




Chinese solar cell companies to enter the Japanese market

According to “Japanese Economic News” website reported on the 14th, the world’s fourth largest solar cell maker Suntech China will be started next spring in Japan, the production and marketing of solar cells.

Suntech acquired last year with the industry, MSK Corporation, Japan, in order to make ready to enter the Japanese market. Next spring, Suntech will be manufactured in China’s basic battery parts shipped to Japan, in Saku City, Nagano Prefecture factory assembled into final products. In addition, Suntech will also be installed in residential solar roof unified brand “Suntech”, the use of MSK Corporation for residential builders business network to expand sales.

reported that the solar cell industry in recent years, major foreign companies have entered the Japanese market. In addition to China’s Suntech, the world’s second largest solar cell manufacturers in Germany Q_CELLs also opened sales outlets in Tokyo. Due to rising fuel prices, the average family-oriented solar cell demand expected to continue to grow.

industry have pointed out that Japan’s domestic solar energy photovoltaic products so far has been a huge market such as Sharp 4 monopolized by local enterprises. The entry of foreign enterprises is bound to arouse the price, performance and other aspects of the fierce competition, it is possible to promote the popularization of solar cells. (07-11-20)

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