PIX/ASA防火墙port redirect问题一则_冒险岛达人_新浪博客

做端口redirect的时候,如果用命令:static (inside,outside) interface tcp 80 或者把interface改成outside接口ip地址。会出现以下的错误提示。

WARNING: static redireting all traffics at outside interface;
WARNING: all services terminating at outside interface are disabled.



static (inside,outside) tcp interface 80 80  或者

static (inside,outside) tcp 80 tcp 80


如果你有多余的其它注册地址,即公网地址的话,可以用static (inside,outside) 多余的公网地址 tcp 80的命令来写。不会发生错误。但是{zh0}按照标准的方式来写。



The warning is correct, you are redirecting everything received on the external interface (outside) to the internal server. Therefore any services on the Firewall will not work (i.e. SSH, Telnet, SSL, etc...)

The only way around it is if you have multiple Public IP Addresses available to you and then leave the public address thats attached to the external interface and use one of the other free addresses in your public range within the static statement.

Alternataively, you will need to specify the ports.

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