
NEW DS—160 forms beginning March 1





•DS-160新表是美国国务院在2010年为改进签证申请程序自动化做出的又一努力,其领事事务办公室最近宣布将在世界范围内推广使用xx网上填写的(fully web-based) DS-160非移民签证申请表。 
•DS-160新表将被用于除K签证以外的所有非移民签证, 包括我们所熟悉的B类商务旅游签证和F类学生签证。 





◇The application procedure for an F-1 visa remains the same. The only thing that has changed is the application form itself. 
  申请学生签证的程序没有改变. 只是申请表不同了. 
◇Make sure you select the right gender -- it will prompt you to different forms depending on your selection
  请确认你选择正确的性别. 错误的选择将导致系统生成错误的表格. 
◇You must upload the right size photo,and bring it with you.If it''s too big,our system will refuse it. 
  请上传规定大小的照片, 并且带来面谈. 如果照片太大, 将不被系统所接受.
◇Fill out the form correctly and review it carefully.Once the application has been submitted,changes cannot be made.You may be turned back at the window for you to fix the errors.
  请正确地填写表格并认真检查. 表格一旦上交, 你将不能对其做任何修改. 来到窗口的时候你将有可能被我们要求重新回去修正错误.
◇Make sure you save the file locally,so you can download it again if it needs to be corrected.
  请确认你在本地保存你的文件, 以使你能够在需要修改时能够重新下载.
◇The DS-160 only replaces the DS-156, DS-157,and DS-158.It does NOT replace the I-20.
  DS-160表可以替代DS-156, DS-157和DS-158, 但不能代替I-20表格.




◇The U.S.is the premier destination for foreign students,and represents a great educational bargain 
◇Many Chinese students receive scholarships 。 
◇Three-quarters of the tuition at public universities is covered by US taxpayers whether or not you are a citizen。 
◇Fifty percent of the tuition at private universities is covered by the school''''''''''''''''s endowment 。
◇More than 80% of students applicants receive visas; more than 90% of graduate students receive visas。
  超过80% 的学生申请人获得签证; 超过90%的研究生以上申请人获得签证。




◇ Special Clearances 特别审核
•Be Prepared.       请准备好所有的文件。
•For graduate students,bring a detailed résumé,including a list of your publications .     
                    携带一份详细的个人简历, 包括发表著作的清单.
•Bring a description of the research you will conduct .
•Bring your advisor’s biography .           

◇ Myths 流言 

•There are quotas for the number of Chinese students who receive visas.
Truth: There is no limit to how many students may receive their visas .
•The process of applying for a U.S. visa is too long and troublesome .
Truth: Without extra background check, it could take as short as one week to receive your visa.        
 真实的情况:如果不用背景调查, 您一般能在一周之就内获得签证.
•If you have family members in the U.S., you cannot get a visa .
Truth: Family members in the U.S. does not prohibit you from receiving your student visa. It’s a matter of whether you have immigrant intent to join those family members.                             
 真实的情况: 在美有亲戚并不意味着你不能获得签证.问题是你有没有移民倾向去跟你的亲戚生活在一起.
•To get a visa to the United States you need to major in sciences (or business), or have a scholarship . 
 欲获得美国签证, 必须学习理科(或商科), 或具有奖学金.
Truth: Students with arts degrees and no scholarship get approved every day.                             





详情请拨打威久留学:010-68946699 转美国部

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