
该标准适用于公称压力为PN1.0MPa-PN4.0MPa,公称通径为DN50mm-DN1200mm的多功能水泵控制阀。 现将标准技术要求介绍如下:    1 压力——温度度级    多功能水泵控制阀的压力——温度等级由壳体、内件及控制管系统材料的压力——温度等级确定。多功能水泵控制阀在某一温度下的{zd0}允许工作压力取壳体、内件及控制管系统材料在该温度下{zd0}允许工作压力值中的小值。    1.1 铁制壳体的压力——温度等级应符合GB/T17241.7的规定。    1.2 钢制壳体的压力——温度等级应符合GB/T9124的规定。    1.3 对于GB/T17241.7、GB/T9124未规定压力——温度等级的材料,可按有关标准或设计的规定。    2 阀体    2.1 阀体法兰   法兰应与阀体整体铸成。铁制法兰的型式和尺寸应符合GB/T17241.6的规定,技术条件应符合GB/T17241.7的规定;钢制法兰的型式和尺寸应符合GB/T9113.1的规定,技术条件应符合GB/T9124的规定。 2.2 阀体结构长度。    2.3 阀体的最小壁厚   铸铁件阀体的最小壁厚应符合GB/T13932-1992中表3的规定,铸钢件阀体的最小壁厚应符合JB/T8937-1999中表1的规定。    3 阀盖 膜片座    3.1 阀盖与膜片座、膜片座与阀体的连接型式应采用法兰式。    3.2 膜片座与阀体的连接螺栓数量不得少于4个。    3.3 阀盖与膜片座的最小壁厚按2.3的要求。    3.4 阀盖与膜片座的法兰应为圆形。法兰密封面的型式可采用平面式、突面式或凹凸式。    4 阀杆、缓闭阀板、主阀板    4.1 缓闭阀板与阀杆应连接紧固、可靠。    4.2 缓闭阀板与主阀板的密封型式应采用金属密封的型式。    4.3 主阀板与阀杆必须滑动灵活、可靠。    4.4 主阀板与主阀板座的密封可采用金属密封和非金属密封两种型式。    5 膜片    5.1 膜片性能应符合表2(见下页)的规定。    5.2 膜片的外观质量应符合HG/T3090的规定。    5.3 当应用于生活饮用水时,膜片材料的安全性应符合GB/T17219的规定。    6 控制管系统    控制管系统的各元件应能承受阀门的{zg}工作压力,各部位不得发生泄漏。    7 材料    7.1 主要零部件材料的选用宜按JB/T5300的规定。    7.2 铜合金铸件应符合GB/T12225的规定;灰铸铁铸件应符合GB/T12226的规定,其抗拉强度应不小于200MPa;球墨铸铁铸件应符合GB/T12227的规定;碳素钢铸件应符合GB/T12229的规定;奥氏体钢铸件应符合GB/T12230的规定。    7.3 钢制多功能水泵控制阀铸件外观质量应符合JB/T7927的规定,铁制多功能水泵控制阀铸件外观质量参照JB/T7927的规定。    8 壳体强度    多功能水泵控制阀的壳体强度应符合GB/T13927的规定。    9 密封性能    多功能水泵控制阀的密封性能应符合GB/T13927的规定。    10 清洁度    多功能水泵控制阀的清洁度应符合JB/T7748的规定。    11 涂装    当应用于生活饮用水时,多功能水泵控制阀内腔涂装材料的安全性应符合GB/T17219的规定。外表面涂装不作规定,特殊要求在订货合同中注明。

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The standard applies to nominal pressure for PN1.0MPa-PN4.0MPa, nominal diameter of DN50mm-DN1200mm multifunctional pump control valve. Now the standard technical requirements described below: 1 Pressure - temperature degree-level Multifunctional Pump Control Valve Pressure - temperature rating from the shell, inner parts and control of materials management system, the pressure - temperature rating determined. Multifunctional Pump Control Valve at a temperature of the maximum allowable working pressure to take the shell, internal parts and control tube system materials in the temperature value of the maximum allowable working pressure in the small value. 1.1 The iron shell pressure - temperature rating should be consistent with GB/T17241.7 requirements. 1.2 steel shell of the pressure - temperature rating should be consistent with GB/T9124 requirements. 1.3 For the GB/T17241.7, GB/T9124 does not provide the pressure - temperature rating of the material, according to the relevant standards or design requirements. 2 Body 2.1 Body flange flange valve body should be cast as a whole. Iron flange type and dimensions should be consistent with the provisions of GB/T17241.6 technical conditions should be consistent GB/T17241.7 requirements; steel flange type and dimensions should be consistent with the provisions of GB/T9113.1 and technological conditions should be consistent with GB/T9124 requirements. 2.2 The length of the valve structure. 2.3 The minimum wall thickness of cast iron valve body GB/T13932-1992 the minimum wall thickness should be consistent with the provisions of Table 3, the minimum wall thickness of steel body parts should be consistent with the provisions of JB/T8937-1999 Table 1. 3 piece tectorial membrane valve seat 3.1 valve cover and the diaphragm seat, diaphragm valve seat and the connection type should be used flange. 3.2 diaphragm and valve seat shall not be less than the number of connecting bolts 4. 3.3 valve cover and the diaphragm seat a minimum wall thickness according to the requirements of 2.3. 3.4 valve cover flange and the diaphragm seat should be rounded. Flange sealing surface of the planar pattern can be used, sudden surface-type or concave-convex type. 4 Stem, slow-closing valve plate, the main valve plate 4.1 slow-closing valve plate and valve stem should be connected fastening and reliable. 4.2 slow-closing valve plate with the main valve plate sealing type metal seal pattern should be used. 4.3 The main valve plate and valve stem must slide a flexible and reliable. 4.4 the main valve plate and the main valve seat seal plate can be used two kinds of metal sealing and non-metallic sealing type. 5 Diaphragm 5.1 patch performance should conform to Table 2 (see next page) requirements. 5.2 Diaphragm appearance quality should be consistent with HG/T3090 requirements. 5.3 when applied to drinking water, the diaphragm material should be consistent with GB/T17219 security requirements. 6 Control Management Information System Control systems control the various components should be able to withstand the maximum working pressure valve, the parts can not leak. 7 Materials 7.1 The main parts of the selection of appropriate materials, according to JB/T5300 requirements. 7.2 Copper alloy castings shall comply with the provisions of GB/T12225; GB/T12226 gray iron castings shall comply with the provisions of its tensile strength shall be not less than 200MPa; ductile iron castings shall comply with the provisions of GB/T12227; carbon steel castings shall comply with GB/T12229 requirements; GB/T12230 austenitic steel castings shall comply with requirements. 7.3 Multifunctional Pump Control Valve Steel Casting JB/T7927 appearance quality should meet the provisions of multifunctional pump control valve cast iron appearance quality reference JB/T7927 requirements. 8 shell strength Multifunctional Pump Control Valve shell strength should be consistent with GB/T13927 requirements. 9 sealing performance Multifunctional pump control valve sealing performance should be consistent with GB/T13927 requirements. 10 Cleanliness Multifunctional Pump Control Valve JB/T7748 cleanliness should meet the requirements. 11 Painting When applied to drinking water, the multifunctional pump control valve cavity coating material should be consistent with GB/T17219 security requirements. Outer surface of the coating is not provided for, the special requirements specified in the order in the contract.

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