New WoW Patch 3.3.3 Pet Bug-Abey的FB日记-掌惠网-实惠生活自在掌握

Huh, wow patch 3.3.3 is live here and the new is also coming with it. I know that alll players all over are checking out all the new features — I myself was busily exchanging battleground marks for honor points on all my various characters when I noticed something… odd. My level 70 pet had a new buff. Not just any buff — Hellscream’s Warsong, the buff from Icecrown Citadel. Upon further investigation, it appears that all player pets are currently running around with this buff — demons, hunter pets and ghouls are all currently affected, although I didn’t get a chance to peek at a mage water elemental. Alliance players are seeing the Alliance counterpart, Strength of Wrynn, also on all pets. While only the 5% version of the buff, players of every level are being affected — I’m sure the level 42 hunter I saw running around with it was pleased. This is most assuredly a bug that will be fixed at some point in the near future, but pet classes? Enjoy it while you can. I know I will!

So much about the new here, more news about wow 3.3.3 patch would be here with you soon! At last, pay attention here. If you wanna buy , now it is time now. Come here and get cheapest gold in wow at . Come to grab cheapest and fastest gold now!


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