笼式球阀与旋转浮球阀- jiadefamen - jiadefamen - 和讯博客
笼式球阀与旋转浮球阀 [转贴 2010-03-29 13:29:37]   

原文:Cage-type ball valve floating ball valve and rotation
Cage-type ball valve floating ball valve and rotation Cage-type valve adjustments in the form of a wide range chip can meet the needs of most applications. Cage-type valve adjustments There are a variety of films, in most cases, a valve configuration of the various adjustments can be interchangeable piece. However, cage-type valve also has several drawbacks: First, valve size is limited; second line of sight with the same size valves compared to a lower capacity; third is a higher price. However, in reducing process variability, the cage-type valve has a superior performance. Rotating flow float valve cage with the same diameter larger than valve. Although the rotation of the control range greater than the float valve cage valve, but it allows the pressure drop and allow the temperature range than a small cage-type valve. Float valve does not apply to the liquid ends up in vacuoles, in the higher gas pressure drop, often issued by a larger noise 原文来自:http://www.google.com.hk/

Cage-type ball valve floating ball valve and rotation ;是由 提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海嘉德阀门制造有限公司还生产 及三片式法兰球阀,主安全阀,外螺纹球阀,双杠杆安全阀,高压内螺纹球阀,欢迎您的选购。)

笼式球阀与旋转浮球阀 笼式球阀的调整片形式种类广泛,能够满足大多数应用场合的需求。笼式球阀调整片有很多种,大多数情况下,一种阀体的各种调整片配置是可以互换的。但是笼式球阀也有几个缺点:一是阀的尺寸受到限制;二是与同等规格的视线阀相比,容量较低;三是售价较高。但在降低流程易变性方面,笼式球阀具有优异的性能。 旋转浮球阀的流量与同等口径的笼式球阀相比较大。尽管旋转浮球阀的控制范围大于笼式球阀,但其允许压力降和允许温度范围比笼式球阀小。浮球阀不适用于易起空泡的液体,在压力降较高的气体中时,常常发出较大的噪声

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