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Improve the overall level of “bicycle kingdom” is expected to Olympic gold

In “Good Luck Beijing” 2007 International Mountain Bike Invitational, the women, Liu Ying, the Chinese team performance to win, let people see a bike in Beijing, the Chinese realize the Olympic Games gold medal hope. Although China

“bicycle kingdom” name, but the history of the Olympic Games, the Chinese cycling team to win only two medals, the best score is only silver. Traditional strengths of the women’s 500 meters time trial are no longer Olympic sports, more Chinese Olympic cycling team gold added degree of difficulty. But over the past two years, the Chinese Cycling Team in the women’s first to match venues, women’s mountain bike and other items on the rapid progress, with Olympic gold potentials. China mountain bike sport

carried out not long, but made rapid progress. Women’s team in 2005, achieved the best score REN far only received the first World Cup 15, this year in April, far REN Ufa on Leeds in Belgium World Cup mountain bike race the first leg won the gold medal game, realize China’s World Cup mountain bike gold medal sports medal. Immediately after that, the last leg of the World Cup competition, Liu Ying, REN far and beyond the National Games champion王静静for the Chinese team won the second World Cup. At present, the Chinese women’s mountain bike team groups ranked first in the world.

has five world’s top 10 athletes participated in the “Good Luck Beijing” 2007 International Mountain Bike Invitational, including known as the “3 Golden Flower,” the Chinese athletes, Liu Ying, REN Cheng-Yuan and Wang Jing static. As a result of this tournament are in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games mountain bike on the track, so to win this competition, no doubt enhanced the Chinese team in Beijing Olympics medal confidence. Liu Ying said after the game, they have confidence in next year’s Olympic Games get good grades.

It is understood that in accordance with the International Cycling Union about the Beijing Olympic Games mountain bike race in the selection of the provisions of each country or region up to the women’s team only has two places for the Olympics. At present, the Chinese women’s team has won this mountain two tickets. State Sport General Administration of bicycle fencing director of the Center for Sports Management Caijiaying East in an interview with reporters that the Chinese women’s mountain bike athletes in the international community has entered the ranks of advanced, with the world’s best players the gap is narrowing in the project, the Chinese Olympic team goal is to win medals.

and UCI officials think, the Chinese players have been fully equipped in the 2008 Olympic Games on the strength of competition for the gold medal. Held in August in the 13th Asian Mountain Bike Championships, UCI officials皮特范德阿比勒said: “Judging from recent years, the Chinese team score take part in international competitions, China’s overall level of cycling is growing improve, especially the women, already won the Olympic champion’s strength. in 2008, I think you (the Chinese team) will certainly be able to realize (bike) gold medal. “

China women’s team coach ZHOU Guang-Division also believes that China’s female athletes already compete for the medals in the Olympic Games, and even the strength of the gold medal, “Our goal is clear, it is necessary to impact the Olympic Games gold medal.” strength except with certain advantages, the Chinese girl still has the advantages of host At the same time, “Golden Flower 3″ At present, the average age of only 23 years old, physical fitness and familiarity with the venue will also contribute to their impact on the gold medal. (07-11-20)

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