Ching the world « Home Decor 家装网

the specific circumstances of the world-money

Luoyang clearance testing the world’s sole agent for decoration pollution treatment center in China to ensure the credibility of the expense of quality in the central focus of the recommendation unit.
head office is located in the provincial capital of Liaoning Province - the ancient capital of historical and cultural city of Shenyang. Ching the world have a large number of industry experts and experienced R & D team, have their own independent laboratory, successfully developed a variety of high-tech products industry, and won several national patents. Clearance of imported equipment the world has a variety of production lines, leading technology, superb technology, product range, is the industry’s most senior leader. Qing
the world, is a large high-tech enterprises. Company R & D, production, sales of indoor air pollution detection and control in one product line, the main production and sales and use of indoor air pollution detection products include: six-indoor air detector (coding type, type spectrophotometry, normal type), air sampler, air compressor, air purifiers, formaldehyde detector, ammonia, benzene, TVOC etc. detector.
the main production and management and use of air pollution control products: effects of formaldehyde dissolved enzyme, catalase air, deodorant, TVOC remover, remover of formaldehyde, ammonia scavenger and soul g benzene and so on. In the detection and management of indoor sources of formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, xylene, TVOC and other harmful gases, it is China’s most authoritative series of purification products. World Series
clearance products through national certification. All patent trademark, in the Qing in 2006 was named the World Series well-known Chinese brands, with 76 national indoor environmental qualification testing, one of governance, the product of the CMA through the National Certification through the ISO9002 international quality authentication and AAA China Quality Certification-level integrity. 315 by 365 every day, as good businesses, in light of China’s focus on indoor environmental products and rest assured recommended brands, and in the country with the sectors as a result of low prices, product quality standards, non-fraudulent, both in the national market with a strong competitive advantage . Clearance in the world were “healthy humans, decontamination, the benefit of 10,000″ business philosophy, for the local market to provide a professional indoor air pollution detection and a high standard of indoor air pollution control program for the human living environment improvement, and made excellent results. World Indoor pollution clearance
purification products —- China in light indoor environmentally friendly products and rest assured that the focus of the brand recommended by the Company’s website at



清世界系列产品通过{gjj}认证.商标专利所有,在2006年清世界系列产品被评为中国xx品牌,是全国76家具备室内环境污染检测治理资格的企业之一,产品通过了国家的CMA认证 、通过了ISO9002国际质量认证和AAA级中国质量诚信认证.被365天天315评为优秀企业,是中国中轻室内环保产品重点推荐及放心品牌,且在全国同行业中,因价格低,产品质量达标,无欺诈行为,在全国市场均具有强大的竞争优势.清世界人本着“健康人类、xx污染、造福万家”的经营理念,为本地市场提供了专业的室内污染检测及高标准的室内污染治理方案,为人类人居环境的改善,做出了优异的成绩。
清世界室内污染净化产品—-中国中轻室内环保产品重点推荐及放心品牌 公司网址

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