消费电子浓度进一步加强和多样化« oursolo.net





随着中国彩电技术进步和平板电视市场的竞争彩电企业,国内彩电企业效益继续提高平板电视的研发工作,以适应高清晰度电视,基于网络,薄的趋势。同时,制定了短管超薄CRT彩电,以及微显示背投电视和其他产品,并继续向市场,以满足市场在国内外的需求。特别是在硅基液晶投影技术产业和企业,中国企业与美国合作,在光学引擎,发展的一个关键组成部分,生产的韩国企业已取得突破性被光学引擎,实现了大规模生产前投影机和背部投影提供了一个大量生产的保证。同时,中国彩电企业不仅重视产品开发的整个机器,也开始进入核心和关键技术的芯片。例如:海信,继2005年的“研制成功,信核心”芯片自2006年第四季度对一个代表,“信芯”2代流片成功。该芯片是一种集成芯片,主要用于高清晰度数字电视和平板电视。 TCL集团已开发出液晶电视动态背光控制技术,该技术已授权国外知名大公司使用的芯片的发展。



2007年,中国的音乐中心和家庭影院(指闯入家庭影院系统)的6791.00万台,产量672.0万,其中在台湾国内销售。汽车音频输出到355.7万套,其中的5,500,000辆国内销售,预计将在2007年总产量将达到4000万台,其中国内销售量达700万台。专业音响生产二千八百五十七万单位,其中台湾国内2340000。 PMP(便携式多媒体播放器),以增强能力,增加的功能,时尚的消费群将增加将超过10万,预计2007年市场容量的吸引力。





为此,在中国电子产品管理司信息产业部,由中国电子视像行业协会举办的2007“(第三),中国音视频产业技术与应用趋势论坛在11 27 -28”日支持的举行,今年论坛的主题“的百家xx-的思想碰撞的火花和情报的新视角-揭示了技术和应用的蓝色海洋。”论坛专注于核心技术,音频和视频产业和新兴市场地区将有来自许多xx的制造商在国内和携带{zx1}产品和技术在国外推出,以及中国的音频和视频行业的发展趋势进行讨论。由于今年年底在2008年音视频产业总结工业发展趋势的前景,将会有工业和创新技术,创新产品和企业的最有代表性的,从整个xx产业链,在中国视频行业声音进行年终盘存。体现行业特点:

Concentration of consumer electronics to further enhance and diversify

Consumer electronics industry (mainly referring to aspects of home audio-visual products) in recent years to maintain the good momentum of steady growth, achieving product sales revenue, profit growth synchronization. Home audio-visual equipment industry in 2006 Main business revenue reached 436.3 billion yuan, total profit of 8.0 billion.

11 27-28 date, the industry referred to as “consumer electronics end-of-year ceremony,” the Third China Audio and Video industry trends and application of technology Forum (AVF) will be held in Beijing, through this Summit Forum We will understand that the entire consumer electronics industry for one year of technical results and future trends.

1, TV: industrial concentration to further enhance

2007, China’s color TV production companies produce more than one million of Taiwan’s enterprises have 13, this 13-year enterprise output reached 77.62 million units, the industry-wide production capacity of 92.7%; yield more than five million of Taiwan’s enterprises have six, which 6 enterprises output reached 64.25 million units, accounting for 76.7 percent of industry production, the backbone of color TV production the size and concentration of the industry to further enhance production. The development of strong flat-panel TVs, flat-panel TVs in 2006 production has accounted for 25% of total output. Expected in 2007 in the domestic color TV market size of more than 35 million, of which flat-panel TVs in the 800 million around 2008 will reach 15 million Taiwan.

along with China’s color TV enterprises in technological progress and flat-panel TV market competition, the domestic color TV enterprises continued to increase the flat-panel TV R & D efforts in order to adapt to the high-definition TV, network-based, thin trend. At the same time, developed a short tube slim CRT TV, as well as the micro-display projection TVs and other products and continue to market to meet market demand at home and abroad. Especially in the LCoS projector technology industries and businesses, the Chinese enterprises to cooperate with the US-South Korean enterprises in the optical engine, a key component of development and production has made a breakthrough had been achieved by mass production of optical engine, which made the former projector and back projector provided a guarantee for mass production. At the same time, China’s color TV enterprises not only attaches importance to machine whole product development, has also started to chip into the core and key technologies. For example: Hisense, following the successful development of a 2005 “letter-core” chips on behalf of one since the fourth quarter of 2006, “Hiview” 2-generation silicon success. The chip is an integrated chip, mainly used for high-definition digital TV and flat panel TV. TCL Corporation has developed a LCD TV dynamic backlight control technology, which has authorized the use of foreign well-known large companies and the development of chips.

Second, the player: entertainment terminals to diversify

with the TV industry to continue to focus on different, with the development of multimedia technology, home entertainment devices in multiple trends in the development.

2007, China’s music centers and home theater (referring to burst into the home theater system) output of 67.91 million units, of which 6.72 million in domestic sales to Taiwan. Car audio output to 35.57 million sets, of which domestic sales of 5,500,000 units, is expected to total output in 2007 will reach about 40 million Taiwan, of which domestic sales volume of about 700 million units. Professional audio production of 28,570,000 units, of which Taiwan’s domestic 2340000. PMP (portable multimedia players), with the increased capacity, increased functionality, the fashion consumer group will be increasing the attractiveness of expected market capacity in 2007 will be more than 10 million.

PMP for a large platform, including MP3, MP4, MP5. Today, MP3 and MP4 function, as well as the development of the market has been relatively mature, and portable multimedia players with the ever-changing market demands, is bound to be in the original foundation and development of improved, MP5 emergence, in particular, it offers video resources solutions for the entire major industry, is a major breakthrough.

the sound development of each industry, are required to promote the norms and standards. Recently, the Ministry of Information Industry Standardization Institute王立健, deputy chief engineer, said: “At present, MP3, MP4 standardized most of the work has been completed and is now gone through a first draft, submitted for examination stage, the MII has been recognized, it is at a public stage, is expected no later than the end of this year will be made public. “and in the National Ministry of Information Industry of China Electronics Standardization Institute, under the leadership of a Huaqi (Patriot) led by the Joint dozens of manufacturers, the market started on the MP5 norms.

three, Summit Forum: AVF feelings hundred schools of thought contend

Chinese audio-video industry is being attracted worldwide attention. Throughout China’s audio and video industry, is showing digitalization and networking, wireless and convergence of trends. Innovation and integration in the background, audio and video industry development in China is beyond the purely competitive aspect of Products by Product technology competition to the development of competition, and gradually move toward the standard at the core of the industry chain and the whole ecosystem of competing industries. China’s sustained and rapid economic development, independent innovation and highlights the strategic significance of the context of the Olympic Games approaching, how to promote positive interactions throughout the industrial chain to realize the industrialization of technology, how to promote technological innovation has become a topic of concern throughout the industry. From the top of technology, raw materials, to the middle of the design, manufacture, and then to the lower channels, marketing, all aspects of the industry chain are thinking about how to realize a win-win situation by working together.

To this end, the Ministry of Information Industry in China Electronic Product Management Division, supported by the China Video Industry Association’s 2007 “(the third) Chinese audio and video industry technology and application trends in Forum” in 11 27 -28 Day was held, this year’s Forum theme of “a hundred schools of thought - the collision of the sparks thought and intelligence; new perspective - reveals the technology and application of blue ocean.” Forum to focus on core technology audio and video industries and areas of emerging markets will have come from many well-known manufacturers at home and abroad carrying the latest products and technologies unveiled, and on China’s audio and video industry to discuss the development trend. As this year’s year-end audio and video industry in 2008 summed up and the prospect of industrial development trends, there will be industry and innovative technologies, innovative products and the most representative of the enterprise, from the whole industrial chain of high-end, the sound of China video industry to conduct a year-end inventory. Embody distinctive characteristics of industries:

as audio and video industries in China’s year-end ceremony, there will be at home and abroad well-known experts and leading enterprises on the international audio and video industries, and triple play, PMP development trends in hot spots and other industries to conduct in-depth on the . At the same time, well-known manufacturers on high-definition display, P2P transmission, digital home, new media content and technological innovation, such as audio and video aspects of interactive seminars on hot topics, ranging from chips, core components, the key technology, machine manufacturing to brand marketing and channels and so on. The Forum also carefully designed to experience the area for participants to personally experience the high definition display technology, the big screen as well as vivid color caused by visual experience audio and video products to people-centered design concepts covered by the technological innovation. From the front-end chip, interface, machine-to-end, portable player; from a single high-definition flat-panel TVs, high-definition digital storage to the overall digital home solutions, breakthrough products and technologies will bring new participants feelings. (07-11-20)

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