SF-3D航空标志球(航空警示球) 阿里巴巴safe15588的博客BLOG












Allerting Ball Installation Guide

Installing Procedure
1.At the mount point on the alerting ball, wrap cable protecting bars round cables for 1000-1200mm long, with two ends of protecting bars extending 200-300mm beyond the surface of the ball, as shown in Figure 1.

上半球 upper hemisphere
线夹cable clamp
不锈钢螺栓stainless steel bolt
护线条cable protecting bars
下半球lower hemisphere

2.Fix the plastic wires which are mounted on lower hemisphere of the ball onto the cables and twist them, as shown in Figure 2.

下半球 lower hemisphere
塑料线 plastic wire
线夹cable clamp

3.Combine the lower hemisphere with the upper hemisphere according to module codes. Turn the hemisphere during the assembly and make sure two hemispheres are joined into position .
钢码模 module code
4.Insert stainless steel bolts(M12*35) and then put flat washers and spring washers around each bolt. Tighten each nut at last, as shown in Figure 4.

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