
传统换向阀的进出油口控制通过一根阀芯来进行,两油口听开口对应关系早在阀芯设计加工时已确定,在使用过程中不可能修改,从而使得通过两油口的流量或压力不能进行独立控制,互不影响。 随着微处理控制器、传感器元件成本的下降,控制技术的不断完善,使得双阀芯控制技术在工程机械领域得以应用。英国Utronics公司利用自己的技术及专利优势研制出双阀芯多路换向阀,已广泛应用于JCB、Deere、DAWOO、CASE等公司的挖掘机、*车、装载机及挖掘装载机等产品上。为适应中国工程机械产品对液压系统功能要求。稳定性以及自动化控制程度的不断提高,Utronics公司产品适时进入中国市场,现已初步完成厦工(5t)装载机、詹阳(8t)挖掘机样机调试并进入试验阶段。 一、传统单阀芯换向阀的缺陷 传统的单阀芯换向阀所组成的液压系统难以合理解决好以下功能和控制之间存在的矛盾: (1)液压系统设计时为提高系统稳定性,减少负载变化对速度的影响,要么牺牲部分我们想实现的功能,要么增加额外的液压元件,如调速阀、压力控制阀等,通过增加阻尼,提高系统速度刚度来提高系统的稳定性。但是这样元件的增加又会降低效率,浪费能源;还会使得整个系统的可*性降低、增加成本。 (2)由于换向结构的特殊性,使得用户在实现某一功能时必须购买相应的液压元件,再加上工程机械厂家会根据不同最终用户要求设计出相应的功能,这样会造成生产厂家采购同类、多规格的液压控制元件来满足不同功能要求的需要,不利于产品通用化及产品管理,同时会大大提高产品成本. (3)由于执行机构进出液压油通过一根阀芯进行控制,单独控制执行机构两侧压力是不可能的。因此,出油侧背压作用于执行机构运动的反方向,随着出油侧背压升高,为保质执行机构的运动,必须提高进油侧压力。这样会使得液压系统消耗的功能增加,效率低,发热增加。 采用双阀芯技术的液压系统,由于执行机构进出油侧阀口阀芯位置及控制方式各自独立,互不影响,这样通过对两阀芯控制方式的不同组合,利用软件编程能很好解决传统单阀系统不能解决的问题,同时还可以轻易实现传统液压系统中难以实现的功能。 二、双阀芯换向阀的两种基本控制方法: 由于双阀芯换向两油口控制的灵活性,两油口可分别采取流量控制、压力控制或流量压力控制。正面介绍两种简单的控制策略。 1、负载方向在整个工作过程中保持不变 我们知道,对于汽车起重机、挖掘机、装载机等而言,其液压缸在整个工作过程中负载方向始终维持不变。下面以起重机变幅液压缸为例来探讨双阀芯的控制策略。 1)、起重机变幅缸在工作过程中其受力,负载方向始终保持不变,因此我们可以采取液压缸有杆控用压力控制、无杆腔用流量控制的控制策略。 2)、无杆腔流量控制是通过检测连接到无杆腔侧阀前后两侧的压差,再根据所需流入或流出流量的多少,计算出阀芯开口大小;有杆腔侧采用压力控制,使该侧维持一个低值的压力,使得更加节能、高效。 3)、由于我们在无杆腔采用了流量控制,因此原控制系统中所用的平衡阀可用一个液控单向阀来代替。这样可xx因平衡阀所带来的系统不稳定,从而提高系统稳定性。 2、负载方向在工作过程中发生改变 1)、在这种情况下,采取“进油侧压力控制,出油侧流量控制”,在液压缸有杆腔侧用压力控制,无杆腔侧有流量控制。 2)、负载方向不变,由于出油侧采取了流量控制,我们可将双向平衡阀用液控单向阀来替换,从而提高系统的稳定性。进油侧用压力控制器来维持一个较低的参考压力,一方面提高系统效率,另一方面使系统不发生气穴。 3)、为了使负载方向变化的工作机构能得到很好控制,另外一个PI控制器将被运用到有杆腔的压力控制器中,当负载方向改变后,无杆腔的压力将减小;如果仍将有杆腔维持一个很低的压力,当负载很大时,液压缸将向反方向运动。此时我们可用所增加的PI控制器监视无杆腔压力的变化,当PI控制器检测到无杆腔压力低于所设定的参考值时,将提高有杆腔压力控制器所设定的压力,从而保证系统的正常工作。 3、Ultronics液压控制系统 Ultronics公司是一家集设计、研究和制造的电子液压技术公司。其液压控制系统采用了CAN总线通信,双阀芯控制技术,通过两个阀芯的组合控制,可实现对执行机构多种控制,以提高系统的稳定性,降低能源损耗,同时还可使得系统更加简单,降低成本,加快产品开发速度,这些都是传统的电子系统所不能做到的。 Ultronics控制系统的硬件一般由操纵手柄、电控单元ECU、调节阀、双阀芯液压阀组和外接传感器或开关等组成,其间通过CAN总线通信,液压阀组为电控系统与液压系统的交汇点,系统的另一个重要组成部分就是软件。 手柄为光电非接触形式,最多可带4个比例输出或2个比例输出和最多5个开关。开关有比例式和自锁式供选择。其防护等级达到了IP67。手柄的延时特性、输出曲线和死区等可通过专用软件JoyVal进行修改。 电控单元ECU其供电压有12V和24V两种,25路和50路两种接口,提供模拟与数字输入、输出接口,同时该电控单元还提供了CAN信接口,使得系统可以接收传感器或控制信号或与其它系统进行连接。ECU中存储了系统控制所需的所有应用程序,该应用程序可将来自于手柄或连接于ECU上的其它器件和信号(如传感器检测信号、发动机控制系统信息等),经处理后转换成各个阀芯动作的指令。 Ultronics控制系统的关键在于其独特的双阀芯控制技术,每片阀有两个阀芯,相当于将一个三位四通阀变成两个三位三通阀的组合,两个阀芯既可单独控制,也可根据控制逻辑进行成对控制,并且两个工作油口都有压力传感器,每一个阀芯都有位置传感器,通过对传感信号的闭环控制可以分别对两路液压油的压力或流量进行控制,具有很高的控制精度,通过不同的组合可以得到许许多多的控制方案,以满足系统的需要。 每片阀都有两个完整的设置好的混合信号ASIC(模拟型专用集成电路)和一个RISC(精简指令处理器)。这些控制器给传感器提供激励和补偿、给控制传动装置提供动力、提供阀芯控制软件以及CAN总线通信。阀芯动作控制策略以及具体的参数可由用户根据被控执行元件的要求进行设置或修改。控制阀接收到指令后,其内嵌式处理器就运行阀芯动作控制软件实现设定的机能,多个阀间的功能协调是由ECU完成的,从而实现复杂的系统功能。这种分级控制方式使系统的应用具有非常好的灵活性,同时易于构建复杂的控制系统。 Ultronics控制系统功能的多样性是通过应用软件实现的,通过有针对性的编制控制软件。Ultronics控制系统可实现的功能是极其广泛的。履带挖掘机、轮式挖掘机、装载机等先进机型在操作舒适性、作业效率、作业成本消耗、故障诊断、环境保护等方面所做的努力,比如发动机状态与液压系统的适应控制、特定作业功能等,采用Ultronics系统都可实现。 总之,通过CAN总线通讯、独特的双阀芯结构和压力、位移传感器的应用以及压力或流量的闭环控制技术、Ultronics公司的电子液压控制系统使工程机械控制系统在功能的多样性、实现的灵活性、较低的xxx以及控制理念、维修模式等诸多方面都将引发一次革命性的变化。

“ Multiple pairs of spool valve in the hydraulic control method in ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、、 、 等。


Traditional access to the oil port control valve of a spool carried out through two openings corresponding to the relationship between the oil port to listen to as early as when the valve core design and processing have been identified in the use of the process can not be changed, allowing the flow through the two oil-mouth or pressure can not be independently controlled, independently of each other. With the micro-processing controller, sensors, the decline in component costs, control technology continues to improve, making dual-spool control technology was applied in the field of construction machinery. British Utronics companies use their own technologies and patents developed a dual-edge multi-spool valve, has been widely used in JCB, Deere, DAWOO, CASE companies such as excavators, * vehicles, loaders and backhoe loader and other products on . To meet the Chinese engineering machinery products to the hydraulic system functional requirements. Degree of stability and continuous improvement of automatic control, Utronics timely products enter the Chinese market has been initially completed the Xiagong (5t) loaders, Zhanyang (8t) excavator prototype debug and entered the testing stage. 1, the traditional single-spool valve defects The traditional single-spool valve hydraulic system consisting of hard and reasonable solution of the following features and control of the contradictions that exist between: (1) The hydraulic system designed to improve system stability and reduce the rate of load change on the impact, or the expense of some functionality we want to achieve, or additional hydraulic components, such as the speed control valve, pressure control valves, etc., by increasing the damping improve the system speed stiffness to improve system stability. But such devices will reduce the increase in efficiency, waste of energy; also makes the whole system can be * of reduced costs. (2) As for the unique structure, enables users to achieve a particular function must purchase the corresponding hydraulic components, coupled with engineering machinery manufacturers will be based on different end-users to design the corresponding function, this will lead manufacturers sourcing similar, multi-standard hydraulic control components to meet the needs of the different functional requirements is not conducive to general-purpose technology and product management of products, while production costs will be substantially increased. (3) As the implementing agency and out of hydraulic fluid through a valve core control, independent control of the implementing agencies on both sides of the pressure is impossible. Therefore, the oil pressure acting on the implementing agencies paranotum movement in the opposite direction, with the out of oil paranotum pressure is increased, the executing agency for the shelf-life movement must increase the pressure into the oil side. This will make the function of the hydraulic system to increase consumption, low efficiency, heat increases. Dual-spool technology, hydraulic system, as the executing agency and out of the oil-side spool valve port location and control mode independent not affect each other, so that spool control method through two different combinations of software programming can be solved using traditional Single-valve system can not solve the problem, but also can be easily achieved in conventional hydraulic systems difficult to achieve functionality. 2, dual-spool valve control of the two basic methods: As to the two pairs of spool for flexibility in controlling the oil port, the two oil-flow control port may be taken separately, pressure, flow control or pressure control. Introduce two kinds of positive simple control strategy. 1, the load direction remains unchanged throughout the course of their work We know that, for automobile cranes, excavators, loaders, etc., its hydraulic cylinder in the direction of the entire course of their work load is always maintained. Luffing crane hydraulic cylinder below for an example of double-spool of the control strategy. 1), crane luffing cylinder in the course of its work force, load direction remains the same, so we can take control rod hydraulic cylinder with pressure control, non-cavity with the flow control rod control strategy. 2), no flow control rod through the test chamber connected to the non-rod side chamber before and after the both sides of the differential pressure valve, and then according to the required flow into or out of the number to calculate the opening size of the spool; a rod side chamber with pressure control , so that the side of the pressure to maintain a low value, making more energy-efficient and efficient. 3), since we adopted in the absence of rod cavity flow control, so the original control system used in the balancing valve can be a pilot controlled check valve instead. This will eliminate system instability caused by balancing valve, thereby enhancing system stability. 2, the load direction to change the course of work 1), in this case, to take "into the oil-side pressure control, the oil-side flow control", in the hydraulic cylinder rod side chamber with the pressure control, non-rod side of a flow control chamber. 2), load the same direction, because taken out of the oil-side flow control, we can be a two-way balancing valve with the hydraulic control valve to replace the one-way, thereby enhancing system stability. Into the oil-side with the pressure controller to maintain a low reference pressure, while improving system efficiency, on the other hand the system does not occur cavitation. 3), in order to make changes in the load direction of the work of institutions can be well controlled, while a PI controller will be applied to the rod chamber pressure controller, when the load direction changes, the no-rod chamber pressure to decrease; If there will still be under the pressure chamber to maintain a very low, when the load is large, the hydraulic cylinder will be movement in the opposite direction. At this point we can use the increase in PI controller to monitor the changes in non-rod cavity pressure, when the PI controller to detect rodless cavity pressure below the set reference value, will increase the cavity pressure control rod set pressure, thus ensuring the system work properly. 3, Ultronics hydraulic control system Ultronics is a set of design, research and manufacture of electro-hydraulic technology companies. The hydraulic control system using CAN bus communication, dual-spool control technology, through a combination of the two spool control can be realized on a variety of control of the implementing agencies in order to improve system stability, reduce energy consumption, but can also make the system simpler, lower costs and accelerate product development speed, these are traditional electronic systems can not do. Ultronics control system's hardware generally manipulating the handle, electric control unit ECU, control valve, dual-spool hydraulic valve and external sensors or switches etc., during which through the CAN bus communication, hydraulic valve for electronic control system and hydraulic system of the intersection of point, another important component of the system is software. Handle for the optical non-contact form, with up to 4 ratio of the proportion of output or 2 switching outputs and a maximum of 5. Switch proportional type and self-locking available. The protection level achieved IP67. Handle the delay characteristics of the output curve and dead zones can be via a dedicated software JoyVal be modified. Electronic control unit ECU the voltage of 12V and 24V for two, 25 Road and 50 Road, two kinds of interfaces, providing analog and digital input, output interface, while the electronic control unit also provides a CAN interface to the letter, making the system can receive sensor or control signal, or connect with other systems. Stored in the system control ECU needed for all applications, the application can be derived from or connected to the ECU on the handle of the other devices and signals (such as the sensor detects the signal, the engine control system information, etc.), treated to convert the various spool movement instructions. Ultronics control system lies in its unique dual-spool control technology, there are two spool valves per tablet, which is equivalent to a three four-way valve into a combination of two three three-way valve, two spool only can stand alone control, control logic can also be carried out according to paired control, and I have two working oil pressure sensor, each spool has a position sensor, by sensing signals in closed-loop control can be respectively two-way hydraulic oil pressure or flow control, high control precision, through many different combinations can be the control program to meet the system requirements. Each valve has two complete set a good mixed-signal ASIC (application specific integrated circuit analog-type) and a RISC (reduced instruction set processor). These controllers to sensors provide incentives and compensation, to the control gear to provide power to provide spool control software, as well as CAN bus communication. Plug motor control strategy, and specific parameters can be charged with the implementation of components users to set or modify the requirements. Control valve receives commands, its embedded processor running spool motion control software to set the function, multi-valve function of co-ordination between the ECU is done in order to achieve a complex system functions. This hierarchical control method the application of the system has very good flexibility and easy to build complex control system. Ultronics control system function diversity is achieved through the application software, through the establishment of targeted control software. Ultronics control system can realize the function is extremely broad. Crawler excavators, wheeled excavators, loaders and other advanced aircraft in operation comfort, working efficiency, operating costs of consumption, fault diagnosis, and environmental protection efforts, such as engine status and adaptive control of hydraulic systems, specific job functions, using Ultronics the system can be realized. In short, through the CAN bus communication, the unique structure of dual-spool and pressure, displacement sensor applications as well as pressure or flow of the closed-loop control technology, Ultronics the company's electro-hydraulic control system so that the project mechanical control system in the functional diversity, and flexible implementation nature, low cost and control concept, and many other aspects of the maintenance mode will trigger a revolutionary change.

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