With a mistress in Shenzhen to buy the name “real estate” than the ...

the vagaries of the property market and stimulate a large number of “speculators” application and photo

“real estate” than the “stocks” more fire Wang Lei photo

Shenzhen into a multi-housing, has been certified for six months on the resale of property rights;近三成housing, sold for more than three years

real estate earnings to more than the stock market it? Whether it is more than the stock market, “Gao Qiang, anti-risk”? Shenzhen, a “real estate” is clearly off the idea fairly representative: “Although the property market also has a policy of risk, but real estate is the physical assets, even if property prices fell a total or have a house. Policy risks and the stock market is horrible, you can be rich overnight, but also a night to become poor wretch … … “In a two-week interview, the reporter learned that there are many stock market investors are initiation of the the idea of returning to the property market.

three six months into a new house owners

projections in accordance with the official statistics, Shenzhen, the first five months of the average house price rose by nearly 20 percent, then in theory The average investment yield buyers should be 15-20 percent or so, What is more, this is only less than half the time. If house prices continue to rise in the second half Shenzhen impressive, then the real estate investment income should be carrying more than 30%. The fact is that the theoretical data is far less than the real situation, to an independent Building, King Tin Area 100 square meters of housing as an example, in January 2007 priced at 1 million, had been in June rose 1.4 million, earnings up to 40%!

According to the Shenzhen Academy of Social Sciences, written by “Blue Book Shenzhen: Shenzhen, China Development Report (2007),” said Shenzhen, property rights certificate issued within six months after the transfer of housing, housing accounted for 30.31 percent of total units; be Property card and 3 years after 3 years or more re-sales of housing, housing accounted for 28.11 percent of total units. This shows that Shenzhen housing resale fast. Housing City high “exchange rate”, reflecting the “real estate family of” fanaticism.


the Shanghai stock market housing market, “seesaw” phenomenon初显increase the volume of housing loans

The concept itself is not careful Do not let the economy “concept”忽悠the price

more money changed hands sooner

reporters last week the “buyer” status, access to a property speculation “master.” At that time, the real estate intermediary agreed to allow reporters to see a set of King is located in Area 105 square meters of the house, the price is only 13,000 yuan / square meters, more than the market average price of 14,000 yuan a lot lower. Echocardiography showed reporters, but said an intermediary for a “business owners”, one would say, “tenants are not at home”, one would say, “the owners to come back from overseas to send key” … … In short, to the grounds, so that reporters could not see room. A week later, the intermediary that the truth finally, the original set of the owner of the house is a professional “speculators”, he has not yet paid the balance due, the property owners on the card with no transfer. After the transfer, such as we are able to give a press showings. In other words, the “owner” has yet to become real owners, on a hurry to find “under the home” a!

According to an intermediary, the sale of second-hand housing to transfer from the transaction completed, to the bank lenders, the total process takes 45 days to 50 days. If the primary owners of red this (housing permits) in hand, to complete the transaction quickly, just about 30 days. End buyers pay a deposit (10% of paying back the principal), the mortgage down payment shall be delivered within 10 days (c into the mortgage down payment, except for the buyer to pay after the deposit is alleged intermediary balance due). This piece of residential in a month ago the average price is 12,000 / square meters. On this basis, the price of this suite a month ago but up to 1.26 million. “master” must pay a deposit 126,000 yuan, together with the commission, deed tax, stamp duty to pay about 57,000 yuan. After 7-cheng from bank loans, the first paragraph 378,000 yuan, 10 days after the 256,000 yuan have to pay the balance due. Before and after the combined, “master” to pay a total of 435,000 yuan. To be sold and selling, this house price up to 1,365,000 yuan. To wait another 45 days to 50 days, bank lending, the “master” to earn 10.5 million, profit margins reached 25%.

Although in terms of price, the suites are not many sub rise. However, according to Real Estate Agents that such occupation “speculators” and the general selling is different, they want is time. Because of policy and market uncertainty, the sooner the better hand, use of time to maximize profits, fear most is the house was “cover” in the hands.

composed of three parts speculators

so many “real estate” is concerned, whether it is from where the smoke come from? Shenzhen real estate veteran who Yuan Pei Zhao told reporters that from Shenzhen’s real estate constitutes a view, largely composed of three parts: First, Shenzhen locals, especially from the stock to “speculators” that some people, the Shenzhen property market which years up fast, local people have put themselves in Shenzhen. “sure to buy a flat appreciation” has become the consensus of the majority of Shenzhen people;

Second, the Yangtze River Delta, “real estate fever” after he moved to the south of Jiangsu and Zhejiang people. These people are “speculation” the experience and strong financial background, it was very hand-ho chaor; Shanghai price control efforts over the past two years have been so “speculation corporation” earn money, then south to Guangdong new battlefield.

Third, Hong Kong’s “Martial Law.” Comparison of concealment of such funds generally do not buy his name. Most are relatives or even the name of “second wife” in the name of buy their own homes; and some organizations in Hong Kong by mainland subsidiaries, large purchasers.

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房地产收益超过股市吗?无论是多股市, “高强,抗风险” ?深圳,一个“不动产”显然是从公平代表的想法: “虽然房地产市场也有风险的政策,但房地产是实物资产,即使房地产价格下跌,总或有一所房子。政策风险和股票市场是可怕的,你可以一夜致富,但也一夜成为穷光蛋… … “在为期两周的采访中,记者了解到,有许多股市投资者正开始的想法回到房地产市场。


预测,根据官方统计,深圳,首五个月的平均房价上涨了近百分之二十,那么从理论上来说,平均投资收益率的买家应该15-20左右,更重要的是,这仅仅是不到一半的时间。如果房价继续上涨下半年深圳令人印象深刻的,那么房地产投资收入应执行30 %以上。事实是,理论数据远远低于实际情况,以一个独立的建筑,景田面积100平方米的住房为例,在2007年1月价格为100万美元,已在6月份上涨了1.4亿美元,盈利增长到40 % !

据深圳市社会科学院撰写的“深圳蓝皮书:深圳市,中国发展报告( 2007年) ,说: ”深圳,产权证发放后的六个月内转让的住房,住房占30.31总额的百分之单位;是物业卡, 3年后3年或更重的销售住房,住房占总数的百分之28.11的单位。这表明,深圳住房转售快。房市高“汇率” ,这反映了“房地产的家庭的”狂热。


上海股市的住房市场, “跷跷板”现象初显量增加住房xx



上周的“买方”的地位,获得炒楼“船长。 “在那个时候,房地产中介同意让记者看到了一套国王位于区一百零五平方米的房子,价格只有1.3万元/平方米,超过了市场平均价格为1.400万元很多更低。超声心动图显示,记者,但他说中介的“企业主” ,一会说: “租户不在家” ,一会说: “业主从海外回流发送键” … …总之,要的理由,因此,记者无法看到房间。一个星期后,中介机构,真相{zh1},原来的房主人是一家专业的“投机者” ,他尚未支付的欠款,业主卡上没有转移。移交后,如我们可以给记者放映。换句话说, “拥有人”尚未成为真正的主人,就急于找到“下家”的!

据中介,买卖二手房转让的交易完成后,向银行xx,整个过程需要45天至50天。如果主要业主红本(房屋证)在手,完成交易快速,只需约30天。为此买家交一定的押金( 10 %支付本金) ,按揭xx首期付款应在10天内交付(三成按揭xx首期付款,但买方支付书交存后据称中介余额) 。这片住宅在一个月前的平均价格是12,000 /平方米。在此基础上,此套件的价格在一个月前,但高于1.26亿美元。 “船长”必须交一定的押金十二点六○万元,加上佣金,契税,印花税,以支付约5.700万元。经过7成来自银行xx,{dy}款37.800万元, 10天之后25.60万元已支付到期余额。之前和之后的结合, “主” ,以支付总计43.5万元。出售和销售,这所房子的价格高达136.50万元。再等45天至50天,银行xx, “师父”获得050万美元,利润率达到25 % 。



如此众多的“不动产”感到关切的是,无论是从那里的烟雾从何而来?深圳房地产资深谁裴照元告诉记者,从深圳的房地产构成看,主要由三部分组成:{dy},深圳本地人,尤其是来自库存的“投机者” ,有些人,深圳房地产市场这几年增长迅速,当地人民把自己在深圳。 “确保一个买楼赞赏”已成为共识,多数深圳人;

第二,长江三角洲, “房地产热”后,他转移到苏南和浙江人民。这些人是“投机”的经验和强有力的金融背景下,这是非常手何绰;上海价格控制方面的努力在过去两年中已如此“投机公司”赚钱,然后向南到广东新的战场。

第三,香港的“戒严令。 ”比较隐瞒这些资金一般不买他的名字。大多数是亲戚,甚至称为“第二个妻子”的名义,购买自己的住房;和一些组织在香港的内地附属公司,大采购商。




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