弹簧安全阀检修- 中国过滤器网的日志- 网易博客


2010-03-29 14:12:16 阅读5 评论0 字号:

1. 拆卸 1.1 提升机构的拆卸 1.1.1 拆手柄销、手柄、叉杆销、叉杆、阀销、阀杆锁紧销及阀杆螺母; 1.2 调节环的拆卸 1.2.1 卸下调节环和喷咀环的固定螺丝,记录喷咀环的齿槽数采用将喷咀环向右转(反时针方向)直至与阀瓣支架相接触,记录所旋转的槽数的方法来实现。从这个位置的接触处起,向下定为负的槽数。调节环应向右转(反时针方向)直至它接触到阀瓣支架,并顶起阀瓣支架至顶住止推螺母,导环的位置是从它的接触面开始向下记为槽数; 1.3 阀杆的拆卸 1.3.1 在调节螺栓头的侧面做一个记号,并在阀盖顶部的机加工平面上,正对着该记号的下面,另做一个记号。测量从调节螺栓顶部到阀盖的机加工表面的这两个记号之间的距离,并记录其数值,当阀门重新组装时,该数值将是必要的; 1.3.2 松开调节螺栓的锁母和调节螺栓以松弛弹簧张力;用调节螺栓松弛弹簧拉力之前,切勿松开阀盖螺母。 1.3.3 拆开调节环固定螺丝和喷咀环固定螺丝; 1.3.4 松开并拆下阀盖螺母; 1.3.5 用吊环螺栓拧在阀杆上,从阀体内垂直提起组装的上部装置;当从阀体内将 上部装置提出来时,不允许阀杆或任何部件有任何的摇摆动作,任何摇动都可能损坏阀座。 1.3.6 将组件立在一个清洁颊上放置的导环上,并使阀杆垂直; 1.3.7 放倒上部装置,使阀杆处于水平位置,当放倒上部装置时,操作必须小心,以避免其部件被损坏; 1.3.8 自阀杆上拆除吊杆螺栓,并小心地从弹簧和阀盖组体中滑出内部零件(阀瓣支架、阀瓣、喷射器、调节环和阀杆)。 2. 检查 2.1 检查弹簧    2.1.1 测量弹簧工作长度,做好标记和记录; 2.1.2 标记和记录各定位尺寸和位置;   2.1.3 检查弹簧有无裂纹、严重锈蚀和变形,弹簧性能是否良好; 2.2 检查阀瓣、阀座 2.2.1 密封面如有表面损坏,深度不超过1.4mm,或微小裂纹,且深度不超过1.4mm,可先用车削办法修复后再研磨; 2.2.2 微小缺陷或有必要时,可用着色等无损探伤方法进行确认; 2.2.3 密封面深度小于0.4mm的微小缺陷可用研磨方法xx。 2.3 检查阀杆 2.3.1 清理干净阀杆表面污垢,检查阀杆缺陷; 2.3.2 必要时进行校直或更换; 2.3.3 视情况进行表面氮化处理。 2.4 检查螺栓、螺母 检查螺栓、螺母的螺纹。装配灵活,无松动现象; 2.5 检查阀体及与阀门连接管座焊接 检查阀体及其连接焊缝有无砂眼、裂纹; 2.6 检查弹簧提杆 检查弹簧提杆应完好; 3. 研磨 3.1 研磨胎具的制作 3.1.1 选择优质铸铁材料,无气孔和制造缺陷,硬度为布氏240或相当此硬度; 3.1.2 平板尺寸: 外径=阀线外径+(5~6)mm 内径=阀线内径-(5~6)mm 厚度=15~20mm 根据上述内径,平板中心应凹进去2~3mm,平板背面中心部位应留有方孔(可以打穿)以备装进连接杆与手柄。 3.2 研磨 3.2.1 研磨时彻底清扫所要求研磨的表面及周围,研磨胎具上涂研磨膏,放在研磨面上全面均匀加压,反复正、反方向慢慢旋转手柄,长时间研磨时研磨胎具会产生局部磨损,所以经常修正胎具平面才能保证密封面平整; 3.2.2 密封面损伤较重:有明显的压伤等缺陷时,使用粒度300~400研磨膏初研,然后用粒度600~800研磨膏精研,{zh1}使用粒度1000~1200研磨膏抛光精研,每次换研磨膏时,旧研磨膏必须用丙酮擦洗干净,抛光精研时,涂上极少量的研磨膏轻轻地研磨,直至出光亮,{zh1}在油毛毡上涂少量研磨膏。用大于密封面外径的木块压在密封面上的油毛毡旋转几次。密封面出现光亮。研磨完毕后,热阀瓣舌头背面漏进去的研磨膏以及阀体上的研磨膏都要清理干净; 3.2.3 研磨结束后使用I级平台和红丹粉,检查密封面径向吻合度,吻合度必须超过密封面宽度的80%以上; 3.2.4 {zh1}用植物油对阀座阀芯进行抛光处理。 4. 组装 4.1 润滑并拧进阀瓣支架固定螺母到阀杆上,当止推螺母在其{zg}位置时,安装阀瓣支架在阀杆底端之上,润滑阀瓣支承面及阀瓣螺纹并把阀瓣拧在阀杆端上,直至露出底螺纹,并可自由地在阀瓣支承面上转动;在组装工作中应特别小心,以保证阀瓣和喷咀座不受损伤。 4.2 规定阀瓣支架与止推螺母中的间隙; 4.3 将喷射器提起超过阀杆组件,并放到阀瓣支架上,现在可以把调节环拧在喷射器上;调节环可能在排放管上拧得太高,如遇此情况,当阀门组装后,在阀瓣与其座相接触前,阀瓣座将加载荷于调节环的边上,为了避免此情况的发生,应使调节环上的孔正好低于喷射器的螺纹,通过这些孔应不能看到螺纹。 4.4 将组件座于导环面上,并保持阀杆垂直地处于清洁的工作面上; 4.5 润滑并在顶部弹簧垫圈上安装轴承和轴承连接环,和润滑底部弹簧垫圈,将阀盖及垫圈组件放在阀盖内的位置上; 4.6 将调节螺栓锁紧螺母拧到调节螺栓的顶部。细致地润滑调节螺栓和阀盖的全部螺纹,并将调节螺栓拧进阀盖螺纹内; 4.7 用适合的提升装置(手葫芦、链轮起重设备等)提起弹簧和垫圈组件到阀杆组件上,并小心地放到其位置上; 4.8 润滑并安装喷咀环在喷咀上,保证喷咀环高过喷咀支承面; 4.9 用一个吊环螺栓拧在阀杆上,并用适当的提升装置吊起装配好的上部装置;当上部装置提升起来并使阀杆在垂直位置时,检查喷射器与阀盖的配合,应保证喷射器是xx座入阀盖内。 4.10 缓慢放下上部装置,小心将喷射器对准阀体内腔;当放下上部装置进入阀体内时,不准阀杆或任何零件有任何摇摆运动,任何摇动将损伤阀座。 4.11 将阀盖螺母拧在阀盖双头螺栓上,并均匀地拧紧;阀盖螺母拧紧后,提起阀杆(约一英寸),在阀杆处在被提起的位置时,在喷咀环固定螺丝孔内,伸入改锥,并将喷咀环向左转动(顺时针方向)直到喷咀环上部边低于喷咀支座面为止。当通过喷咀环固定螺丝孔,照入光亮时,可以此孔来观察,校验其位置,缓慢放下阀杆组件到底。现在喷咀与阀瓣座平面xx吻合了。顺时针方向旋转阀杆,以保证阀杆与阀瓣螺纹没有卡住。 4.12 将调节螺栓紧几圈,并检查导环和喷咀环,保证它们能自由活动,此时,调节螺栓可以搬紧,以达到须要的整定压力; 4.13 拧紧调节螺栓,直至螺栓上标记的记号与阀盖顶机加工面的记号之间距,与阀门拆卸前,按所记录的距离相同,除非进行了相当大的研磨或机加工工作,否则整定压力应与修复前几乎是一样的; 4.14 在拆卸时,已记录下环的位置; 4.15 将阀杆螺母、阀杆螺母开口销、阀帽及提升机构组件恢复原位。

“ Spring Safety Valve Repair ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国安全阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

1. Demolition 1.1 The demolition of lifting mechanism 1.1.1 demolition handle pin, handle, fork rod pin, fork rod, valve pin, valve stem and stem nut locking pin; 1.2 regulate the demolition of ring 1.2.1 unloaded ring and nozzle ring adjustment screw, recording the number of alveolar nozzle ring nozzle ring used to turn to the right (anti-clockwise direction) until the stent in contact with the valve flap, recording the number of rotating shafts of the methods. From the contact at this location, the downward slot as a negative number. Adjustable ring should turn right (anti-clockwise direction) until it come into contact with valve flap supports and the top bracket from valve flap to withstand the thrust nut, guide ring position of the contact surface from its recorded as a downward slot number; 1.3 The demolition of stem 1.3.1 in the regulation of bolt head side to make a mark, and the valve cover at the top of the machining plane, opposite to the sign below, and the other to make a mark. Measurements from the regulator to the valve cover bolts at the top of the machining surface of the distance between the two marks, and record its value, when the valve re-assembly, the value will be necessary; 1.3.2 release adjustment bolt lock bolt in order to relax the mother and regulation of spring tension; with adjustable spring tension bolts loose before, do not release the valve cover nuts. 1.3.3 open the regulator and the nozzle ring ring screw fixation screws; 1.3.4 release and remove the valve cover nut; 1.3.5 screw bolts with rings at the stem, from the valve assembly of the upper part of the body perpendicular to bring devices; when the upper part of unit from the valve body will be raised when the stem or any part not allowed to have any sway movements, any shaking could damage to the valve seat. 1.3.6 components stand in a clean cheek guide placement of the ring and make the vertical stem; 1.3.7 tipped over the upper device, so that stem in a horizontal position, when tipped over the upper device, the operation must be careful to avoid its components are damaged; 1.3.8 Since the removal of the boom stem bolts, and carefully from the springs and the body slid off the valve cover groups of internal parts (valve flap bracket, valve valve, injectors, adjustable ring and stem). 2. Check 2.1 Check Spring 2.1.1 Measurement of the working length of spring, do a good job marking and records; 2.1.2 marking and record the location size and location; 2.1.3 Check whether the crack spring, severe corrosion and deformation, the spring performance is good; 2.2 Check valve valve, valve seat 2.2.1 sealing surface if the surface is damaged, the depth of no more than 1.4mm, or a small crack, and the depth of no more than 1.4mm, can be repaired first and then grinding with turning means; 2.2.2 minor defects or, if necessary, coloring and other nondestructive testing methods can be used to confirm; 2.2.3 sealing surface depth is less than 0.4mm small grinding method can be used to eliminate defects. 2.3 Check Stem 2.3.1 clean up the stem surface dirt, check the stem defects; 2.3.2 if necessary alignment or replacement; 2.3.3 as the case for surface nitriding. 2.4 check the bolts, nuts Check bolts, nut thread. Assembly flexible, non-loosening phenomenon; 2.5 Check valve body and with the valve connecting tube socket weld Check whether the valve and its connecting weld trachoma, crack; 2.6 Check Spring mention pole Check spring rod should be good to mention; 3. Grinding 3.1 Grinding with the production of fetal 3.1.1 Select high-quality cast iron materials, non-porous and manufacturing defects, hardness is the Brinell hardness of 240 or the equivalent; 3.1.2 Plate size: diameter = valve line OD + (5 ~ 6) mm Wire diameter = valve diameter - (5 ~ 6) mm Thickness = 15 ~ 20mm Based on the above diameter, flat-Center should be concave into the 2 ~ 3mm, flat on the back center of inheriting a square hole (which can punch through) to prepare loaded into connecting rod and handle. 3.2 Grinding 3.2.1 abrasive grinding when required by a thorough cleaning of the surface and around the tire tool coated abrasive grinding paste, full uniform pressure on the grinding surface, repeated positive, in the opposite direction slowly rotating the handle for a long time when the grinding tire tool grinding will produce localized wear, I often have to amend a flat tire in order to ensure that the sealing surface smooth; 3.2.2 sealing surface damage heavier: There are obvious crush defects, the use of abrasive paste particle size 300 ~ 400 in early research, and then particle size of 600 ~ 800 Lapping abrasive paste and finally the use of size 1000 ~ 1200 grinding paste Polishing Lapping, each time changing grinding paste, the old grinding paste must be cleaned with acetone, polishing depth research, the painted very small amount of abrasive grinding paste gently until a light, and finally a small amount of oil felt coated abrasive paste. With diameter greater than the sealing surface of the wood surface of the oil pressure in the sealed rotary felt several times. Sealing surface appears bright. After grinding, heat leakage into the back of the tongue flap valve grinding paste, as well as valve grinding paste on to be clean; 3.2.3 After grinding the use of I-level platforms and Hongdan powder, check the sealing surface of the radial degree of matching the degree of matching the width of the sealing surface must be exceeded more than 80%; 3.2.4 the last seat of the valve core with vegetable oil for polishing. 4. Assembly 4.1 Lubrication and screwed into the valve flap bracket fixed to the stem nut, when the thrust nut at its highest position, install the valve stem at the bottom of valve stent above the flap valve lubrication of the bearing surface and the valve flap and the valve flap thread screw terminal on the stem until the end of thread exposed, and free to rotate in the valve flap bearing surface; in the assembly work, should be particularly careful to ensure the valve seat valve and nozzle from damage. 4.2 The provisions of valve flap stent thrust nut in space; 4.3 will bring more than ejector stem components, and into the valve flap bracket, now can adjust screw ring on the injector; adjustment ring discharge pipe may be twisted too high in case of this case, when the valve assembly after the valve flap in contact with its seat before the valve flap seat will have an additional load on the adjustment ring edge, in order to avoid this from happening, should enable the adjustment ring hole just below the injector thread, through which holes should not be able to see thread. 4.4 components in the guide ring seat surface, and to maintain stem vertically in a clean work surface; 4.5 Lubrication and installed on top of the spring washer bearings and bearing connecting rings, and lubricating the bottom of the spring washers, valve cover and gasket components will be placed in position inside the valve cover; 4.6 will regulate the bolt lock nut bolt screw to adjust the top. Detailed lubrication regulating valve cover bolts and all thread and screw into the valve cover bolt adjust thread in; 4.7 with a suitable lifting equipment (hand hoist, lifting equipment, sprocket, etc.) to bring spring and washer components to the stem component, and carefully put his position; 4.8 Lubrication and install the nozzle ring in the nozzle, the nozzle ring to ensure higher than the nozzle bearing surface; 4.9 bolt with a screw in the valve stem on the rings and use the appropriate lifting equipment lifting assembled the upper part of plant; when the upper unit to enhance and make it stem in vertical position, check the injector and the valve cover co-ordination should ensure that spray device is fully seat into the valve cap. 4.10 slow down the upper unit and carefully aligned the jet valve body cavity; as down when the upper unit into the valve body, stem, or any part not allowed to have any sway movement, any shaking will damage the valve seat. 4.11 the valve cover nut-head screw in the bolts on the valve cover and tighten evenly; valve cover nut tightened, the institute stem (about one inch), have been filed in the stem at the location, in the nozzle ring screw hole, stretching from screwdrivers, and nozzle ring to the left rotation (clockwise direction) until the nozzle ring supports the upper edge lower than the nozzle surface so far. When the screw holes through the nozzle ring, shining into the light, you can in this hole to observe, verify its location, the slow down stem component in the end. Nozzle and the valve flap is now completely fits with the seat plane. Stem clockwise rotation to ensure that there is no threaded valve stem and the valve stuck. 4.12 will regulate the bolt tight laps, and check the guide ring and nozzle ring to ensure that they can freely at this time, adjusting bolt can be tight to move in order to meet the need of setting pressure; 4.13 Tighten adjustment bolt until the bolt mark on the mark with the valve cover surface machining marks the top of the pitch, with the valve prior to demolition, according to the distance recorded in the same, unless they undergo a considerable grinding or machining work, or else tuning and repair of pressure should be almost the same as before; 4.14 in the demolition, has been recorded ring position; 4.15 to stem nut, stem nut cotter pin, valve caps and enhance the institutional components of recovery in situ.

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