
全国家用电器标准化技术委员会秘书长、中国家用电器研究院副院长马德军在日前举办的2009空气源热泵产业发展高峰论坛上说:随着节能减排工作的不断深入,技术已经成熟、节能效果惊人的热泵热水器也逐渐进入人们的视野。特别是目前最节能、回收投资最快的空气源热泵(空气能)热水器,已经xx满足了家庭的热水使用需要,有望成为城乡居民广泛消费的第四代节能型热水器。   随着资源环境问题的日益突出,节能减排工作已成为我国政府的工作重点,可再生能源的开发和利用得到了前所未有的重视和发展。   近年来,空气源热泵技术作为安全、节能、环保、高效的可再生能源真空泵技术已日趋成熟,被国内不少专家和企业看好。通过市场培育,被誉为马德军表示,空气源热泵新一代热水器能效比高达1:4,假设全国50%农村市场换用热泵热水器:一年就可节约电能约1420亿千瓦时,减少二氧化碳排放3690万吨,二氧化硫排放14.7万吨。   第四代热水器的空气源热泵热水器真空泵行业发展迅速,逐渐从商业应用步入到寻常百姓家庭,同时随着推广力度的加大,节能四倍的空气源热泵新一代热水器也正为我国的环保事业贡献着更大的力量。   谈到空气源热泵在节能减排等方面的问题时,参加2009空气源热泵产业发展高峰论坛的专家及企业代表纷纷发表意见,有的还带来了自己公司研发的新产品。珠海格力电器副总裁黄辉先生在会上分析了空气源热泵的现状及问题,同时介绍了格力的{zx1}产品如:超低温数码多联机组和空调热水器,其产品打破传统的热泵热水器只适用于0℃以上地区的局限,它可应用到-20℃以上地区,低温运行区域大大拓宽。   马德军说:这种新型的集热设备分为地源热泵、空气源热泵和水源热泵,目前地源热泵在北方的应用已相当广泛,而空气源热泵则从南方兴起,发展迅猛,应用范围遍及城乡。由于采用了逆卡诺循环原理,热泵热水器的能效比高达1:4,即输入一份电能,能获得相当于4份能量的热水,其效率是电热水器的4倍,燃油锅炉的2~3倍。由于无须太阳光直射即可工作,热泵热水器工作比较稳定,因此节能效果恒定而明显。

“ The rapid development of China's pump industry, ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Secretary-General of the National Standardization Technical Committee Appliances, China's household electrical appliances, vice president of Research Institute of Malaysia held in 2009 in a recent German air-source heat pump Industry Development Summit Forum, said: With the continuous deepening of the work of energy-saving emission reduction technology has matured, energy-saving effect of amazing heat pump water heater is gradually coming into view. In particular is the most energy-saving, recovery of the investment the fastest air-source heat pump (air power) water heater, has fully satisfied the family's hot water use needs of urban and rural residents is expected to become widespread consumption of fourth-generation energy-saving water heaters. With the resources and environmental issues have become increasingly prominent, energy-saving emission reduction has become our government's focus on renewable energy development and utilization has been unprecedented attention and development. In recent years, air-source heat pump technology as a safe, energy saving, environmental protection, and efficient renewable energy vacuum technology has matured quite a few experts and businesses have been promising. Through the market cultivation, known as the German horse, said a new generation of air-source heat pump water heater energy efficiency of up to 1:4, assuming that 50% of the rural market for the country with the heat pump water heater: one year can save about 142 billion kwh electricity, reduce carbon dioxide emissions 36.9 million tons of sulfur dioxide emission of 147,000 tons. Fourth-generation air-source heat pump water heater pump water heater industry is developing rapidly a gradual shift from business applications to the ordinary people into the family, and as efforts to promote the increase, energy-saving four times the air-source heat pump water heater is also a new generation of environmental protection for our country contribution to the cause with even greater strength. Turning to air-source heat pump at the energy-saving emission reduction, and other issues, participants 2009 Air Source Heat Pump Industry Development Summit Forum, experts and business representatives have commented on some of them bringing their own R & D of new products. Zhuhai Gree Electric Appliance Mr. Huang Hui, vice president of analysis at the air-source heat pump status and problems Gree also introduced the latest products such as: ultra-low temperature Digital Multi-connected units and air-conditioning, water heaters, their product to break the traditional heat pump water heater is only applicable to at 0 ℃ and above the limitations of the region, it can be applied to more than -20 ℃ area, low temperature operation range significantly broadened. MA German said: this new type of collector devices are divided into ground-source heat pump, air-source heat pump and water source heat pump, the current ground-source heat pump in the north of the applications are quite extensive, and the rise of air-source heat pump from the South to develop rapidly, the application scope of throughout urban and rural areas. As a result of the reverse Carnot cycle principle, heat pump water heater's energy efficiency as high as 1:4, that is input to a power able to obtain the equivalent of four copies of the energy of hot water, its efficiency is 4 times the electric water heater, oil-fired boiler of 2 ~ 3 times. Because you can work without too much direct sunlight, heat pump water heater relatively stable, and therefore a constant and significant energy-saving effect.

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