好或好蔬菜吃蔬菜? « Live in China 混在中国



根据营养分析,无论是在丰富的胡萝卜素许多野生植物,维生素B 1,B 2的,C和其他维生素的含量高于一般蔬菜的栽培。蔬菜,还含有各种矿物质,这是特别有用的钙,磷,镁,钾,钠,铁,锌,铜,锰等微量元素(Element)常量元素(Element),在中的比例基本相同野生这些元素(Element)的分布,从内容中减少了符合要求的与人体的分配趋势。因此,饲养一些野生值得一种元素(Element)过量,以弥补缺少的蔬菜,自制的维生素和矿物元素(Element)。同时,野生是提供一个良好的膳食纤维来源。研究表明,蔬菜的大肠癌,糖尿病,冠心病,胆结石,痔疮等疾病的预防纤维都是有益的。由于更平衡的野生蔬菜氨基酸组成,并与食用蛋白饮食主食可以提高营养利用率。











Good or a good vegetable to eat vegetables?

to eat wild vegetables and good or better?

spring, all things recovery, the fields of various vegetables are thriving; market, different vegetable varieties increasing day by a growing number of urban dwellers alike. Wild adorned with a distinctive flavor, but also medicine treatment, and nutrition.

According to nutrient analysis, and many wild plants in both rich in carotene, vitamin B 1, B 2, C and other vitamins, the levels were higher than the general cultivation of vegetables. Vegetable also contains various minerals, which are particularly useful constant element of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and iron, zinc, copper, manganese and other trace elements, these elements in the wild in the distribution of the proportion of basically the same, the content from the in decreasing the distribution tendency of the distribution of requirements in line with the human body. Thus, feeding wild to warrant some kind of element excess, to compensate for the lack of vegetables, homemade vitamins and mineral elements. Meanwhile, the wild is to provide a good source of dietary fiber. Studies have shown that vegetable fiber for the prevention of colorectal cancer, diabetes, coronary heart disease, gallstones, hemorrhoids and other diseases have been beneficial. Due to a more balanced amino acid composition of wild vegetables, and staple foods with edible protein diet can improve the nutritional utilization.

eat wild vegetables are also a lot of stress and learning. For example, Sonchus raw soy sauce dip, bitter high school students incense, appropriate foot taste; a silver bullets in March, said the shepherd s purse, the most wonderful that it should be transferred to minced meat, dumplings, steamed stuffed buns, baked pie, everything delicious taste and fragrance; purslane, sea grass milk, water, celery, and Malan first class, it is appropriate after the cold water, Jimmy eat, this would remove the bitter taste; lily, Chinese toon, bracken, etc., tan dried vegetables or salted, with the food with the use, very convenient; others, such as Agrimonia pilosa, bitter cold dishes, and Artemisia selengensis and so on, can cook fried after dipping sauce to go; bian bamboo grass, Commelina and so on, can be blending cornmeal steamed food, flavor fragrance that evoke nostalgia. However, some vegetables contain varying degrees of toxicity, or contaminated with more bacteria, eggs, feeding should pay attention to. If there is something called wild celery and water he做爱ock, containing toxic alkaloids apigenin; wild mushrooms, there is a bright color in particular, epidermal slippery Ye Gu, contains a strong toxin. After more than two kinds of eating, will engender nausea, vomiting, resulting in injured nerves and even difficulty in breathing, if not timely rescue resulted in death. Therefore, feeding, and pay special attention to identify the time of purchase.

edible wild plants must pay attention to cooking methods. Such as the gray vegetables contain more allergens because after eating some of the exposed body parts will appear dermatitis; thorn eat too much food poisoning can also occur. Prevention method is to adopt (buy) back gray dishes, Cirsium dishes clean, after half a day with water immersion, during which change the water several times and finally re-cooked food. In addition, parasites such as fresh vegetables we should guard against contamination. Mostly due to wild growth at the edge of the roadside, many bacteria, parasites oocytes, or by industrial waste pollution, therefore, the application of water panning clean and cooked. For cold dishes to do, it should first cooked drain water, then add some vinegar and garlic, both seasoned, but also sterilization.

wild good

to eat vegetables is good, because the vegetables are breeding out of people for thousands of years, food is safe. Wild on the bad talk about it.

vegetables well.

nutrient-rich vegetables, but the consumption of vegetables should pay attention to safety.


the value of wild food to be elegant, multi-eat useless

wild eat a good point. Vegetables, a few hundred thousand years to the human test results, nutrition is the most comprehensive.

is still a good vegetable.04-12-18

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