2007年洗衣机观察品牌的主要战略,xx产品« oursolo.net


- 2007洗衣机主要品牌产品策略




“80 +”,它是目前市场上可以从海尔洗衣机产品型号类型,统计海尔可以轻松地巩固市场份额,这些数据首先。海尔人说,在奥运营销为核心的市场战略,海尔洗衣机在今年继续优化和产品结构升级,以提高xx产品比重进一步提高,产品价格,以进一步改善。海尔




的整条生产线,2007年海尔在市场增长超过5公斤的洗衣机整体平均价格机产品总额的比重也相应提升。海尔洗衣机销售,小来表达国家的总经理,海尔洗衣机正开始近10年来{zd0}的战略调整。 “混合”和“没有洗衣粉”系列产品在高海尔洗衣机的xx战略全球市场已做好铺平了道路,下一步海尔洗衣机将是“好净界”系列为契机,全面巩固了他们的高全球化的客户战略。


2007年9月,海尔隆重推出重量级今年的新“净界”系列波轮洗衣机。洗衣机能够实现,“清洗站”,一个光电检测技术的全面使用,随时可以感知箱改变了水的浊度度,洗涤后的洗衣机的衣服将自动停止。 “洗一站式”技术,可以节约水,电,减少磨损的衣服。此外,该系列也有“不洗涤剂”,“水疗干燥”,“液晶触摸”,“混合”,“风干空气洗”,“智能频率”等核心技术。该产品的价格根据配置从2700-14000元之间。




新下来的小宣传年的宣传,但始终保持终于为自己的发展过程中的一个小天鹅2007年的销售稳步上升已添加浓墨重彩1 -对滚筒洗衣机的推出,开始了双管齐下的办法。小天鹅洗衣机市场,据教育部透露,小天鹅已经在很久以前,讨论了前引进的时间,滚筒洗衣机,“现在我们认为时机成熟了,与小天鹅,并在通用电气在清洗的领域积累的技术经验,鼓机的合作年,小天鹅的产品前,滚筒洗衣机洗衣机充分接触和波轮一致的好评。“




中旬,小天鹅2007年推出了“雾态水立方”系列波轮洗衣机XQB70 - 5018PBCL(参数图片评论)。该产品具有大7公斤的洗涤能力,以满足大容量的产品目前的市场趋势。小天鹅洗衣机波轮水立方结构独特专利申请机。据介绍,该产品可形成持续强劲的径向流动,来自四面八方的打破服装,让每个人都可以得到充分洗衣服的空间,从而在清盘很多问题的过程洗衣已经得到解决。魔术在水立方的基础上,在“雾国家增加洗”技术是针对在洗涤水的洗涤剂残留的问题时,充分雾化,避免普通洗衣粉时,水的衣物洗湿的情况下积累从而造成衣物褪色问题;和脱水的技术可以让水充分雾化后,雾是为强大的高喷高速运转服装,服装和深浸泡冲洗。该产品售价约为2500元。

2007年9月,高配置推出小天鹅“衣诺”系列滚筒洗衣机。 9个新产品的能力都6.5千克?7公斤发射。洗净率超过1.14至1.185。据介绍,“衣诺”滚筒洗衣机使用原有的“生活大空间”技术,采用472毫米,大的桶,让衣物有更大的清洗,回火空间;智能控制程序强度,水温,节奏,速度,时间,脱水速度6个要素,以达到{zj0}组合,根据不同材料使用不同的清洗程序,以达到更好的清洗效果,更好地保护衣物。此外,“衣诺”滚筒洗衣机广告的方式添衣功能键,可立即打开车门,半方式在任何时候添衣服。荣事达



兼并和收购之后,荣事达,在洗衣机行动领域的美国似乎很有效。 2006年底,美国依靠荣事达现有平台和18个快速引进美国品牌的洗衣机的渠道,同时,美国和洗衣机工业园正在加紧生产线布局。美的集团制冷家电洗衣机总经理王金亮表示,2006年美国品牌的洗衣机,或依赖于OEM进入市场,但现在的洗衣机在美国工业园的情况下,早日完成,美国和洗衣机拥有自己的生产线,以及一个双品牌的差异,荣事达的市场路线进一步分化执行美国。





二〇 〇七年5个月,美国发射了12{zx1}Anywashing“尖锐洗”洗衣机,一系列新产品,对的“X采用”夏普干净的水,“神奇拧波轮”超声波臭氧泡沫清洗行业技术的前沿。与独特设计的产品系列结合了枪管,“魔术拧波轮”互动,可以向上流动从底部波轮强烈的排放与全球涌水的桶,下降到4种十字型的“X”锋利清洁服装水有很强的3维的渗透影响,减少衣物磨损和撕裂,以避免纠缠,使洗涤更均匀,实现自然,清新的服装。此外,产品采用丰富多彩的PCM / PDM系统板,大尺寸液晶屏幕,如动态时装设计,在美国工业设计方面保持了时尚风格。新的第12条中,有3公斤和9公斤的能力被称为“洗尖锐双星”产品的能力:一个精致的小,德国红点设计奖铜奖,一个满足目前的市场趋势,可容纳窗帘,洗床单和其他大型对象。博世西门子




有关人士介绍,据西门子公司,2007年9月,博世和西门子家电集团,投资新的正式奠基滚筒洗衣机厂,在南京经济技术开发区博世和西门子家电网站大本营公园。 2007年上半年,西门子在中国滚筒洗衣机机销售额达百分之三十五的市场份额,保持其作为{dy}家外资品牌地位的立场。和工厂是博世和西门子家电集团在中国滚筒洗衣机产品的另一个重要生产基地,产品主要为中。预计完成2008年年中投产,年产量将达80万台。



西门子滚筒洗衣机的技术有许多独特的地方,例如混合洗涤程序设置,独特的“运动鞋洗”功能,在洗涤温度,强大的洗涤程序,高温xx和自由选择等等。 2007年9月,西门子公司{zx1}的科技成果全球同步上市的“家庭洗涤中心”,8公斤大容量洗衣机和烘干机7公斤组合。西门子家庭洗涤中心3DSMART先进的产能扩张优势智能技术,为8公斤,大小保持不变。同时,三维技术也在程度和精度洗衣烘干功能进行了提升,以确保洗涤和烘干效果。该产品成本高达八千九百九十零元。




在所有品牌洗衣机,在2007年{zd0}的动作时,松下数量。松下电器2007年4月之前,该集团已与杭州金鱼从杭州松下协议(松下电器集团的合资企业与金鱼)日本拥有的住宅设备松下电机企业(杭州)有限公司,在公司收购滚筒洗衣机生产线和所有业务。 5月1日之后在其研究和开发中心在杭州落成一体化。秦总经理说,杭州松下强:通过整合“,滚筒洗衣机和波轮洗衣机业务可以实现资源共享,将有助于在中国市场的增长松下洗衣机。”

杭州松下在2006年提供的数据,杭州松下“大容量”洗衣机的销量已经超过了2007年的47%,这一比例将进一步改善,2006年,“泡沫净杭州松下洗衣机”贡献百分之13.7销售,2007年,“泡沫净”将增加一倍,洗衣机的销售。 2008年,阿尔法系列,已成为杭州松下滚筒洗衣机阵容“主要”。


值得一提的是,在松下洗衣机2007年9月举办的经销商大会上,松下鼓的斜目标市场分析,西门子针对式洗衣机,并在技术,线目标,和价格建立自己的优势,阿尔法系列的推出,也是基于这一分析。滚筒洗衣机在中国市场的“新军” -松下,这不是我们的目标是不高。柳建国说,3阿尔法系列目前售价6490?六千九百九十零元之间,明显高于若干西门子出售产品鼓。同时,松下将加强3500?4000元的滚筒洗衣机阵营,滚筒洗衣机从去年的4至12在一个价格一举。







LG电子洗衣机波轮的30个产品,低于低端产品2000的余额的10号左右,甚至XQB42 - 118(参数图片评论)售价高达1300元的低,但在这几个产品一定程度上降低了LG电子的平均价格,而且还包括一系列的DD电机和空调的系列,包括xx产品干出售的仍是波轮。 2007年8月,LG电子一口气,第9段“炫彩”系列推出波轮洗衣机,但价格在2500元以上的产品系列,我相信,随着“炫彩”系列的销售,LG电子波轮高洗衣机年底比是显而易见的。

“气质”的一系列成果对LG洗衣机滚筒洗衣机在xx机领域居{lx1}地位的形象。于2006年推出第6款“气质”,于2007年推出7“气质”系列产品,所有14,000以上的价格,有的甚至高达2.2万元一起系列。 13滚筒洗衣机价格,使约40生产线的总LG电子前滚筒洗衣机的平均价格推到6000多恐怖。但实际上,该产品线的销售,或在产品线的价格大约4000元的真正贡献。 LG电子辊战略的努力,据称LG电子前滚筒洗衣机目前超过65%,总销量销售,但LG强调,不释放在低端产品线。


“气质”系列蒸汽洗衣机,LG电子是全球性的战略产品,蒸汽清洗机的清洗的过程中,将统一服装的蒸汽喷射,所以内桶,将附在蒸汽充分顽固污渍在衣服上的常见xx一并去除。 LG电子在2007年9月的“质量”系列产品- “抗过敏”系列推出新一代。该系列产品可利用的清洗,以xx过敏原蒸汽的原则使用。作为蒸汽xx方法的结果可以洗的整个内桶的温度迅速增加,分裂均匀,以便它能够有效地杀灭过敏原,效果显着高于热水或热空气的简单形式。 “此外,该产品还具有清洁内桶一个简单方便的功能,用户可以定期使用这项功能,有效解决洗衣机”二次污染“问题。内部清洁功能可蒸汽喷射桶,杀死内部连接到洗衣机模具,和残留污垢桶,包括清洁,并附上xx滋生霉菌。





据介绍,在2006年9月,三星电子公布的银离子,衣雾净,数码净三大系列全自动洗衣机,以及液晶变频烘干,精工数码,数码,薄典等三大系列滚筒洗衣机新。到目前为止, 6个系列,仍然是三星洗衣机产品{jd1}的主线。

三星近30全自动波轮洗衣机产品涵盖了低端所有高中,甚至XQB50 - L61(参数图片评论)的价格在1000以下的产品,2000产品波轮低于其余约15美元,而透明窗口和45度倾斜式控制面板和xx产品LED显示屏使用超过3000元的价格。据介绍,目前,三星全自动洗衣机产品的价格有所提高,超过1900万元。



三星电子在2007年10月推出新的xx前开门滚筒洗衣机,说是世界上{dy}个“空气洗涤系统推出” -热空气清新和功能。这项技术的推出不能只有实现传统的洗涤衣物洗涤功能也可用于更便捷的航空洗涤深入。据了解,这与高温空气功能穿透衣服,分解气味粒子,在杀死螨和其他有害微生物的深处隐藏服装自那时起有机体,高气流的冷凝温度成水到机外。这样,应该不会被冲走还可以xx异味的各种衣物,而且还搬迁,xx,防皱。因此,特别适合清洗很难与那些每天进行日常交易的对象,如垫,枕头和其他一些项目,由于填料洗涤过程。并不需要水来湿衣服,不需要任何洗涤剂或其他化学品,大大减少了衣物洗涤和干洗频率,对衣物纤维和发挥好调节作用的衣物,以保持更持久的颜色和形状,延长衣物的生活。此外,此功能喷出的高温气流,但also inside the tube to keep washing dry, effectively removed inhibitory residues in the washing machine inside the bacteria, to maintain inside the tube cleaning, clothing to avoid being secondary pollution. The single price at 7,000 yuan.

Sanyo: certain Chinese

marketing strategy:

10 on 23 Day, Hefei Rongshida Sanyo Electric Co. released third quarter 2007 performance report. The report shows that in 2007 7 to 9 months, Rongshida SANYO Sales revenue 124 million yuan, compared to 31.91 percent the same period last year, net profit 8,908,500 yuan, compared to 27.71 percent the same period last year. In the wake of Japan headquarters in 2006 after the storm, Sanyo washing machines in China still achieved a steady growth in the field, Not only that, but seemed to be more firm Sanyo in China washing machine market confidence. It is , Hefei Rongshida Sanyo Electric will vote heavily in the construction of a washing machine production capacity reached 100 million units of large-scale industrial park, half of the industrial park is expected to export products will be the Southeast Asian countries. The industrial park covers an area of 120 acres of production, it will reach one million Taiwan’s production capacity, after the completion of the washing machine will Hefei Sanyo capacity on the existing basis, increased by 2 times.

It is understood that currently has 600,000 Sanyo washing machine production capacity, more than 80% of Products remains波轮washing machine. In 2006, Sanyo introduced a 17 breath波轮new washing machine as well as the 4 drum washing machines, improved product mix. 2007, Sanyo Washing Machine Products波轮the quantity more than 30, of which about half of Products cost more than 2,000 yuan which XQB62-398 (parameter picture comments) the price at about 3400 yuan. Medium Product positioning makes high- end Sanyo washing machines波轮products and Samsung is almost the same average, around 1,500 yuan also.

similar with Panasonic, Sanyo in 2006, decided to invest in China drum washing machine, take the lead in listing XQG80-518HD washing machine do in the current price of 9999 yuan, it became Sanyo 4 drum washing machine representation, and in 2007 years, Sanyo has launched the air scrubber inclined drum washing machine. Sanyo only several drum washing machines are in the middle and high-end, except near million XQG80-518HD, other prices are 4,500 yuan in 3500 ~.


XBQ70-5108 Sanyo are in the June 2007 listing波轮fully automatic washing machines, the price more than 3400 yuan, volume 7kg. The product has a standard, strong wash, custom , blankets, light wash 5 kinds of automatic procedures, when washing clothes can be automatically selected. XBQ70-5108 also has a two-step net function, washing, the water below water level 2 settings file , the beginning of side washing water edge early melting of detergent will help improve the energy efficiency of detergents.

2007年9月, Sanyo has decided to put the Chinese market has been successful in Japan, selling more than a year of “air washing inclined drum washing machine.” According to understand that this new type of washing machine using ozone disinfection principle, to a certain concentration of air into the ozone, the role of the goods, and constant air circulation and thoroughly attached to the clothes Baptist kill various bacteria, the completion of the air scrubber. use This means laundry, do not water, do not wear, not deformation, suitable for a variety of items. The product also has the original top-open slide design, simply touch, site will automatically zoned open, switches inside and outside the heads Just a complete, convenient and quick. There’s patented Variable Angle inclined roller design, even in the wash at any time to open the door to add clothing, water will not leak. (07-11 -20)

Washing machines in 2007 to observe the main strategy of brand-name products

Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea,各显神通

- 2007 washing machine main brand product strategy

did not observe the color TV, air-conditioning market, bloody, or even the excitement of the refrigerator market hubbub the past few years, washing machines market in the smooth realization of the development of a clear industrial upgrading, inadvertently, the drum has been able to rival the波轮, the evolution of the market quietly, and who is powerful? Now let us look at the washing machine on the market is how the performance of eight major brands of.


campaign to upgrade high-end marketing strategy:

“80 +”, which is currently on the market can and Statistics from the Haier washing machine Product model types, such data Haier makes it easy to consolidate market share first. Haier said the person, in the Olympic marketing as its core market strategy, Haier washing machines this year to continue the optimization and upgrading of product structure, so as to raise the proportion of high-end products to further increase, product price to further improve. Haier

the officer said that at present, Haier brand washing machines attention reached 48.7 percent, ranking first in all brands, and the Haier washing machines with different grades of products have been distributed nationwide through various channels, while in major cities market, Haier will be high-end products as a major publicity effort. Following the 2006 Haier “hybrid”波轮washing machines and “Sunshine Beauty” series sold after 2007 are Haier launched the “net community”波轮washing machines and “Luxurii” drum washing machine two series of high-end products, the market moves eye-catching.

it was observed that the current round of海尔波about more than 40 models of washing machines, of which the time-honored “small child prodigy” series single price remained at 1,000 and 1,500 yuan, becoming the largest sales volume of Haier product line. While the price of 4,500 yuan in 1600 ~ The “double dynamics” of Haier washing machines have become the representative of high-end products, particularly in the high-end products “net community” appearance, the “hybrid” actually carries a Haier in the market sales mission. At present, the washing machine海尔波round average selling price of 1500 yuan, in the “net community” is listed, this figure will undoubtedly enhance the primary market.

drum washing machine connection, Haier is currently on the market balance of about 30 products, most of them expensive. However, more than 4,500 yuan “Sunshine Beauty” series not only because of high prices and poor sales, but become the most popular shopping category. In “Luxurii” series is listed, the Haier roller washing machines has increased the average price to 2600 yuan.

market with the entire line, Haier in 2007 increased more than 5kg washing machine Product volume proportion of the overall average price has also improved accordingly. Haier washing machine sales, general manager of small to express the country, Haier washing machines are beginning to near 10 years since the largest strategic adjustment. “Hybrid” and “do not have washing powder” series products have been in the global market for high-end strategy of Haier washing machines do a good job of paving the way, the next step Haier washing machine will be the “net community” series as an opportunity to fully consolidate the development of their high-globalization client strategy.


2007年9月, Haier launched a grand heavyweight this year’s New “net community” series波轮washing machine. The washing machine can be realized, “Wash-stop”, the use of a full range of photoelectric detection technology, can always perceived bins changes the degree of turbidity of water, washed clothes after the washing machine will automatically stop. “Wash-stop” technology, can save water, electricity, and reduce wear and tear of clothing. In addition, the series also has a “no detergent”, “SPA drying”, “LCD touch”, “hybrid”, “air-dry air washing”, “Intelligent Frequency” and other core technologies. The price of products based on configuration from 2700-14000 yuan range.

2007年10月, Haier “Time aesthetic Luxurii” series after 8008 hours continuous operation without failure, declare the listing in the country. Products of the series apart from the “Wash-stop” technology, a design by Danish designer personally surgeon using the imitation of human study design 45-degree angle to resolve the user bending over to pick-and-place clothes distressed. In addition, the series drum washing machine of the AMT also has anti-bacterial pad window mold design, so that the window pad antibacterial rate of more than 99%. The price of a single family of products is higher than 6000 yuan.

Little Swan: Drum厚积薄发

the field of marketing strategy:

New publicity over the years from the little publicity, but always maintained a steady increase in sales in 2007 of Little Swan finally for their own course of development has been added浓墨重彩a - the introduction of drum washing machines, began a two-pronged approach. Little Swan washing machine market, according to Ministry sources, the Little Swan has been a long time ago to discuss the timing of the introduction of front-loading washing machines, “Now we think the time is ripe, with Little Swan and GE over the years in the drum washing machine cooperation in the field of the accumulated technical experience, Little Swan products front-loading washing machines washing machines fully accessible and波轮the same praise. “

It is reported that in 2007, Little Swan Washing Machine in波轮has not launched a new concept of new products in 2004 successfully selling “Water Cube” series is still the main force of the current Little Swan Products. In 2006 launched the “Water Cube Fog state” series of products based on the Little Swan in May 2007 launched a capacity of 7 kilograms of the “fog-state water cube” New. At present, the Little Swan Washing Machine Products波轮the quantity of about 30, in which more than 1,600 yuan “Water Cube” series products, the proportion of nearly 50%, while the ordinary “waterfall spray” series products are used to deal with in the low-end market. Relatively speaking, simple波轮Little Swan products in the field of high-end and also the lack of Haier’s products under a higher one, but because of Little Swan in the end product sold well, so around 1,500 yuan or even more than the average price波轮Product Haier.

after the test in early 2007, Little Swan to its front-loading washing machines in the domestic market, the “maiden work” very satisfactory. According to Little Swan Marketing relevant person in charge of introduction, the current Little Swan introduced to the market a total of 9 drum washing machines, are more than 7 kilograms of super-capacity products, average close to 2,500 yuan. Little Swan’s drum washing machine sales store in the country to implement a single shop counter system, the alleged purpose of such marketing strategies are faster in order to upgrade the Little Swan brand’s overall image, as the new front-loading washing machines to prepare the future.


2007 in mid-Little Swan introduced a “fog-state Water Cube” series波轮Washer XQB70-5018PBCL (parameter picture comment). The product has a large 7 kg wash capacity to meet the current market products of large volume trends. Little Swan washing machine for water cube波轮unique structure applied for a patent. According to introduction, the product can be formed by continued strong radial flow, from all sides to break up clothing, so that each can be fully …

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