奥斯卡全力照明行业的选举活动« oursolo.net














Oscar’s lighting industry in full swing the election Events

“Oscar’s” new projects are pushing
intense this year’s lighting industry “Oscar” has five named individual: the top ten news events, the top ten Lighting Young Marshal, the top ten potential of brands, the top ten marketing classic cases, the top ten most influence store.

message that is caused by an industry wide concern. Survey shows that more businesses and people in the industry of the “Ten Lighting Young Marshal, the top ten most influential Marketplace” It’s named two new projects to show interest.

ming up, O-Shih Chuang, a well-off the light, home on a large number of enterprises hualong lighting heads or executives, the “Young Marshal Lighting” project a soft spot. Otherwise a lot of the new generation of corporate executives have been invited to participate, is intended to seize the opportunity, in the large enterprise executives appeared before the intervention, access to readers and judges more support. This trick really works, “the top-five selection,” the first phase of special reports issued after the readers and the judges immediately aroused concern. One of the judges out of curiosity from Beijing that the lights are so many young lighting business owners, the industry is enough stamina to grow in size and strength in this industry depends on these young entrepreneurs had.

and the “Ten most influential stores” one of the candidates to start on the competition fierce, Chongqing Lighting, Oriental Plaza, the first to reach the poll by doing my part, Beijing huang十里河home, Changzhou and other lighting stores Otomo followed its After relentless. It can be foreseen that the “Ten most influential stores,” the election will be white-hot.

“Oscar’s” front-line project a drop in the bucket

in the lighting industry “Oscar’s” Award, the “Ten most potential brand” are fist project, because it is relatively level marketing communications directly to the definition of the brand value, so welcomed by enterprises. However, as China International Brand Association has been stressing standardization and quality appraisal preferred the principle of quantity control for the results is extremely strict, only ten list of selected brands. Is really a drop in the bucket. This might lead to a large number of outstanding candidates should not list companies may have failed in many enterprises will regret. So, some smart companies to change their minds and switch to run the “Ten classic marketing case.”

“Ten classic marketing case” was originally a very sophisticated enterprises, large corporations, brands can take part in strength, and many did not expect to reach New Horizons, leading to big enterprises dare not take lightly. According to the survey, a number of large enterprises are seriously planning to run the project proposal. However, the new generation of enterprises dare to enter the “classic marketing,” the field of competition, let us see the hope of the industry, but also to see the vitality of the industry.

“Oscar’s” the authority of a powerful lineup hailun

According to the organizing committee revealed that the strong selection, celebrities gathered. Jury candidates for the implementation of major basic — China Building Decoration Association executive vice president of徐朋, former chairman of the China Illuminating Engineering Society emblica light, China Association of Lighting Dolin Ping Deputy Secretary-General, China International Brand Association Qun Ma, Guangdong electrical lighting Jian Quan Association, Shenzhen City, Interior Design Association, vice president and secretary general of the Qing-Xiang Zhao, Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co., Ltd., Managing Director of Pan-wave, “the government procurement information reported,” editor-in-chief LIU, “Sales & Marketing” magazine, Deputy editor-in-chief Zhang Wan, “China’s quality and brand”, deputy director of the magazine, was invited as the judges冯永灿.

otherwise, CCTV-2 Economic Channel, Guangdong TV, “reported information on Government Procurement”, “sales and marketing,” Huicong network, Aladdin and other well-known media network support activities of this award. At the same time, Guangdong Province, said the mainstream media more than the general public to participate in the activities of the whole presentation is reported.

“Oscar’s” dissemination of the concept of shine forever

approached the door of the 2008 Olympic year, we would like to thank the Olympic Games, this global sporting event to the entire Chinese nation too much luck and opportunity, including the lighting industry.

back in 2007, we find that the whole lighting industry has developed by leaps and bounds, industrial-scale capacity expansion, the market depth of development, industry contribution and impact on the national economy to enable the world. Many lighting扬鞭Prancing Horse brand enterprises, building materials and home appliances from both sides blocking strip spewing out quickly into the pillar industry of China’s major ocean of the economy, traveling on the economic and social scope. Lighting industry in the new century ushered in one of the best period of development.

2007 was the lighting industry before the second integration the key to the “ready,” and from upstream resources to the middle reaches of the production enterprises, and then Terminal Marketplace, the whole industry chain coupling produced a huge sport. This year there were a lot of remarkable things, and some will inevitably go down in history loading industry. (07-11-20)

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