DefenseWall V3.0可以保护浏览互联网免受恶意软件入侵电脑汉化纯净安装 ...
  • 更新时间:2010-4-8 0:02:18
  • 软件分类: /
  • 软件大小:4.01 MB
  • 软件类别:汉化补丁
  • 软件授权:特别版
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 应用平台:WinXp, Win2003, Win2000, WinVista, Win9x
  • 相关连接:
  • [DefenseWall V3 public beta.----
  •  Gladiator Security Forum > SoftSphere Technologies Support Forums > DefenseWall HIPS]

    可以保护浏览互联网时免受恶意软件(间谍软件、广告、键盘记录工具以及一些打包的恶意脚步)入侵电脑,使用新一代的主动式保护技术,DefenseWall 可以{zd0}限度的保护你预防那些恶意软件,不需要使用者具有任何特定知识或进行无休止的网上署名验证


    英文原版 下载

  • =======

    DefenseWall Personal Firewall is the world's first Sandbox Firewall built with innovative 'Adaptive Automatic Protection'.

    DefenseWall Personal Firewall extends the power of DefenseWall HIPS based on the simple ‘trusted or untrusted’ system of protection. There is no struggling with firewall settings, user modes, ports, sockets or rules.

    No Firewall or HIPS Learning Mode
    No Setup of Ports and Sockets
    No Unwanted Restarts
    No Application Checksum Re-checks
    Industry-minimum number of popup windows


    Adaptive Automatic Protection
    • For both Outbound and Inbound Firewall protection, there is no manual configuration or learning mode - just install on a clean system and you are ready to go! Like DefenseWall HIPS, Personal Firewall is engineered to provide outstanding protection with the average-novice user in mind.

    Whitelisting - Simplified Program Setup
    • Digitally signed files from trusted vendors will run from the protected "Download Areas" automatically 'As Trusted'.

    Unauthorized System Restart Protection
    • Malware or untrusted programs or processes may attempt system restart to take over your computer - DefenseWall will stop it – you will get a warning and have the opportunity to allow it or deny it.

    Outbound Firewall
    • DefenseWall Personal Firewall controls Untrusted Applications that are connecting to the Web and warns you if a program is not under the outbound rules. Trusted applications are free to go, but you can block their Internet access too, with functions that are very simple to use.

    Inbound Firewall
    • DefenseWall Personal Firewall automatically blocks open listening ports of all the Trusted processes. So, if you have anything that has to have their ports open, you just set it as Untrusted and that's it. The reason is simple- if this application has a vulnerability and got exploited, the circumstances can be coped by sandbox protection. If a computer is within domain, DefenseWall automatically opens 445, 135, 137,138,139 ports. This innovative "Adaptive Automatic Protection", allows you to forget about ports setup.

    Also, DefenseWall Inbound Firewall supports manual ports installation mode.

    Manual Mode: Standard Profiles for Advanced-Expert Use
    • Direct Internet Connection
    • Wireless Internet Connection
    • Home/Work LAN

    Profiles are preconfigured for each connection environment and Ports can be added or removed from the Inbound list. The Green Checkmark Icon indicates closed ports.

    Ah, and did I mention the skinning is back?

    Download link is here:

    20 December 2009- Beta 2 is just uploaded. Download link is the same.

    Avira, Avast inbound issuses are fixed, added inbound connections attempts logging. Many minor issues are fixed.

    21 December 2009- new Beta2 build is uploaded. It fixes several compatibility issues.

    23 December 2009- new Beta2 build is uploaded. It fixes DrWeb SpiderMail and few other compatibility issues.

    24 December 2009- new Beta2 build is uploaded. It improves few things added into the previous build.

    24 December 2009- new Beta2 build is uploaded. It fixes "run FireFox as trusted" issue.

    25 December 2009- new Beta2 build is uploaded. It fixes an issue with Eset Security.

    26 December 2009- Beta3 is uploaded. It fixes many issues- smooth work with AVG, multiple WinAmp "load module" dialog boxes, improves "Add/Remove Programs" window displaying speed, covers one hole in the protection code (programming error)

    1 January 2010- Beta4 is uploaded. Now on, DefenseWall's main modules are totally in Unicode. Test it carefully as, during migration process I could make errors with my code.

    4 January 2010- new Beta4 build is uploaded. If fixes running Thunderbird "run as trusted" issues as well as loosing untrusted status on copy one.

    13 January 2010- new Beta4 build is uploaded. If fixes few BSOD issues.

    14 January 2010- Beta5 is uploaded. Now on, network shared folders are untrusted (with an option to switch it on and off), as well as network areas by default.

    16 January 2010- new Beta5 build is uploaded. It fixed Bonjour services and Sunbelt Personal Firewall issues.

    17 January 2010- new Beta5 build is uploaded. It fixed one BSOD issue and two defense bypass techniques.

    22 January 2010- new Beta5 build is uploaded. It fixed few MS Office 2010 beta Click-and-run edition compatibility issues. Still have no idea how to protect Outlook's accounts there :(.

    24 January 2010- new Beta5 build is uploaded. It, mostly, improves whitelisting. One security bypass technique is covered.

    25 January 2010- new Beta5 build is uploaded. It polishes whitelisting scheme.

    29 January 2010- new Beta5 build is uploaded. It copes very interesting fake AV auto-run scheme.

    23 February 2010- Beta6 build is uploaded. It improves Automatic Adaptive Protection and UDP firewalling scheme.


    Mar 24 2010, DefenseWall Release Candidate 1.

    Hi everybody!

    Looks like, the first DefenseWall V3 Release Candidate is ready.

  • Waiting for your comments about stability, workability and help file improved.


    DefenseWall V3 Release Candidate 2.

    Apr 3 2010

    Hi everybody!

  • Here is DefenseWall V3 Release Candidate 2 for your tests. Collecting bug reports.

  • ----

    Apr 3 2010

    Found a kernel memory leak. New build is uploaded. If you did download and install already- re-download and install overtop, as usual.

    Apr 6 2010

    Found an issue with loosing "Untrusted" status on file copy with Windows Explorer. New build is uploaded.


    Apr 6 2010

    Translation Pack is ready for a long time!

    Hi, translation contributors!
    Translation Pack for the V3 is waiting for you for a long time already, but I have only two Script1.rc translations for now!

  • 郑重声明:资讯 【DefenseWall V3.0可以保护浏览互联网免受恶意软件入侵电脑汉化纯净安装 ...】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku #或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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