Adobe Photoshop CS5 Content-Aware Fill Sneak Peek | Adobe CS5

Bryan O’Neil Hughes shows off some rather eye-popping (if we may say so) technology for synthesizing texture inside a future version of Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Basically it allows you to alter or create reality in photographs as easily as selecting an area and running the feature. Gone will be the days when photojournalists are caught with embarrassing patterns created by improperly using the stamp tool. The demonstration is so amazing that many commenters are saying it’s fake, going as far as to say it looks… “photoshopped”?

The demo starts with some small pieces, so if you’re short on time, jump to about the 2:50 mark (halfway point) for the more impressive stuff. Full-screen viewing makes it easier to see the details.

Here’s an amazing demo of the “content-aware fill” tool that’s apparently forthcoming in Photoshop CS5. The tool makes it easy to delete objects from a complex photo, without any trace they ever existed. The ramifications for internet publishing are frightening.

It’s been possible to post Photoshopped images since the birth of the Web, of course, but until now you needed some modicum of experience to convincingly retouch pictures. Soon, you’ll need to know little more than how to pirate Adobe’s software via BitTorrent. Not that we’re complaining, mind you; we’re already salivating imagining the photo illustrations we could do with this. Skip to about 1:10 in the clip above to see the new tool in action.

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