



1. Invitation


The Chinese Chess Association has the honour to invite all Asian National Chess Federations affiliated to FIDE to participate in the 2010 Asian Youth Chess Championships (under-8, under-10, under-12, under-14, under- 16, and under-18) hosted by the Jinma Chess Club under the auspices of the Asian Chess Federation from 8th (arrival) to 15th July (departure) 2010 in Beijing, China.


2. Participation


2.1 Each National Federation can enter one (1) player in each of the Under 10, 12, 14, 16 & 18 (Open & Girls) categories, totalling a maximum of ten (10) invited Players.


2.2 Medal winners of the 2009 championships will also have personal right and will be accepted as invited players.


2.3 At most two (2) additional (extra) players per category from one national Federation can also be registered. Under-8 participants shall also be considered as additional (extra) players.


2.4 The Organising Committee shall have an additional player per category and shall hold a player in reserve to make an even number of participants if necessary.


3. Registration and Travel conditions


3.1 Entry forms must be filled by the National Federations and returned to the Organiser not later than 1st June 2010. The Organiser reserves the right to accept or reject any registration after this deadline subject to a penalty fee of US$50.


3.2 The complete registration form must include the surname, first name, FIDE ID number, FIDE rating and title, and passport number of each player and each accompanying person. It must also include the name, telephone, fax number and email of the Head of Delegation and of the Federation Official in charge.


3.3 A digital scan of the passport and ID photo of each player and each accompanying person must be sent by email to the Organising Committee.


3.4 All travel expenses must be paid by the participants or their National Federation.


3.5. Every player (invited or additional) and every accompanying person has to pay to the Organiser the amount of US$100 being Registration Fee.


3.6 The above amount of US$100 includes accreditation and bus transport from the airport to the official hotel and back to Airport.


3.7 Players will not be paired until all payments of their federation have been fulfilled.


3.8 Players will not be paired if they are not accredited in Beijing at least one hour before the Technical Meeting.


4. Entry Fees


4.1 In accordance with FIDE regulations an entry fee of US$75 is required for each invited player. Their National Federation must pay this amount to the Organiser.


4.2 For each additional player, an entry fee of US$150 is required. Their National Federation must also pay this amount directly to the Organiser.


5. Hotel Accommodation


5.1 Accommodation and full board will be provided at three or four star hotels by the Organizer.


5.2 Free board and lodging will be provided to the invited players as well as to One (1) official per federation from noon of 8th July to noon of 15th July. The Organiser shall accommodate 2 or 3 invited participants in normal twin rooms.


5.3 All participants and all accompanying persons are obliged to live at the Official Hotel.


5.4 Hotel payments for all additional players and accompanying persons must be made in advance before arrival in Beijing.


5.5 Cost for full board and lodging (with breakfast, lunch & dinner) for additional players and accompanying persons:

a. Triple-sharing: US$60 per person per day.

b. Twin-sharing: US$70 per person per day.

c. Single room: US$100 per person per day.


6. Prizes


6.1 Cups and Medals will be awarded to the top 3 players in each category.


6.2 The final standings (after tie-break) of the best 3 players from each federation shall count towards the Team result. Cups and Medals will be awarded to the top 3 teams in each category.


7. Playing Schedule:


Date                   Details                       Time

08th July              Arrival                              12:00 hrs

         Opening Ceremony                  18:00 hrs

Technical Meeting                   20:00 hrs

09th July              Round 1                            10:00 hrs

Round 2                           16:00 hrs

10th July        Round 3                            10:00 hrs

11th July              Round 4                            10:00 hrs

         Round 5                            16:00 hrs

12th July        Round 6                            10:00 hrs

13th July        Round 7                            10:00 hrs

Round 8                           16:00 hrs

14th July              Round 9                            10:00 hrs

Closing Ceremony                  16:00 hrs

15th July              Departure                          12:00 hrs


8. Format


8.1 The Championships will be played according to the Swiss System of 9 Rounds.


8.2 Rate of play will be 90 minutes for the whole game + 30 seconds increment for each move played starting from move 1.


9. Contact of the Organising Committee


Asian Chess Federation

Email: asianchessfederation@yahoo.com


Registration by email or fax to:- China Chess Association

Address: 80, Tian Tan Dong Rd., Beijing, China 100061

In emergency, please contact Miss Abigail Tian Hongwei

Email: tianhongweidu@hotmail.com

Tel.: 0086-10-6710 2301      Fax: 0086-10-6710 1522

Mobile phone: 0086-13911917506


Please copy registration to Chief Arbiter Ignatius Leong   ignatiusleong@pacific.net.sg


10. Visa Information


Invitation for entry visa will be sent by email or fax to federations of participants.


11. In addition to the Invitational Championships, the Organiser invites participants for the Asian Youth Challengers Championships – based on the same age-groups


11.1 There is no restriction and a Federation may register any number of entries (all considered as additional players).


11.2 The Entry Fee payable to the Organiser is US$50 and the Registration Fee for players and accompanying persons is US$100 each.


11.3 Hotel Accommodation, Playing Schedule and Format shall be the same as the Invitational Championships.


11.4 Medals will be awarded to the top 5 players in each category. There will be no team prizes.


11.5 The winner (maximum 3 in case of tie) of each category shall receive the title of Asian Master awarded by the Asian Chess Federation.




Registration form for all participants


One for federation – players and accompanying pax

And another for individual info




First Name:


Father’s Name:



Passport No.:

Issue Date:

Expiry Date:

Date of Birth:

Birth Place:




FIDE Rating:

Status:      invited  additioanl

Age Group: U8/10/12/14/16/18



Arrival Details:    Date:                    Time:            Airline:                Flight No.:

Departure:            Date:                    Time:            Airline:                Flight No:


Please fill and return this registration form with the copy of all the passports and ID photos not later than 1st June 2010 to Chinese Chess Association


Preferably as attached by email to     with a copy to



Federation Official Name :                                                                     Signature:

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