Real Estate Agents dismal business almost closed the street to ...

◆ three major factors that lead to decreased turnover, some intermediaries forced to “out”

City Land Real Estate Board announced yesterday the official website of the Shenzhen real estate transactions The latest data showed that November 11, the city’s new home 64 sets of transactions, average turnover of 11,366 yuan / sq m, on the 12th turnover of 47 sets of new homes, average price of 15,127 yuan / sq m; the November 10 second-hand housing transactions only 2 sets , average price of 12,000 yuan / square meters, 192 sets of transactions on the 12th.

from the downturn that began in September trading volume has significantly dragged down the Shenzhen real estate intermediary industry, ground floor shops to close, the loss of intermediaries, such as street marketing phenomenon seen, real estate intermediary industry “shuffle” has quietly started.

took to the streets to sell “hot hand room”

“Fu Building, selling cheap! “Xinwen Road, Futian District in newspapers around the SAR, every few meters will be able to sell the house to hear an intermediary staff cries. “buy it? Miss commission-free. “Yesterday afternoon, after news the way, a family name of Mr. Yi held a large billboard, a smiling face to greet. This reporter learned that, despite the advertised “cheap sale”, but the building housing prices are still 15,000 yuan -1.6 million / square between, and no price.

“Now the house is not a good selling it? How you swing-up to the roadside stall it? “People have asked. In this regard, Mr. Yi said reluctantly, and now the central area of Futian area of the house transaction price has not really dropped, many buyers hold a wait and see attitude of people to buy less natural, as the three-tier market, they can only form “innovation” in the hope back to more customers.

part of intermediaries had shown the tired

with some enthusiasm for selling different intermediaries, many intermediaries have shown fatigue. Last night around 7:00, the reporter along Nanguang Road, Nanshan District, south, and then on学府路Po, in the 500 meters on the road, the distribution of the 78 large and small, real estate intermediary, walked past, the various intermediaries who almost did not consult , a number of intermediaries bored watching the computer to make strange thing is, the reporter stood in the doorway of these intermediaries, the only two people come out to receive an intermediary.

“long-term buy, of course, the fatigue. “An intermediary world wide property consultant Lee told reporters, intermediary business going from bad to worse in the last few months, the staff has given up the” struggle “, the enthusiasm did not high.

with the Lee as saying that in recent months the real estate intermediary Valley in recent years the minimum period, the same period last year, they can be traded intermediary at least a month more than 10 sets, or even a day, Since August this year, turnover of the sharp decline in three consecutive monthly turnover on only one or two.
part of the intermediary market outlook optimistic view

price is not down? At the press to visit several intermediaries, the answer has not been confirmed, on the contrary, the number of intermediaries is also somewhat optimistic that although the volume fell to a low ebb over the past few months, house prices did not decline.

rental创辉Mr. Wang said: “that the decline in housing prices is mainly low turnover in the last few months, it gives people the wrong impression,” he says, many reported that house prices fell nanshan the most powerful, in fact, is not the case, the case is located in Nanshan District opposite the West Sea pearl sale, the current prices are still about 16,000 yuan per square meter, and almost a few months ago.

Mr. Wang believes that the property market downturn in recent months mainly because of personal income tax, such as mortgages and interest rate policies, many people are in wait-and-see status, but the market demand still exists.

an interview with

“reshuffle” is conducive to long-term development of the industry

Yesterday, the Urban Real Estate Services Association, the industry minister Zhang Yuan believes that in the long run, the “shuffle” it is a good thing, can promote the development of industry as a whole norms. “intermediary little too much but good intermediary”

Zhang Yuan said: “At present, the Shenzhen real estate industry varies, but a good intermediary intermediary little too much, many enterprises are holding ‘ go fishing, one vote ‘to get into line intermediary, although a minority, but a major contributing factor to the overall image of the intermediary black. “Three reasons why turnover dropped

Zhang Yuan analysis, there are three major reasons”杀跌”the Shenzhen property market trading volume: First, the past two years in real estate continued macro-control policies, market & ldquo ; downturn “is the result of regulation, non-” sudden incidents “; Second, banks to adjust the mortgage down payment, the introduction of more stringent credit policies in real estate; three are based on the assessment of ad valorem tax levied long introduced the New Deal, policy uncertainty as bad. As far as possible through an intermediary to buy a house brand

Zhang Yuan brand appeal as we choose to buy second-hand housing intermediary, to buy a house before the listing of the best real estate association’s website ( See intermediary qualification and integrity of records .

Chinese version:房产中介生意惨淡几近关门 上街推销“热手房”

 ◆ 三大因素导致成交量下跌,部分中介被迫“出局”




















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