Introduction French dinner? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

introduce French meal?

French cuisine Western cuisine still ranks first in the world. French cuisine is characterized by: a broad choice of materials (such as snails, foie gras is delicious French cuisine), processed fine, cooking known, color varieties; French cuisine is still relatively particular about eating half-cooked or raw food, such as steak, leg of lamb in order to Rare fresh characterized by seafood, oysters can be eaten raw; French cuisine attention to seasoning various types of seasonings. Seasoned with wine, what kind of food What kind of wine selection, there are stringent requirements, such as the broth with wine, brandy wine with seafood products, desserts, etc. with all kinds of rum or brandy.

France is a country rich in wine, so wine became French in the main material used for flavoring. Champagne, red and white wine, sherry, rum, brandy, etc., is commonly used in cooking liquor. Point of different dishes with different wines, there are strict requirements. Therefore, whether or dessert dishes, smell the rich aroma, fresh soak into the depths of the mellow. In addition to wine, French Lane also added a variety of spices, such as large garlic, parsley, rosemary, tower Li Gang, thyme, fennel, Sai-kit and so on. A variety of spices has a unique flavor, into a different cuisine, on the formation of a different flavor. French right has aligned our use of spices and what dish put the number of what kind of spices, have a certain proportion. It can be said, alcohol and spices, is composed of two major characteristics of French.

French cuisine at the sight, smell, taste, touch on, are very particular about.

In some places, French, which represents the most exquisite, romantic, elegant, expensive.

French vanilla  snail

materials: snail butter, crushed black pepper and even vanilla liquor

Pelargonium practices: 1. Full snails, to wash the meat; 2. will melt the butter in the pan, add garlic pieces and a few black pepper crushed, geraniol, and even vanilla, white wine saute, and then wash the snail meat and the pot, saute, add a small amount of gravy, Stew and a half hours, clean wok when you put some chopped parsley; 3. pot beef carcasses washed into Banhao vanilla butter into the snail shell, and then braise a good snail meat, butter vanilla top cast color can be baked into the oven.

taste: garlic butter and incense. Netherlands  salmon

Ingredients: 200 grams of salmon egg yolk, butter, salt, lemon juice, white pepper

practices: 1. The salmon with salt, lemon juice, white wine, pepper, a little salt after 10 minutes on the 200 ℃ Pa Grilled until golden on both sides of furnace can be; 2. butter to melt, with egg yolk and melted butter stirred into the Netherlands juice, pour in the Grilled salmon on a good.

flavors: butter lemon flavor. French tower-Wen Pai

sauce Shrimp Ingredients: shrimp eggs, flour, salt, white pepper, bread scraps, etc.

practices: prawns 200 grams, to the end of the first left, back surgery, with a few dozen meat hammer tap, salt, lemon juice, white wine, pepper marinated for 10 minutes, and then marinated shrimp dip row of flour, eggs, bread broken READY; take a pan, put a small amount of oil, till the Qicheng heat, to discharge into the side of fried shrimp, fried side, you can deep fry golden brown, topped with a tower of the text when vegetables juice.

taste: salad dressing flavor. French mint sauce lamb row

Material: lamb row of red wine salt, pepper mint sauce

approach: Pai 250 grams of lamb, salt, pepper, pine meat meal, red wine, a little salt for 10 minutes, and then placed in 200 ℃ for griddle fry color on both sides, to Qi Bafen cooked, it will do well in advance can be topped with mint sauce. Flavor: mint sauce and lamb row delicious.


类别: 餐饮食品


















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