NEW DS—160 forms beginning March 1
web-based) DS-160非移民签证申请表。 |
包括我们所熟悉的B类商务旅游签证和F类学生签证。 |
•DS-160新表目前已经在24个美国驻外使领馆试点成功。 |
•以F类学生签证为例,目前申请人需要填写DS-156、DS-157、DS-158表格,变革后的DS-160新表将以一个表格囊括前面提到的三张表的所有内容并进一步完善需要收集的申请人信息。 |
•根据美国国务院的计划,美国驻中国大陆各使领馆(北京、上海、广州、沈阳、成都)并美国驻香港总领事馆都将在2010年3月1日前完成申请表格的“转换”,事实上,香港总使领馆已经在要求使用DS-160新表申请签证,变革已经悄然开始。 |
◇The application procedure for an F-1
visa remains the same. The only thing that has changed is the
application form itself. |
◇Make sure you select the right gender
-- it will prompt you to different forms depending on your
selection |
◇You must upload the right size
photo,and bring it with you.If it''s too big,our system will refuse
it. |
◇Fill out the form correctly and review
it carefully.Once the application has been submitted,changes cannot
be made.You may be turned back at the window for you to fix the
errors. |
◇Make sure you save the file locally,so
you can download it again if it needs to be corrected. |
DS-160 only replaces the DS-156, DS-157,and DS-158.It does NOT
replace the I-20. |
◇The U.S.is the premier
destination for foreign students,and represents a great educational
bargain |
◇Many Chinese students
receive scholarships |
of the tuition at public universities is covered by US taxpayers
whether or not you are a citizen。 |
◇Fifty percent of the
tuition at private universities is covered by the
school''''''''''''''''s endowment 。 |
◇More than 80% of students
applicants receive visas; more than 90% of graduate students
receive visas。 |
◇ Special Clearances 特别审核 |
Prepared. •For graduate students,bring a detailed résumé,including a list of your publications . •Bring a description of the research you will conduct . •Bring your advisor’s biography . |
◇ Myths
流言 |
•There are quotas for the number of
Chinese students who receive visas. Truth: There is no limit to how many students may receive their visas . |
•The process of applying for a U.S.
visa is too long and troublesome . Truth: Without extra background check, it could take as short as one week to receive your visa. |
•If you have family members in the
U.S., you cannot get a visa . Truth: Family members in the U.S. does not prohibit you from receiving your student visa. It’s a matter of whether you have immigrant intent to join those family members. |
get a visa to the United States you need to major in sciences (or
business), or have a scholarship . Truth: Students with arts degrees and no scholarship get approved every day. |