1
DVD: 12 countries #1
1990年,Truth or Dare 美国记录片票房ALL TIME-NO 5
It was #1 for 11 years (1991-2002).
Rank Title (click to view) Studio Lifetime Gross / Theaters Opening / Theaters Date
1 Fahrenheit 9/11 Lions $119,194,771 2,011 $23,920,637 868 6/23/04
2 March of the Penguins WIP $77,437,223 2,506 $137,492 4 6/24/05
3 Bowling for Columbine UA $21,576,018 248 $209,148 8 10/11/02
4 An Inconvenient Truth ParC $15,039,000 587 $281,330 4 5/24/06
5 Madonna: Truth or Dare Mira. $15,012,935 652 $543,250 51 5/10/91
1991--02年在美国都是 记录片票房NO 1 !!!


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