

2010-04-04 09:56:34 阅读7 评论0 字号:

1. I’m calling from a public phone, so I’ll call her again.


2. I’m not at home now, so I’ll call her around three o’clock again.


3. May I use your phone?


4. Would you mind if I use your phone?


5. How do I get an outside line?




1. 我现在是打公用电话,我会再打给她。


2. 我现在不在家里,三点左右我会再打给她。


3. 我可以借您的电话用一下吗?


4. 你不介意我用你的电话吧?


5. 如何打外线?


解析:*1. public phone 是公用电话, pay phone 也是(投币式)公用电话;而公用电话亭则是telephone booth.*2. 在外打公用电话就表示无法让对方回电,所以通常会再告知下次联络时间或方式。*3. 有时找不到公用电话, 必要时需向商家借用电话,或者在别人的公司借电话时可用以上几句。*4. outside line 是“电话外线”,而extension 为电话(内线)分机。




1. I’m sorry I have the wrong number.


2. Is this 02-2718-5398?


3. Sorry to have bothered you.


4. I’m sorry. I think I must have dialed the wrong number.


5. Could I check the number? Is it 2211-3344




1. 抱歉我打错电话了。 (打错电话通常用:have the wrong number 表示)


2. 这里是02-2718-5398吗?


3. 很抱歉打扰你了。


4. 很抱歉。我想我一定是打错电话了。


5. 我可以核对一下电话号码吗?是不是2211-3344?


解析:1. 区域号码是 area code2. 电话号码的念法: 02-2211-3224念成:area code zero-two, two-two-one-one-three-two-two-four.* 0 可念成 oh 或 zero* 22 可念成 two-two 或 double two




1. I’m sorry to call you so late. 对不起这么晚打电话来。


2. I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time. 抱歉这种时候找你。(含有希望没有打扰到你的意思)


3. I hope I didn’t wake you up so early. 我希望这么早没有吵到你。



4. I’m sorry to call you so early. 对不起这么早打电话来。


5. I’m sorry to bother you at this hour. 很抱歉在这时打扰你。




1. It’s urgent. Could I have her mobilephone number? 我有急事,可不可以告诉我她的手机号码?


2. Could you tell me where I can reach her? 能不能告诉我在哪里可以找到她?


3. This is an emergency. I need to get in contact with him right now. 能不能告诉我在哪里可以找到他。




1. It’s nothing important. 没什么重要事。


2. It’s nothing urgent. Thank you ,good-bye. 没什么要紧事,谢谢您,再见。


3. I’ll call her again. 我会再打给她。


4. I’ll call back later. 我稍后会再打来。


5. Please ask Miss Chen to call me back. 请陈小姐给我回电话。


6. Could you tell her to call Carol as soon as possible? 能不能请她尽快打电话给卡洛?


7. Ask her to call Carol at home after seven, please. 麻烦她在七点后打电话到卡洛家。


8. Can I leave a message? 我可以留言吗?


9. Please have her return my call.请她回电话给我。


10. Could you ask him to to call me back? 可以请他给我回电话吗?


11. Please tell her Carol called. 请告诉她卡洛找她。


12. Let me call back later again. Thank you. 我稍后再打电话来。谢谢你。


13. Please tell him to phone 2233-4455. 请他给2233-4455回电话.




1This is a recording. I’m not at home now. Please leave a message after the beep. Thank you.这是电话答录机。我现在不在家,请在哔的一声之后开始留言。谢谢!


(*: 电话答录机 是 telephone answering machine)


2This is Carol. Pleae give me a call when you are free. My number is 2244-6688.我是卡洛。有空请回电话给我。我的号码是2244-6688.




1. 来电者姓名


2. 来电时间


3. 来电目的


4. 联络电话或方式




1. I’d like to place an order for your party dress from your catalog.


2. May I order some flowers?


3. How can I pay for this item?


4. I’d like to buy the car on your TV commercial.


5. Please send me your catalogue.


6. Do you have any life Menu Magazine tenin stock?


7. How long will it arrive?


8. The Product you sent to me is not what I ordered.


9. I’m calling about an order I placed a month ago. It hasn’t arrived yet.




















9. 我打电话是因为一个月前我订的东西。产品到现在都还没到。



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【大 中 小】【打印】【关闭】





(2004-05-12 15:05:28)


一、Basic Expressions ---- 问候基本用语

  01.Good morning [afternoon ,evening ],John .


  02.Hi, John.


  03.Hi, Mark .how are you doing?


  04.Fine. And you?


  05. Hello,Jane. how are you?


  06. Pretty good. Thanks. And you?


  07. What’s upheld? Nothing much.


  08. What’s happening?


  09.Nothing much .I’m just taking one day at a time.


  10.How are you feeling today?


  11.Just so so.


  12.How is it going?


  13.How’s everything with you?


  14.Hi! Are you having fun?


  15.How have you been (feeling)?


  16.So far so good.


二、Greetings with People Met Often ---- 问候常见面的人

  17.Hi, there!


  18.How are you doing? I can’t complain too much.


  19.How is your business going?


  20.How are things going?


  21.How is your day going?


  22.How are you doing these days? Well, about the same .


  23.What’s new?


  24.How do you feel today?


  25.I feel like a new man.


  26.Are you making progress?


  27.Have gotten over your cold?


  28.Did you sleep soundly last night?


  29. What’s the matter? Don’t you feel well?


  30.Why are you so cross today?


  31.You look tired. Had a big night?


  32.How come you look so tired?


  33.Why are you in such a good mood?


  34.You look under the weather today.


  35.Is anything wrong?


  36.Where are you headed?


  37.I’m on my way to the library.


  38.Where have you been?


  39.What did you do last weekend?


  40.I went to a baseball game.


  41.Where did you go over the weekend?


  42.Did you manage all right?


  43.It’s good to see you again.


  44.I haven’t seen much of you lately.


  45.You’re a sight for sore eyes.


  46.What brought you here?


  47.I didn’t expect to see you here.


  48.We seem to run into each other often lately.


  49.Our paths have finally crossed.


  50.I just stopped by to say hello.


三、Greetings with People Met Less Often ---- 问候较少见面的人

  51.What have you been upheld to lately?


  52.How have you been getting through the dog days?


  53.Where have you been fooling around?


  54.Johny! Yours is the last face I would have expected to see here.


  55.Jancy meeting you here!


  56.Hello, Jane! I haven’t seen you for a long time .


  57. It’s a long time since a saw you last.


  58.I haven’t seen you in years.


  59.I haven’t seen you for ages.


  60.Hi, long time no see.


  61.Hi, tom, I’m glad I bumped into you.


  62.What a pleasant surprise! I haven’t seen you for a long time.


  63.You’re just the man I want to see.


  64.What happened to Bill?


  65.No news. But I bet he’s O.K..


  66.I haven’t heard from him for 10years.


  67.How often do you hear from him ?


  68.How is he getting along?


  69.He’s in the pink.


  70.How was your trip to Hong Kong?


  71.I hardly know you.


  72.Your name just doesn’t come to me.


  73.What has kept you so busy?


  74.How’s everybody at your house?


    75.I hope your family are all well.


    76.Mr. Park sends his regards.


  77.It so happens that I met him on the train just yesterday.


四、Basic Expressions ---- 初次问候基本用语

  78.How do you do? I’m glad to meet you.


  79.How do you do? Glad to meet you, too.


  80.I’m pleased do meet you.


  81.The pleasure is mine.


  82.May I introduce myself?


  83.Let me introduce myself.


  84.My name is Ching –ming Wang.I’m a junior at BeiJing University.


  85.I hope we will become good friends.


  86.I work for Chinese Petroleum Corporation.


  87.May I have your name, please?


  88.How large is your family?


  89.Where are you from?


  90.What’s your nationality?


  91.Let me introduce my friend, Mr. Yang.


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