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Now this season Chishimehao ah

now the season Chishenmehao ah

winter diet principles: First, have a rich, adequate nutrition, heat should be sufficient; Second, the food should be warm heat, and help protect the body’s yang.

There are several varieties of choice:

1, warm meat: There are dog meat, beef, chicken, turtle meat, lamb, bird meat, shrimp, snakes and so on.

2, and vegetables: There are soy beans, broad beans, carrots, onion, garlic, pepper, chives, mustard, rape, coriander, pepper and so on.

3, fruits: dry winter, and often makes people feel the nose, dry throat discomfort. Then if we can eat Shengjinzhike, throat go dry fruits, will make people feel a refreshing comfort. This season the fruit with the nature of health care to a few of the pears and sugar cane. Chinese medicine believes that pears are Shengjinzhike, relieving cough and phlegm, heat Reduce Pathogenic Fire, nourishing the blood to the lungs and dry granulation and other functions, best suited to heat in winter and spring fever and food for patients. Hyperactivity especially cough, pediatric wind-heat, throat sore throat and dry stool guitar’s disease was more appropriate. Modern medical studies suggest that pears are lower blood pressure, heat sedative effect. Patients with hypertension, where dizziness, palpitations ringing in the ears are often Chili, ease symptoms. Pears are rich in sugar and vitamins, is protective and help digestion. For hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, as a medical food is very good for regular consumption. However, because of the cold pear, those who have stomach Deficiency, dyspepsia and post-natal blood deficiency of people can not eat.

the role of sugar cane are nourishing heat, rich in nutrients. As a refreshing tonic, for the low blood sugar, dry stool, urine negative, nausea and vomiting and Hot polydipsia such as cough and fever symptoms have some effect. Tiredness dizziness excessive or hungry people ate two sugar cane as long as it will allow the spirit to recover. However, due to sugar cane cold, Deficiency of the spleen and stomach, abdominal pain, unfit for human consumption. In addition, the fruit are suitable for winter, apples, oranges, bananas, hawthorn, chestnut, jujube, apricot, litchi, orange, grapefruit and so on.

4, cuisine: There are double whip aphrodisiac soup, Qi whip soup, SDT, Lubian impotence soup, jack black-bone chicken soup, ginger, angelica mutton soup, steamed dog heaven and earth, the Senate, Qi sheep’s head, Sesame rabbit, walnut and other fried leek.

5, Tea: winter, drink tea the best. Sweet Black Tea and warm, rich in protein, can help digestion, fill the body, to make the body strong.

winter tonic line:

a good idea to be cited in winter tonic supplement, first choice of Gorgon beef stew, or Gorgon, jujube, add brown sugar, peanut stew served in order to adjust the spleen and stomach function of conditioning. And then tonic, increase the nourishing effect, it will not happen “virtual free fill” situation.

Tonic, it is best not to eat cold or too greasy food, so as not to impede the spleen and stomach digestive function, affecting tonic effect. During

tonic in case of a cold, fever, diarrhea, they should temporarily stop taking all kinds of supplements, to be recovered after the tonic.

vitamin supplement

1, eat potato: sweet potato, potato, and they are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B, especially for a lack of vitamin A, should, eat Red sweet potato, because it contains more carotene. eat potato, not only vitamin supplements, there are clear internal heat to plague poison role.

2, eat radish, bean sprouts: In addition, listing the road in winter vegetables, in addition to cabbage, there should choose cabbage, hearts America radish, white radish, carrots, bean sprouts, green bean sprouts, rape and so on. The vegetables are rich in vitamin content than that. as long as the regular exchange variety, reasonable match, or can supplement the human body needs vitamins.

elderly people should pay attention to: the winter cold also affected the nutritional metabolism of the human body, so that the consumption of various nutrients are varying degrees of growth. elderly people due to digestion and absorption and in vivo metabolism of factors, is often a lack of potassium, calcium, sodium, iron and other elements, coupled with an increase in the winter of human urine, so that the inorganic salts with the volume of urine discharged increased, therefore, should be added in time. can eat more calcium, iron, sodium, potassium-rich foods such as dried shrimps, dried small shrimps, sesame, liver, bananas and so on.


cold weather often eat mutton, dog, etc. There Wenshen aphrodisiac effect of food and hot pepper, shrimp, walnut and so on, greatly enhancing the ability to help keep out the cold. lamb sweet and warm, rich in fat, protein, carbon and water compounds, as well as the minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., can warm the tonic, kidney Liver, spleen appetizer is the winter cold to support a rich Jiapin. dog meat is sweet and warm, can Buzhongyiqi, Wenshen Zhuang Yang, An five internal organs, Zhuang waist and knee, warm under the coke, rich in protein, carbohydrates and calcium, iron, phosphorus and so on cold extremities back pain, physical weakness of the patients had warming and other effects of cold. As the saying goes, “eating dog nice and warm without a blanket may be winter. “pepper contains capsaicin, can stimulate the appetite, improve digestion, makes rapid heartbeat, peripheral capillaries to expand, increasing blood flow to the body surface. winter proper eating peppers, makes feel warm and comfortable, and can prevent the cold and damp invasion of muscle damage to the joints. shrimps in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron levels were higher than those of meat, eggs, milk, with Wenshen Xing Yang, Spleen Yiwei, accessible blood achievements. walnut-containing more than 40% fat, and is mainly unsaturated fatty acids, can lower cholesterol, prevent arteriosclerosis and hypertension. its rich phospholipids constitute an important raw material of human cells can enhance cell viability, promote hematopoietic function to enhance appetite. In addition, it is rich in carbohydrates, high-calorie products, increase body heat, warm warm.

Hot Pot05-12-02

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