Some experiences of pass a thread through the eye of a needle_信息 ...

Some experiences of pass a thread through the eye of a needle

    I have a lightweight umbrella, and I always carry it with me. It has belonged to me for a long time. The umbrella was sent by my wife many years ago. This morning, I found there was some damage to my umbrella, so I decide to repair it by myself.

   I had had those labor lessons when I was still a pupil; I think I can do it, although it may not as nice as others. When I try to pass a thread through the eye of a needle, I found I am not so smart. I tried several times but failure and I had to stop and had a thought about how to do it more easily. Then I had a flash of intuition, I trim the thread carefully and try to make the head of the thread in order. Then I passed the thread through the eye of the needle easily.

   I think everything of the world may have its rules, just like pass the thread through the eye of the needle.

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