据橡胶生产协会贸易集团介绍,7加仑的石油(石油转化为异戊二烯)可以制造一个橡胶,而每年大约生产的橡胶轮胎数量为万亿只。可想而知,每年的石油消耗数量的庞大。然而,经过包括Goodyear Tire,Rubber和Genencor在内的国外几家公司的共同研究这样的情况在未来五年内便会有改观了。他们正在想办法从甘蔗、玉米、柳枝等职务中提联储生物异戊二烯,这样就间接减少了轮胎工业对环境的影响。




Within 5 Years, Tires Could be Made from Sugar Cane, Corn, or Switchgrass Instead of Oil

According to the Rubber Manufacturers Association trade group, it takes about 7 gallons of oil to make 1 car tire (the oil is turned into isoprene), and 1 billion of them are made each year. But this could change within about 5 years thanks to research done by Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. and the biotechnology company Genencor. They're working on ways to make bio-isoprene using plants like sugar cane, corn, or switchgrass, thus potentially reducing the environmental impact of the tire industry (they could also improve by using clean energy to power their factories, reducing waste, and making low-rolling resistance tires that last longer).

The way they're doing it is with genetically modified bacteria that munch on the sugars contained in the plants, and it converts them to bio-isoprene. The resulting tires should perform just as well and last just as long as oil-based tires, and they could eventually be made even better, according to Richard J. LaDuca, Genencor's senior director.

Of course, if this way to create rubber becomes cost competitive, tires are only one of the markets where it could replace oil-based products.

On a related note, if you have a car, make sure that your tires are inflated properly. You'll save gas and the tires will last longer.

翻译:Daisy  译文来源:treehugger.com



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